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Jealous mother cuts daughter hair to spite the father

She could've just taken the braids out.

She said she been tryna grow her daughter's hair

Then went n cut it to make a statement. What's the saying about cut off your nose to spite your face? Lol

So wild to me that mfs can't come together just for their kids then go back to their personal lives

Be a piece of shit all u want...leave the kids out of it
Bruh I don't understand how niggas be running around splashing in random women, and be on some 'I hope she ain't pregnant.' type shit. Niggas playing Russian roulette with their lives for a nut.
Lmao @ I hope she ain't pregnant

It got some dumb people in this world bruh. Suprise! Zoinks! Of course she pregnant fool!
Dad fault too. He knows what he impregnated and how she would react. Why make the child a pawn in foolish ass games?

I feel you he knew how she was gonna feel but I don’t think he knew she was this crazy I mean wtf does that shit. Like she extreme. Not blaming the dad tho