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Kanye West said Jewish people have blackballed and toyed with him and Black People are also Jewish

Serious question.

have y’all ever even talked to a flat-earther?

Like had to work with them on the daily, to include interacting with them?

then you would know they are a source of constant misery and toxic energy. They are difficult to talk with, synergize with, etc

Because they are like chronic masturbators, inevitably their ways begin to impact their duties while on the clock.

this ain’t bout a film but likely due too the man just flat out being a chore to deal with.

Can’t tell a flat earther a gotdamn thing cause they know it all.
Kyrie is a flat earther and anti-vaxer. Basically, he's never met a dumbass conspiracy theory that he wasn't willing to push. Y'all really going to back someone like that just because he has a similar melanin count?
I dont believe in unconditional anything
Hes a jackass who thinks he is smarter than he is...
Everyone doesnt need to know every thought.. unfortunately for him he is compulsive
what if they don’t stand with him because they think it’s stupid which is what most folks are saying

I alluded to that in the post.

Some of them might not want to get involved in something they don't think has anything to do with him.

Also, since Kyrie copped pleas and apologized................I wouldn't stand by him either.

Simply because, if he's willing to fold that quick and not stand by his own convictions..............why should anybody else?

Can't serve two masters.............and he chose money, if he truly believes in everything he previously said.

Either that or he never really believed it to begin with.
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Serious question.

have y’all ever even talked to a flat-earther?

Like had to work with them on the daily, to include interacting with them?

then you would know they are a source of constant misery and toxic energy. They are difficult to talk with, synergize with, etc

Because they are like chronic masturbators, inevitably their ways begin to impact their duties while on the clock.

this ain’t bout a film but likely due too the man just flat out being a chore to deal with.

Can’t tell a flat earther a gotdamn thing cause they know it all.

ran into 1 of my homies the other wk who is, we jus laugh about the shit lol

ran into 1 of my homies the other wk who is, we jus laugh about the shit lol

No thanks.

People are really legit stupid nowadays. A lot of people believe anything, and it's impossible to get them to believe the truth no matter how much data you show them.

We have all the data in the world showing transmission of the disease and severity of symptoms both decreased substantially. COVID has been relegated largely to flu status because of the vaccine, yet people are calling it a scam. Make that make sense.