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Kanye West said Jewish people have blackballed and toyed with him and Black People are also Jewish

I don’t get why It ain’t just good enough for some of y’all that we are Black.

not to get on some black pride platform....but the whole world been sucking the black Americans dick since We got out of bondage in American slavery.

all the music...black or European....but what’s the pop music...black derived...yep....they stopped singing opera and playing piano and started singing soul music or sounding like us. Michael, Prince, Beyoncé, Biggie, Wu-tang, pac, 50 and even Fucking Bone Thug set the trends for music and dance and entertainment for the WoRLD....mother fuckers twerking in Russia and playing dance hall...saw that shit with my own BLACK eyes.

most popular athletes - black....Ali and JORDAN is larger than the Pope... Kobe was most popular athlete in a China and they had Yao-

most popular moral leaders....yep MLK and to a much lesser Malcolm....but MLK is a world wide symbol on the level of Buddha- his picture is right there next to Jesus and Buddha when people talk about great spiritual leaders

Obama is considered the next great American WORLD leader right there with JFK and Lincoln....and the last great American leader....the world laughing at trump and Biden.... Obama is Harvard and Columbia educated with a JD...giving him creditability in Asian and India as an elite educated man and in Europe he is considered morally upright and liberal minded...like Europeans aspire to be....

I ain’t gonna getting into Oprah and all that - and everyone chappell

And then there is Me...I’m a motherfuckin G....

and since I have traveled the world and met people from every where, the things that are consistent....

the admiration of the Black American and what we have brought to the world as a people.
The jealousy that people have about our overall resilience to survive the BS we endured

and physical strength and beauty. In India and Japan people touching my hair and arms like I’m a mythical god..and if you think that’s racist... the guys mad because their women touching a black man....cause we the shit! Not cause they hate us....get someone alone and have a real conversation- real conversation- “black people have BIG LIPS..yuck” while they on their way to lip injection treatments....”black people have big asses..gross”...on their way to BBL appointments

I don’t need to be a moor or a hebrew....naw I’m good being a black man...and America black man... I have been to Africa - Ghana, Ethiopia and Nigeria... they don’t really see us as them...so ? Fuck them too...IF THeY FEEL that way about African Americans...

black American people gotta stop looking to be in someone else’s club... we good...

Dos don’t yell at me bro...you just got me thinking and pissed
Thinking about what? Before I respond
LeCoon. He could have sat back and said nothing like other people were doing and just waited for the dust to settle a little bit. Instead he chose to hop right on the disassociation train condemn kyrie and helped expedite the fuckery. Now he's walking it back cause other nba players taking a stand. This guys a fuck nigga.
Or maybe he watched the movie
I don’t know you personally but Ye ain’t no more special than me and mines.

We do big shit, he does HUGE shit...but we all just out here doing things that make us happy and trying to make the most of our lives. I’m from the mud in the DMV, but I have accomplished some shit and I have seen some things.

I assume Ye and a ton of people on this board either have done some amazing shit cause they older Or WILL because they young and driven... Ye makes it seem like he my messiah cause he dropped and album and made some gear when Wu-tang did both too...he ain’t doing nothing that hasn’t been done and will be done again...

Man... I’m about to get killed here on this board but not only Fuck Ye.... But Kap didn’t follow through and I’m not really a fan of that form of activism

Kap took a knee,... which was solid,..but then he didn’t say much anything beyond that... he didn’t pivot from football into leadership for the cause. If you take a knee and lose your job for it, you gotta follow up and push the agenda that you lost millions over. So he just became a martyr and then tried to come back to play ball, but never said anything or did much with his platform. so I’m not really impressed with Kap...personally- he is aight...but what did he do? What happened? What changed? I ain’t giving kap a participation trophy for bringing awareness...and I don’t think the panthers of the past would either. Do or don’t do...there is no try.

what does it say about us that the white people shut Kanye down and black people didn’t or couldn’t? Nothing, I ain’t gonna strap up and go after Ye and ruin my life, and I didn’t have a contract with him so I can’t void it. But I definitely stopped buying his stuff when he said that crazy slave stuff...and I have the Bulugas, the original Turtle dove, black pirates and even his season two boots! It hurt me to stop wearing his amazing designs because of his coonery...
I agree on the kap thing.
bruh got his loot
Played the image up a bit more and got ghost.
LeCoon. He could have sat back and said nothing like other people were doing and just waited for the dust to settle a little bit. Instead he chose to hop right on the disassociation train condemn kyrie and helped expedite the fuckery. Now he's walking it back cause other nba players taking a stand. This guys a fuck nigga.

Did you hear what his comments even were? He didn't condemn Kyrie and basically said what he put in that tweet. His statement was actually more about himself and that Shop episode with Kanye than Kyrie.