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Kanye West said Jewish people have blackballed and toyed with him and Black People are also Jewish

tbh i kinda feel sorry for these young 30 sum things who really "grew up" on kayne. And to see what he has become.

Its sad. But im ready to move on. This been in the news cycle long enuff
The stupidest part of 'antisemitism' is that they financially responsible

Who wouldn't want that associated with they character?
I wonder if anyone stepped up and aired that clown ass negro out.. when he was spewing his MAGA coon shit.. Or did niggas just sit there looking dumb.. If it’s the latter maybe they’re really just trying to protect the niggas who were to stanish in the moment to step up.. Because if a nigga was able break that negro down like that nigga on TMZ did.. I would think you would want that shit out there just to embarrass KoonYe publicly…
I don't think they did and that's the reason it's not being aired cause it makes everyone in that room look bad that they didn't check Kanye
The stupidest part of 'antisemitism' is that they financially responsible

Who wouldn't want that associated with they character?

Because it isn't true that they are "financially responsible".

What happened to the Jews before capitalism in Europe and the Middle East was Christians and Muslims viewed banks, debt collectors, tax collectors and accountants, basically all financial services as scummy ass jobs.

Even in the New Testament tax collectors and money exchangers are hated.

Since under Christian and Muslim faith, loaning money and shit and charging an interest is sinful. So anything to do with handling money was frowned upon. It was respectable to earn a living using your hands and skills, not using other people's money. And using other people's money didn't make you rich as fuck back then.

But at the same time, respectable and upstanding jobs weren't accessible to the Jews. They were discriminated against.

So they were forced into getting the jobs that caused public scorn. Then those jobs slowly became respectable and now glamorized under capitalism.

Now you have this professional class of Jews in Europe that were in the family business of being a banker, debt collector, accountant, loaner of money, during the early days of capitalism becoming rich in Europe.

Everyone now really fucking hate them because early capitalism completely destroyed and rebuilt society in Europe and the Jews were the financial drivers of that process. Your father was a respectable shoemaker but now he gotta work in a factory, getting a nickle a day.

Then WW1 happens. Germany loses and blames their depression on greedy Jews. Then the Holocaust happens.

Black people don't understand this because it's stupid White people shit and we would love to be known as bankers, lawyers and shit. But Jews were in the West was pretty much banished to the scummy financial services industry or forced to starve until capitalism came.
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Dwayne you do know Jews having was used on attacks against them historically.

They are not our ally and haven’t been for decades.

So it’s hard for me to care for them when you did deep into Financial institutes that’s about buying up all the properties and forcing forever renters and see who’s in charge.

Never forget how Israel came to be and how they are teaching it the history of it.
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So when is someone gonna step in? Enough is enough. Thai is the guy that clearly needs to be under a conservatorship.
Dwayne you do know Jews having was used on attacks against them historically.

Lol shit is kinda funny in a dark comedic way.

European country: Fuck, the Jews are here.

Jews: Just integrate us into society.

European country: No, no, no, just go collect money and shit. Leave the respectable jobs to actual Europeans.

Years pass

European country: These greedy Jews are ruining our great country.

It doesn't help that the Jewish religion is absolutely defined by the distrust and sometimes hatred of non-Jews.

Lol, and they call themselves the chosen people.

It's hard to integrate them in society back when they were pretty much a clan, wandering from one place to the next, with a religion that makes them closed off but elitist.

Still doesn't justify discriminating against them and shit but you see why most of them in the West are now secular and try to blend in with regular White folks.