Welcome To aBlackWeb

Too many have too much time on their hands...

When one is annoyed/offended/bothered by an online personality. It is time to re-evaluate your state of mind.

Many take this forum lifestyle a little to seriously...once that begins...it is time to hang it up and get off the grid.

Just take a break for a few...when I say a few...I mean a month or so to re-evaluate if she or anyone on this site is THAT important?

Although true...these beefs produced some good azzz, entertaining, and memorable ABW moments.

Makes my work day better. Lol
You voted yourself top 5
You voted me 50+

These are facts

This really matters to you tho. And it's sad. You got a wife, kids and a mother you can't get out the hood bro. Be #1 for them instead of worrying about being top 5 for internet niggas.

Mans been doing this almost 2 decades no growth on or off the net.

Scary shit.
This really matters to you tho. And it's sad. You got a wife, kids and a mother you can't get out the hood bro. Be #1 for them instead of worrying about being top 5 for internet niggas.

Mans been doing this almost 2 decades no growth on or off the net.

Scary shit.
See you try so hard to pretend this ain't real for you, yet you mentioning my WHOLE family...

Now if I invite you to really say that shit to my face...... Again..... You gonna fold up and start acting illogical as fuck.... Again

Just face it bruh, you not emotionally built to handle heat on the internet.

You call me sad, but I'm having fun.

You making wild assumptions about someone you have NO INTENTIONS on running up on in real life....

That's why your words mean nothing to me fam...

They just expose you for the coward you are. If you ready to talk about my family... Come holla at us...

Or tuck your fucking tail and go back to how none of this real....
See you try so hard to pretend this ain't real for you, yet you mentioning my WHOLE family...

Now if I invite you to really say that shit to my face...... Again..... You gonna fold up and start acting illogical as fuck.

Just face it bruh, you not emotionally built to handle heat on the internet.

You call me sad, but I'm having fun.

You making wild assumptions about someone you have NO INTENTIONS on running up on in real life....

That's why your words mean nothing to me fam...

They just expose you for the coward you are. If you ready to talk about my family... Come holla at us...

Or tuck your fucking tail and go back to how none of this real....

I just flip the switch. Flip flip.
I address internet shit... This man attacking my role as a father and husband.

Like damn.....

Can you even make kids? Hold down a relationship? You ugly? Chicks even like you. I bet you a hundred if we put half the microscope on your life you think you putting on mines you be outta here in a second.

You nuffin to me kid....... nuffin.

And that's what's scary.....I wouldn't run up on a nigga like me either....

I also wouldn't make a bunch of assumptions about his life I wouldn't say to his face either
You tryna make it seem like it’s about the two funky ass ABW mil when it’s about how stupid you look. You tryna say any and everything to get off the fact that you couldn’t even answer my question like a real nigga. Let this be the end of our communication. You dislike me, cool but stop following me around this forum tryna get my attention and get ya facts in order before you comment on shit you got no clue about. I’m putting you back on ignore. I’ve given you enough of the attention you seeked.

Anybody want 2m, I don’t want shit from this nigga. Matter fact....
Survivors, I got a quick 2m come up.

Can i get the money
I told you to cross the border with that same energy otherwise stop all that ray tay tay. Killer.
Bruh when did I EVER address anything about your life??

I have no real malice towards you in real life. I'm clowning your online persona. If I felt the urge to come at your real life, then you'd have a point. I would have to address that energy.

But I don't give a fuck about your real life.... But you clearly care about mines, as this isn't the first time you addressed my family.

So take your own advice.... If your energy and aggression is towards me and my family... Then come handle it that way....

If it's just online.... Keep your fucking comments about shit online and keep my family out your bitch ass mouth
I don't even have a fucking passport...

And if I get one it's too see a beach, no knock out some Canadian loud mouth.

Nigga bragging about a man getting defensive about his family.

You can tell that nigga has nothing..