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Kanye West said Jewish people have blackballed and toyed with him and Black People are also Jewish

Black Americans are easily preyed upon because they think they can escape who they are and where they come from.

There's an entire industries dedicated into confusing Black Americans that there's an out.

On one side you got these conscious community weirdos that got Black Americans in La La Land thinking they the same people that built pyramids and shit. Or they are Jews or Native Americans or whatever the fuck else other than descandants of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.

On the other side you got the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion industry telling them if they are just try hard and put their faith in the system and "Good White People" there's nothing they can't achieve.

Or you got the Conservative Whites that just turns motherfuckers into Kanye. "Come this side Black man, we won't patronize you like the liberal Whites."

Black Americans need lineage therapy sessions, detailing who and what we are, starting from the slave trade in Africa, so they won't be confused thinking they were kings and queens when the kings and queens sold them.

Mansa Musa sold your ass and African kings like him is the reason why George Floyd got choked out. Fuck Mansa Musa, the richest Black man ever was slave trader. Why you proud about someone that got rich selling people like you? That's the confusion Black Americans have.

You can't beat the odds if you don't know what the odds are. You can't defend yourself if you don't know who your enemy is. And you can't fight if you don't know who you are.

I want Black Americans to have their identity crisis of figuring out what it means to be Black under the supervision of Black professional historians, political theorists and psychologists.

Not fucking YouTubers telling them bullshit. No bullshit documentaries. Not bullshit cult groups.

Black folks be killing me, talking about we can be anything we wanna be and shit and I am like no the fuck you can't. Nobody overcomes society through sheer will and individual ere. You go crazy trying.

There's a reason why the old folks say All I gotta do is stay Black and die. The old folks knew about being Black. They knew about Klansmen, race riots, and segregation. They knew about slavery because they grandma and grandpa was buried in the cemetery where the plantation was. They just wanted to be left alone from White folks. They weren't happy, they ain't have much, but they knew who the fuck they were and they had each other.

Black folks don't know how to be Black no more and they end up fucked up. Black folks think they can go to good White schools, make good White money, fuck on a White bitch or a White boy, live in a White neighborhood and think they soul ain't gonna come out damaged.

Jews indoctrinate their people into who they are. We need to do the same thing.

Black wealth in America about to be zero and trending in the negative after us Boomers die. We got all the fucking money and actually the most successful generation of Black Americans. The rest of the generations ain't do shit. Partly becaues we knew who the fuck we are and we didn't tell the generations after us who they were because we wanted them to do and be anything Future generations ain't gonna have no money, but they better have pride in themselves and know how to live in America.

Tell us where black folks in America came from...
Tell us their history tracing
I remember seeing that part. The producer had lost me as to what even the point was when that came up. I seen what the text said, but it wasn’t clear why he was showing it. Either this was by design as he was being intentionally ambiguous (which is kinda stupid for a “doc” to do) or again it’s the overall poor compositional flow and editing that makes it hard to gauge what he’s getting at, like a few other parts.

Unless I missed a part where the producer specifically says he agrees and shares the views of what they quoted, quoting a source no matter how racist doesn’t automatically mean you agree and hold their views. You have to allow him that space.

You do make good points, but the fact of the matter even if it isn't its purpose you have included racist points in his documentary. We would go ballistic if it was a white dude downplaying slavery or the slave trade.
It's not but since you brought that up will you deny jews being involved in the slave trade like the protocols of zion emphasizes?

There was Jews in the slave trade and owning enslaved Africans like there was Africans heavily involved in the slave trade and owning slaves themselves in Africa and America. Let's us not act if there was modus operandi of all Jews cause they all didn't participate.
There was Jews in the slave trade and owning enslaved Africans like there was Africans heavily involved in the slave trade and owning slaves themselves in Africa and America. Let's us not act if there was modus operandi of all Jews cause they all didn't participate.
Holy crap... no you did not just compare and say black folks own slaves too. There is no comparison man.
Yo, you sure you wanna ride on that?
You made a thread about Dave chappelle and them jews playing victim and coming for his head too with antisemitism.
Will you post that?
All Dave did was say what ye and ky said but smarter.

You my brother and Brother dalton is my brother, but I gotta go in and that documentary was the epitome of cherry picking to the point I'm thinking either ignorant or deceptive.
Slavery is a human thing, now Chattel slavery is a western European venture yes. But humans do foul shit period there is no magic but choices.
Like I said. There's no comparison.
Show me blacks folks doing the same
Ansley Davis & David Wise are Jewish.
There's more


You my brother and Brother dalton is my brother, but I gotta go in and that documentary was the epitome of cherry picking to the point I'm thinking either ignorant or deceptive.
We good.
I'm glad we can debate & have a dialogue like men.
Go in on him.
Many like the film which is 4.7 in reviews in Amazon. And few will dislike it. It's subjective
You won't be the only one. Just late to the party.
You know he's on Clubhouse right?
He goes by Moses Levi. He approachable and willing to debate. You bold enough to make videos and be very critical right? You should have no problem speaking and getting in contact with him. He's doing interviews.
I got into it with him because he found I leaked his movie in thecoli, boxden, and clubhouse.
So you could've gotten it from me 4 free😁.

The movie drags out its point when it comes to tracing black history. I think it's best to listen to it while your doing something and I listened to it while working. If something caught my ear I would rewind it back, pause, and look up stuff to see if it true. I've already dissected this movie and posted it in this forum. How you dissect it in such a short time having bullet points similar to tabloids like Rolling Stone?

The movie is 3 hrs and 28 min and spends no more than 4 minutes highlighting objective Jewish writers telling people the truth about them. Yet it's deemed antisemitic.
You know how many objective jews I spoke to on clubhouse that said some stuff are true in that doc?
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So far this documentary is a boring account of Biblical lineage... this person begot that person and became this group over there lol. So far it's not Anti Semitic

Like if all this started because Kyrie posted a doc that challenges the mainstream origins of the biblical tribes...then this is way dumber than I thought.

Saying that you don't believe a group or religious sector of people are the true people is not racist.

And so far that's what I am understanding to be the issue. Is that Kyrie posted something that says "blacks" are the real jews and ppl saying that is antisemitic....scoffs

Like this aint new history....anybody black with curiosity and a Christian upbringing investigates these things. I know i did...first thing you notice is how what the Bible saying and history don't line up. Like it's crazy that he is getting all this cus he saying jews is black basically

Now I have not heard all or really any of Kyrie interviews so if he said some shit there then I digress lol.

In America you get overly taught on the Holocaust and how horrible the jewish community were treated and having you read Anne Frank every year lol...that you don't even associate them with the Bible and all historical things that happen before the Holocaust.

And yes generalization of a group or stereotype is not "fair" but it's not anti jew. It's truth seeking imo.

Lol we don't hate on the ppl who believe the earth is flat and say your beliefs are anti- round earth believers and banish them. We may tear down there points with truth or facts.

This whole thing seems stupid to me.
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Like I said. There's no comparison.
Show me blacks folks doing the same
Ansley Davis & David Wise are Jewish.
There's more


We good.
I'm glad we can debate & have a dialogue like men.
Go in on him.
Many like the film which is 4.7 in reviews in Amazon. And few will dislike it. It's subjective
You won't be the only one. Just late to the party.
You know he's on Clubhouse right?
He goes by Moses Levi. He approachable and willing to debate. You bold enough to make videos and be very critical right? You should have no problem speaking and getting in contact with him. He's doing interviews.
I got into it with him because he found I leaked his movie in thecoli, boxden, and clubhouse.
So you could've gotten it from me 4 free😁.

The movie drags out its point when it comes to tracing black history. I think it's best to listen to it while your doing something and I listened to it while working. If something caught my ear I would rewind it back, pause, and look up stuff to see if it true. I've already dissected this movie and posted it in this forum. How you dissect it in such a short time having bullet points similar to tabloids like Rolling Stone?

The movie is 3 hrs and 28 min and spends no more than 4 minutes highlighting objective Jewish writers telling people the truth about them. Yet it's deemed antisemitic.
You know how many objective jews I spoke to on clubhouse that said some stuff are true in that doc?

I already said in this thread I'm going by point by point. I'm already building off on years of learning from hebrew Israelites and learning of movements of jewish culture. So this isn't I'm first listening to some of these talking points but 15 years of engagement.

He has a lot of information and I'm researching into his claims. He deals with linguistics, genetics, genealogies , and etc to name a few. It would be impossible just to break it down within a few minutes. You need hours alone dissecting it.

The Tamil and malayann languages I'm going to get into that. I don't think he is being deceiving but just way out of his league in a lot of shit he is doing.
Also, I don't think just because you are a jew you can speak for the whole ethnic group like as a black person. Got to show receipts and expertise. So I will use other expertise.

I don't say its anti jewish themes in there just lightly, I read mein kampf and racist white folk rhetoric and it has quotes from certain individuals who hate jews.

If he had done his research properly I hope he wouldn't have used none of them.