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Joe Rogan does damage control over his racist comments. Spotify deletes episodes of his podcast w/ racist comments & racist guests

Chappelle made it clear he’s not with the cancel culture. I can see him making a joke about rogan and making everyone think twice about canceling him
This much to do about nothing and don’t really matter to me.

Joe is okay the major news cycle when folks that can make a real difference in congress are being ignored.
Serious question. Are you reading your posts before your press post or is it whatever happens happens.

I have to read your posts several times to decipher what word you intended to use when you have typos
Serious question. Are you reading your posts before your press post or is it whatever happens happens.

I have to read your posts several times to decipher what word you intended to use when you have typos

That last sentence of mine threw me for a doozy.

And to answer your question, nope. I need to though.
What in all the fuck lmao

It needs some context but it's still hilarious af without it

Did it upset you when you didn’t listen to his podcast? Or did it upset you when a white person told you what they heard on his podcast?

If Joe Rogan doesn’t speak out against the mainstream narrative on politics or Covid this isn’t a discussion. Fuck Rogan. Let’s agree that he’s a racist. Will you stop listening to his show? I never listened. The most I ever watched was Kanye and the two Covid episodes that were erased. I only watched the last two because they got erased. I bet you never listened either.

nigga you acting like rogan is just some lil right wing platform that only a miniorty of the world listen to that nigga pulling more views than TV literally, he’s Watched more than the news you on here like dude a nobody and he got no influence they not going after him because just the vaccine shit it’s because he’s a big fucking platform. NEGRO
I dont expect his comedian friends to be against him and I can't say that I feel a way about it. Theyve all said much worse to each other in clubs and laughed about it. It is what it is. No big deal to me.

But these loser ass grifter political commentators who have accomplished nothing outside of social media can all eat dick. Swear they "think for themselves" when their "ideas" are telegraphed from Mars
nigga you acting like rogan is just some lil right wing platform that only a miniorty of the world listen to that nigga pulling more views than TV literally, he’s Watched more than the news you on here like dude a nobody and he got no influence they not going after him because just the vaccine shit it’s because he’s a big fucking platform. NEGRO
Word he is akin to Rush, Imus but a much younger market
This much to do about nothing and don’t really matter to me.

Joe is in the major news cycle when folks that can make a real difference in congress are being ignored.
His show was dope when he used to have politicians on there. Or rather when politicians would go on there.

I was already over him before the covid stuff, but mans transformed into a whole doof when he moved to Texas.

No diss cuz i know you live there lol
Did it upset you when you didn’t listen to his podcast? Or did it upset you when a white person told you what they heard on his podcast?

If Joe Rogan doesn’t speak out against the mainstream narrative on politics or Covid this isn’t a discussion. Fuck Rogan. Let’s agree that he’s a racist. Will you stop listening to his show? I never listened. The most I ever watched was Kanye and the two Covid episodes that were erased. I only watched the last two because they got erased. I bet you never listened either.

Is it wrong to call out crackers tho