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Kanye West said Jewish people have blackballed and toyed with him and Black People are also Jewish

lol they told him to take his money n gtfoh. smh,


racist idiot coons arent allowed bank any mo?
The CEO wife is Jewish.

He gotta ride for her Lololololol
Don’t know how youre making the reach of me saying gangs ain’t just for poor to this situation.

but if you think that, you got it.

In that thread I said that classism is always gonna exist and that there's always gonna be a clash between have and have nots. Which is what you said in this thread. That's nothing to do with gangs.
The CEO wife is Jewish.

He gotta ride for her Lololololol

HA!!! I woulda told that old dried up heffer...

"bitch!! How tf you think we can afford all this nice shit and send our kids to these over priced universities? Huh bitch!? I dont give af if he breaks in n kills our family dog. Im keepin that dumb rich n words money!"
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Also let’s no act like white folks or white passing are not mainly Jewish these days and hold the same type of ill will towards us.

They don’t want us in their neighborhoods and also taking over our neighborhoods

Bruh... I want to reply to this but you're sounding more and more like a nazi the more you talk so I'm gonna just let you do your thing.
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And there we have it.

This motherfucker thought he could just show random porno videos to whoever the fuck was standing near him at the time and they realized he was a liability and cut him off and now all of a sudden he hates jews because in his rabbit brain they control the banks.

Let me tell you guys more info about me than I feel comfortable with... I work for a fortune 200 company that owns at least one bank and I hate to tell you this but Jewish people don't run that shit or anywhere near close. I'm sure the people that really own banks and large swaths of wealth love that you direct your hate to their historical enemy but for reasons that @ZMaKEa already pointed out in this thread that's some outdated shit that hasn't really applied since the middle ages.

Keep being footsoldiers for white supremacy though.