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Kanye West said Jewish people have blackballed and toyed with him and Black People are also Jewish

Lol so now niggas gonna tell us we don’t see what we are seeing?

Lol so now niggas gonna tell us we don’t see what we are seeing?

I mean we saw in real time Kyrie put up a documentary he didn't watch, say he has an influential platform then say he has no influence, then not answer direct questions that could've easily cleared all this up...had he actually known what he was talking about.

There's plenty of blame to go around in this. Amazon should be and is getting criticism for hosting the documentary, though removing it as some defending Kyrie suggests should happen would also call into play how much they value the freedom of speech they're advocating for Kyrie. There's the Nets with their moral grandstanding when their team owner won't mention anything going on in China with the Muslim camps. There's Nike being Nike. There's people using legit antisemitic talking points and trying to show Hitler was cool with Black people trying to show how pro Black they are in defense of Kyrie that he himself has said he doesn't agree with. This whole thing is a shitshow.
It’s funny… I started out in this thread on Team “Fuck Kanye”. Still am to a certain extent. I feel like he actually deserved the smoke he got.

But this Kyrie situation done flipped me all the way to @DOS_patos side. The backlash for him is wild excessive. So much so that it low key let Kanye slide out the back door on us, if he can manage to keep his mouth shut a few weeks.
I disagree with the notion that Black people who are ashamed of their heritage are looking for a better one. I think most of those Black people are trying to figure out our heritage.

I don't like when I see Black people questioning other Black people are may disagree about our ancestry while looking for answers about how we got to where we are now and where we started.

This reminds me of how Christianity was indoctrinate on us during slavery and not by choice. So now Christianity is very promenant amongs Black people but that shit is just as muddied as our slave owning last names.

I disagree with the notion that Black people who are ashamed of their heritage are looking for a better one. I think most of those Black people are trying to figure out our heritage.

I don't like when I see Black people questioning other Black people are may disagree about our ancestry while looking for answers about how we got to where we are now and where we started.

This reminds me of how Christianity was indoctrinate on us during slavery and not by choice. So now Christianity is very promenant amongs Black people but that shit is just as muddied as our slave owning last names.

It was Protestantism + Calvinism that was imposed on us. Neither of those spins of doctrine are upheld/taught in the Bible, but they used the Bible in non-orthodox way to teach things upheld in those sects.
Anyone that is a Christian today the way the Bible prescribes to become a Christian has become one completely voluntarily and with full understanding of why they’re doing it. There’s no way to enter the covenant unwittingly without knowing what you’re doing and still become Christian.
I disagree with the notion that Black people who are ashamed of their heritage are looking for a better one. I think most of those Black people are trying to figure out our heritage.

I don't like when I see Black people questioning other Black people are may disagree about our ancestry while looking for answers about how we got to where we are now and where we started.

This reminds me of how Christianity was indoctrinate on us during slavery and not by choice. So now Christianity is very promenant amongs Black people but that shit is just as muddied as our slave owning last names.

I disagree as well that searching for more about your ancestry inherently means you're ashamed or looking for a better one. There is however some within that group that are ashamed and you can tell by the words they use when talking about the ancestry they know of. Like for instance in this tweet I'd say this person does hold some shame because of the words they chose to use

If I was Kyrie I'm not apologizing nor sending money to a organization that would watch my people get killed on camera and not say a gawdamn word. Yet I have to give these clowns 500k (be it a nice tax write off), apologize, and jump thru even more hoops after all that to bounce a fucking ball for a bunch of people who only fuck with me because I can make said ball go in a hole. FOH nigga

Homie worth a 100mil or more I'd bow out gracefully give niggas the deuce and enjoy the rest of my life minding my business on somebody's island. Without a fuck to give