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Kanye West said Jewish people have blackballed and toyed with him and Black People are also Jewish

I think people should be allowed to do or say whatever they want as long as it isn't some criminal shit.

But Kanye West is a complete idiot and this mental health paradigm is fucking stupid.

Being mentally ill doesn't make you like Trump, hangout with Candace Owens, think you are a god, kiss the ass of White people in the fashion industry, marry a White bitch with a sextape...

Kanye isn't crazy, he isn't manic, he's being who he always was.

Kanye is the type of person that fights for his own cause. Just because he made College Dropout and said George Bush don't care about Black people, lol motherfuckers thought he was Pro-Black.

Kanye only cares about Kanye and that's fine.
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Lol maybe I am fucked up but Kanye in these interviews after he does the antics says some real shit.

He said when it's something bad, like a group of Black people being caught with a gun in the car, everyone goes to jail. But when its something like a record deal, only one Black person gets it.

Basically he's saying our own individual greatness does not extend to the collective but our faults do. I said before, if you wanna be great, you really don't take Black people with as an asset. LeBron is the only motherfucker I seen do it

Kanye has middle class aspiring Black person frustration.

I know a lot of Kanyes...Black people who grow up with the middle class lifestyle without the money, that was ambitious and talented that found out they had to kiss White ass to be get to where they wanna go.

Now they are jaded and resentful because they found out the hard way that there's nothing but White people at the top.

All the Black people are lackeys and ass kissers, that really can't help you since they have no power.

I get it, that shit will make any Black person loss they shit.

Kanye keep saying he gonna free his people and I guess the only way he knows how is being a damn controversy magnet and saying shit he ain't supposed to say.

But this is the downfall of having celebrities being your defacto leaders because they are the only Black people your country sees and gives a fuck about lol.

All these rants Kanye is going on is out of racial frustration and the lack of a political solution to the problem of Black advancement.

Liberals can't help you and conservatives can't help you. Only nationalism can solve this problem.