Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth 🇭🇹
So far this documentary is a boring account of Biblical lineage... this person begot that person and became this group over there lol. So far it's not Anti Semitic
Like if all this started because Kyrie posted a doc that challenges the mainstream origins of the biblical tribes...then this is way dumber than I thought.
Saying that you don't believe a group or religious sector of people are the true people is not racist.
And so far that's what I am understanding to be the issue. Is that Kyrie posted something that says "blacks" are the real jews and ppl saying that is antisemitic....scoffs
Like this aint new history....anybody black with curiosity and a Christian upbringing investigates these things. I know i did...first thing you notice is how what the Bible saying and history don't line up. Like it's crazy that he is getting all this cus he saying jews is black basically
Now I have not heard all or really any of Kyrie interviews so if he said some shit there then I digress lol.
In America you get overly taught on the Holocaust and how horrible the jewish community were treated and having you read Anne Frank every year lol...that you don't even associate them with the Bible and all historical things that happen before the Holocaust.
And yes generalization of a group or stereotype is not "fair" but it's not anti jew. It's truth seeking imo.
Lol we don't hate on the ppl who believe the earth is flat and say your beliefs are anti- round earth believers and banish them. We may tear down there points with truth or facts.
This whole thing seems stupid to me.
I already said in this thread I'm going by point by point. I'm already building off on years of learning from hebrew Israelites and learning of movements of jewish culture. So this isn't I'm first listening to some of these talking points but 15 years of engagement.
He has a lot of information and I'm researching into his claims. He deals with linguistics, genetics, genealogies , and etc to name a few. It would be impossible just to break it down within a few minutes. You need hours alone dissecting it.
The Tamil and malayann languages I'm going to get into that. I don't think he is being deceiving but just way out of his league in a lot of shit he is doing.
You know there's different sects of Hebrew Israelites that believe in different things right?
Not all are the same
Don't focus on the ones dressing like superheroes with the 12 tribe chart. I've been seeing those guys since the late 80s. One sect lives a block way from me. When I have questions I ask.
They are parallels in linguistics when he compares the Tamil language. He's off a little bit. Any Tamil person can point that out but will still say it's mostly correct with the connections
He doesn't go too deep into the Haplogroup talk neither. Just gives you the basic stuff.
The film is a good prerequisite for starters.
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