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KANDY MADE THIS THREAD! Casual Racism: Is it real or made up?

Im 15 pages too late and not going through this whole thread. This point is probably already made but racism is very harmful to the opressed race. In a racist society, there is a segment of society that doesnt just feel superior but has laws and societal norms in place to actually make them superior. If you are part of the minority now you have rules and laws that work against you which is does harm to a whole people.

Casual racism is harmless though. Is it wrong? Yea it probably is, but long as its not harming anyone and putting them in a disadvantageous situation, who cares? Theres many reasons people might not like me but none of those things hurt me. Someone might not like me because of my face, others my voice. Neither of those people put me in a bad situation. Casual racism is like that. Just another reason for someone to not like me, but its harmless.
Also, there when the opressed people hate their opressor and become "racist", its often reactionary. In America, if a black or hispanic person hates white people, they often hate back who hates them. Cant love you if you hate me right? Its reactionary so the root cause of casual racism is real racism.
And racism exists everywhere, and its not just a black and white issue. The issue is the ism more than the race.

Humans tend to group themselves in and feel that they are better than other groups. Its our survival instinct. We all know subconciously there are limited resources and fight for the same resources.

In the balkans for example, white people hate people. Its nationalISM and in Africa blacks fight blacks, its tribalISM.

Though humans grouping each other WAS natural, we havent really caught up to the current times. The issue of limited resources and competition for survival doesnt exist anymore but we havent been able to catch up.

Just because its natural doesnt make it right. Humans don't evolve as fast as technology so no clue when we will catch up
casual racism =/= 'reverse' racism.

casual racism is the microaggressions experienced by people who aren't white. not the lightweight mockery experienced by people who are.

My baby came in here sounding all smart and nerdy

Y'all ran off conflict but lucien out here chilling. And he lied trying to claim he mixed. But got a whole pic up showing he ain't. Claffys.

Not sure why I even care tho. As you were.