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Kanye West said Jewish people have blackballed and toyed with him and Black People are also Jewish

If I was Kyrie I'm not apologizing nor sending money to a organization that would watch my people get killed on camera and not say a gawdamn word. Yet I have to give these clowns 500k (be it a nice tax write off), apologize, and jump thru even more hoops after all that to bounce a fucking ball for a bunch of people who only fuck with me because I can make said ball go in a hole. FOH nigga

Homie worth a 100mil or more I'd bow out gracefully give niggas the deuce and enjoy the rest of my life minding my business on somebody's island. Without a fuck to give

The ADL did speak out in support of George Floyd, Breona Taylor and Ahmaud Aubrey and even spoke out against people coming to the BLM protests causing chaos under the guise of support.

If Kyrie actually held the stance that people want him to then there's no way he'd actually be playing for the Nets at all. If he really wanted to call out hypocrisy in the way he claims then he'd go straight at the team owner/current employer.

This is why I also think, it may be them going hard because he said things and couldn’t properly articulate the whys. So in theory they are playing to our brushing off someone who’s not really quick on their feet mentally when questioned. It’s the same with ye. He can hang more, but throw in a Kim and his kids question and he seems to short circuit. They slow walked Kanye’s bashing.

Sayjng he stalked Kim, when any of us would fight for our family.

even on here dudes claim he bought the house across from her so that made him a stalker. Come to find out his dad was taken out of his life and he wanted to do rich nigga shit to see his kids. But they ain’t tell you that part. Kim is playing this up and knows how he feels about his kids. All a sudden she’s the innocent white girl and he’s the aggressive black man.

y’all don’t think it’s strange Pete ,a drug addict and pedo jokester had Kanye’s daughter in his lap and it was blasted all over tv. They talked about fucking in front of a fire place? This is to set him off and fit right into the , he’s crazy narrative. Understand what conveyorship(sp) is.
the moment kanye begins to make sense, we will all be reminded he said slavery sounds like a choice, or Harriet Tubman didn’t free black people or George Floyd conspiracy.

They are playing on the things that causes us to react emotionally to steer and spin a narrative cuz most of us can’t think when we dealing with our emotions.
It was Protestantism + Calvinism that was imposed on us. Neither of those spins of doctrine are upheld/taught in the Bible, but they used the Bible in non-orthodox way to teach things upheld in those sects.
Anyone that is a Christian today the way the Bible prescribes to become a Christian has become one completely voluntarily and with full understanding of why they’re doing it. There’s no way to enter the covenant unwittingly without knowing what you’re doing and still become Christian.
This kinda goes into the realm of being captured vs being born into slavery.
if you are captured, your fight for freedom….being born into it, that’s all you know and very few will question it. And it becomes more of the norm with each generation. Until feed slaves would rather be a slave than to go out and learn to live without massa cuz that’s all they know. So it kinda sounds like a choice at that point because we would be trapped mentally. That doesn’t mean we are stupid….just trapped.
This is why I also think, it may be them going hard because he said things and couldn’t properly articulate the whys. So in theory they are playing to our brushing off someone who’s not really quick on their feet mentally when questioned. It’s the same with ye. He can hang more, but throw in a Kim and his kids question and he seems to short circuit. They slow walked Kanye’s bashing.

Sayjng he stalked Kim, when any of us would fight for our family.

even on here dudes claim he bought the house across from her so that made him a stalker. Come to find out his dad was taken out of his life and he wanted to do rich nigga shit to see his kids. But they ain’t tell you that part. Kim is playing this up and knows how he feels about his kids. All a sudden she’s the innocent white girl and he’s the aggressive black man.

y’all don’t think it’s strange Pete ,a drug addict and pedo jokester had Kanye’s daughter in his lap and it was blasted all over tv. They talked about fucking in front of a fire place? This is to set him off and fit right into the , he’s crazy narrative. Understand what conveyorship(sp) is.
the moment kanye begins to make sense, we will all be reminded he said slavery sounds like a choice, or Harriet Tubman didn’t free black people or George Floyd conspiracy.

They are playing on the things that causes us to react emotionally to steer and spin a narrative cuz most of us can’t think when we dealing with our emotions.

Kyrie isn't an idiot. He can very much articulate his thoughts on things in a clear and concise manner. Problem is he was asked about something he actually didn't know about and wasn't actually prepared to discuss and that's on nobody but him. Kyrie is smart as hell, he just thinks he's smarter than everyone else.

Also just because you can explain somebody's actions ie Kanye still don't mean what they're doing doesn't get criticism. It just means you know why they're doing the shit they're doing. You can't talk about that Kim/Pete shit without also talking about Ye traveling the world with new white woman after white woman. That nigga wasn't sitting at home, he was out openly fucking other women too.
If I was Kyrie I'm not apologizing nor sending money to a organization that would watch my people get killed on camera and not say a gawdamn word. Yet I have to give these clowns 500k (be it a nice tax write off), apologize, and jump thru even more hoops after all that to bounce a fucking ball for a bunch of people who only fuck with me because I can make said ball go in a hole. FOH nigga

Homie worth a 100mil or more I'd bow out gracefully give niggas the deuce and enjoy the rest of my life minding my business on somebody's island. Without a fuck to give
Cuz he can do all that and they still say no. Add to that the pressure if all the people he may take care off…..which is another topic. That’s why a lot of people not speaking up. Their hands are tied because they are the bread winner of whole families, extended fam and everything. We never talk about that pressure. These athletes get it from above and below.
make it out…… and all that pressure makes a diamond. Nice and shiny but worth only the value that’s placed on it. But looking inside that diamond, only the imperfections are seen. Why look for the imperfections? To devalue the diamond.
Kyrie isn't an idiot. He can very much articulate his thoughts on things in a clear and concise manner. Problem is he was asked about something he actually didn't know about and wasn't actually prepared to discuss and that's on nobody but him. Kyrie is smart as hell, he just thinks he's smarter than everyone else.

Also just because you can explain somebody's actions ie Kanye still don't mean what they're doing doesn't get criticism. It just means you know why they're doing the shit they're doing. You can't talk about that Kim/Pete shit without also talking about Ye traveling the world with new white woman after white woman. That nigga wasn't sitting at home, he was out openly fucking other women too.
This is all correct.
But one thing.
well a few.
I think we all think we smart. Or the smartest at some point. Shutting down when questioned about something doesn’t make you less smart. It just shows the person asking is not important enough to waste time on.
and for ye, yea he was banging broads…that dont mean he don’t have triggers that can be manipulated.
that’s like you still loving your ex wife but her new nigga drops off the kids cuz she knows it gets to you. And nigga all in the pics on IG doing and sayjng questionable then he with your kids.
I think any man worth anything would be bothered.
yes, his movements should be questioned but then context matters.
that’s the common theme with anything with black men. The context.
It’s funny… I started out in this thread on Team “Fuck Kanye”. Still am to a certain extent. I feel like he actually deserved the smoke he got.

But this Kyrie situation done flipped me all the way to @DOS_patos side. The backlash for him is wild excessive. So much so that it low key let Kanye slide out the back door on us, if he can manage to keep his mouth shut a few weeks.
i don’t even need to load the rest…..welcome to the dark side
Have any basketball players come out and say, anything about Irving and try so called punishment being so over the top?
Cuz he can do all that and they still say no. Add to that the pressure if all the people he may take care off…..which is another topic. That’s why a lot of people not speaking up. Their hands are tied because they are the bread winner of whole families, extended fam and everything. We never talk about that pressure. These athletes get it from above and below.
make it out…… and all that pressure makes a diamond. Nice and shiny but worth only the value that’s placed on it. But looking inside that diamond, only the imperfections are seen. Why look for the imperfections? To devalue the diamond.

People do talk about that. I vividly remember people using the bold as a talking point when the Clippers/Warriors didn't boycott over Sterling comments and people who used that pov were in turn told "they're already multimillionaire. How much more money do they need?".
People do talk about that. I vividly remember people using the bold as a talking point when the Clippers/Warriors didn't boycott over Sterling comments and people who used that pov were in turn told "they're already multimillionaire. How much more money do they need?".
Well, I stand corrected.
This is all correct.
But one thing.
well a few.
I think we all think we smart. Or the smartest at some point. Shutting down when questioned about something doesn’t make you less smart. It just shows the person asking is not important enough to waste time on.
and for ye, yea he was banging broads…that dont mean he don’t have triggers that can be manipulated.
that’s like you still loving your ex wife but her new nigga drops off the kids cuz she knows it gets to you. And nigga all in the pics on IG doing and sayjng questionable then he with your kids.
I think any man worth anything would be bothered.
yes, his movements should be questioned but then context matters.
that’s the common theme with anything with black men. The context.

Shutting down when asked can mean that...it can also mean the person simply doesn't know what they're talking about. Same as when somebody tries to use big words because they sound good but don't know how to actually use them in context or what they mean.

I'm all for context matters which is why I can see the differences in someone like Kanye situation vs Kyrie. Both are self inflicted and ego driven...but with Kanye you have a person who has continually shown that they're only out for self. He's only pro Black when he feels it will benefit him. Any other time he's trying to cozy up to as many white people as possible.

Kyrie as misguided as he may be at times seemingly comes from a place of goodwill. Which is also part of the reason people reacted the way they did because despite all the shit from the past few years Kyrie always seemed to offset that conspiracy theory bullshit he tends to fall victim to with actual real-world tangible acts of kindness.

Good article on this whole situation with Kyrie

The Brooklyn Nets have decided that Kyrie Irving is “not fit to associate” with their team for five games because he posted an anti-Semitic video called Hebrews to Negroes. Following Irving’s apology on Instagram—after he failed to apologize to the media twice—the team laid out a set of conditions for him to return that seem designed to ensure that if he refuses, it could mean the end of his career. I wrote about the politics of the film—and, more importantly, the white supremacist forces celebrating Kyrie—last week. But suffice it to say, seeing the film, which denies the Holocaust and claims that Jews worship Satan, atop Amazon’s charts has Nazi message boards in a tizzy of joy. It’s like a giggling popularity contest between boosters of Elon, Tucker, Kanye, and Kyrie.

Whether Kyrie believes the mythologies presented in Hebrews to Negroes is one issue. But his inability to disavow his fascist cheering section is distressing. Even more disturbing is that neither the Nets nor the NBA have pressed him on this point. Their silence on the broader political implications of the film’s new popularity has created a dynamic: The Nets and the league seem primarily concerned with the hurt feelings of their Jewish fan base, not addressing the political climate of white supremacist rage, which is precisely what makes the film’s ideas so dangerous.

They will not address the climate, because then they would have to address their own complicity in its creation. They would have to address why they are fine with the DeVos family, which owns the Orlando Magic, bankrolling groups on the Christian right, including the work of fascistic Blackwater founder Erik Prince whose sister, Betsy DeVos, was the education secretary under Trump. They would have to address why 81 percent of political money spent by franchise owners flowed to the GOP in 2020, with several sending small fortunes to the election denier, coup plotter, and bigot in chief Donald Trump. The orange fascist has done more to whip up hatred against oppressed groups, including American-born Jews, than Kyrie could in a 1,000 lifetimes. Yet the league will provide a home for a right-wing union-busting billionaire like the Trump-loving Tilman Fertitta of the Houston Rockets.
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Then there is Nets billionaire owner Joseph Tsai, cofounder of the company Alibaba, which, according to an ESPN report, financially supported the “cultural genocide” of Uyghur Muslims. Tsai insisted on meeting with Irving to “educate” him about the perils of anti-Semitism. (For some reason, Tsai is “fit to associate” with the Brooklyn Nets.) Then there is the Anti-Defamation League, which returned a $500,000 donation from Irving and is one of the arbiters of Kyrie’s repentance. The ADL, which is presented in the press as if it’s the Jewish version of the NAACP, is an organization with its own history of attacks against Black leaders and virulent anti-Palestinian bigotry. (I strongly encourage people to read this piece in the Boston Review by Emmaia Gelman about the history of the ADL.

None of this is to give Kyrie a pass. I don’t believe in “whataboutism,” where the sins of one are absolved by the sins of their enemies. But it is to point out that those standing in judgment of him are some of the worst actors in our politics.

This is why I oppose the fines and suspensions against Kyrie. All they do is turn him into a martyr and make the film that much more attractive to the fascist-curious. ...

Then what do you do? The only way to fight anti-Semitism is by linking it to broader fights against racism and oppression. (And solidarity to my Black Jewish friends who find themselves straddling these identities in highly divisive times.) This won’t happen by making Kyrie a martyr.

The only way we can make these links is to both condemn this video while also condemning the anti-Black racism of the response, not to mention the anti-Black racism that constantly goes ignored. When Israeli ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan expressed joy that Kyrie was “put in his place,” that was anti-Black racism, and it should be condemned.