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Kanye West said Jewish people have blackballed and toyed with him and Black People are also Jewish

...so they were sitting there listening to
No. The Jewish community it’s no more and no less a threat than any other at least to me. The only black people I notice that really bitch about em are either rich, ignorant or attempting to cause more division for their own agenda. The fact that a lot of black people follow KKK talking points when it comes to bad mouthing Jews is just weird to me. There’s no community that’s innocent from racism against us, I treat em all with the same caution…. but still.
They are not our ally and haven’t been for decades.

So it’s hard for me to care for them when you did deep into Financial institutes that’s about buying up all the properties and forcing forever renters and see who’s in charge.

Never forget how Israel came to be and how they are teaching it the history of it.

Bruh I’m not saying you have to care for them it’s literally just telling you how it was used that it. No body trying to make pro Israel
Shid, Kyrie Irving was posting Alex Jones content and folks still still love him

That's because Kyrie's weird ass don't talk, he just post other people's shit.

Starting to think dude is on the autism spectrum because every time he talk it be on some shit that he don't realize everybody does, but he so fascinated by it.
Because it isn't true that they are "financially responsible".

What happened to the Jews in Antiquity before capitalism in Europe and the Middle East was Christians and Muslims viewed banks, debt collectors, tax collectors and accountants, basically all financial services as scummy ass jobs.

Even in the New Testament tax collectors and money exchangers are hated.

Since under Christian and Muslim faith, loaning money and shit and charging an interest is sinful. So anything to do with handling money was frowned upon. It was respectable to earn a living using your hands and skills, not using other people's money. And using other people's money didn't make you rich as fuck back then.

But at the same time, respectable and upstanding jobs weren't accessible to the Jews. They were discriminated against.

So they were forced into getting the jobs that caused public scorn. Then those jobs slowly became respectable and now glamorized under capitalism.

Now you have this professional class of Jews in Europe that were in the family business of being a banker, debt collector, accountant, loaner of money, during the early days of capitalism becoming rich in Europe.

Everyone now really fucking hate them because early capitalism completely destroyed and rebuilt society in Europe and the Jews are the financial drivers of that process. Your father was a respectable shoemaker but now he gotta work in a factory, getting a nickle a day.

Then WW1 happens. Germany loses and blames their depression on greedy Jews. Then the Holocaust happens.

Black people don't understand this because it's stupid White people shit and we would love to be known as bankers, lawyers and shit. But Jews were in the West was pretty much banished to the scummy financial services industry or forced to starve until capitalism came.
Idc about this man

Is being financially literate an insult?
It’s not that hard to get. When them Europeans used to throw Jews out them having money was always a reason. Same way those sane Europeans would make up something about blacks as excuse to burn a city down.

Before niggas start I am not saying Jews and Black Americans have the same struggle.
Niggas want to be right that’s all it is. Why you think niggas in here don’t know shit about other countries and just run with shit.

Like I said, Black people can't understand the levels of racism White people go through against other White people. White people racism against undesired White groups is on a different level of complications.

Lol, we really can't understand how being good with money is an insult.
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...they were literally slaughtered by the millions throughout history in European because people thought they were particularly financially savvy and conniving.

So yeah, in their case, it's insulting.

I view it like this you know when white folks would say we athletic or some type of natural warrior and we knew they used that type of shit against when they felt the need.
And I'll say this about Jews in relation to Black people, since I was there when Black people and Jews used to be close.

Jews were the only group of White immigrant that was unable to assimilate into White society by the 1960s because their reputation was that bad. So they became our bankers, landlords, business managers, agents because White people wouldn't fuck with them, yet they still had that professional class and we need those services.

Jewish liberals found an affinity with Black folks and we had an alliance, and they funded the Civil Rights movement.

We were pretty much their foot soldiers in order to integrate into White society. Jews stopped fucking with Black people and abandoned us after King was assassinated and the Civil Rights Movement went with him.

They were still our landlords, bankers and business managers, but now they were fully White but with the Jewish card.

That's when Black people up north started having animosity towards Jews. Remember, the NOI was started in Detroit, headquartered in Chicago and had a stronghold in NYC and were staunchly against Jews for that reason after the Civil Rights Movement. Then they uncovered their involvement in the slave trade.
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I view it like this you know when white folks would say we athletic or some type of natural warrior and we knew they used that type of shit against when they felt the need.

Yeah like how White people basically described Trayvon Martin as a trained assassin that was beating George Zimmerman to death.

White people say shit like Black men super strong, got giant penises, got outrageous sexual stamina...and dudes be eating that shit up...

I'm like you know White men been fantasizing about that shit since we came on the boats and that's why they lynched us into the thousands lol..
They started saying we got big dicks, super strong, can fuck all night, misses go down there and rape the male slave, have the mulatto baby and now he gotta lynch him and cut his dick off.

A lot of "positive" racial stereotypes got bodies behind it lol.
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