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Jay-Z Partnering With The NFL For Social Justice

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All imma say is this.

Jay came up selling drugs. And he a smart dude. A lot of smart dudes sell drugs.

People who don't realize that, or from the outside looking in always saying that these niggaz don't realize they selling poison to their own people.

They realize that shit. They just don't give a fuck.

Jay know what he doing. He just don't give a fuck.

However he gotta wrap that product up for his people to buy it.... He gonna do it.

And at the end of the day, as long as people buying it.... He don't give a fuck what they look like or who they are.

Nigga jokes about selling your auntie a couple bags. You really..... Really think he give a fuck about Kap or social Injustice?

I mean, I still fucks with slim music. But this some cold shit right here.

at the end of the day, it's about righteous vs. wicked

are your thoughts & actions righteous (love & truth) or wicked (hate & lies)?

Now, I've done sum wicked shit in my life that I must atone for, so anyone I come in contact w/ (be it face to face or on these interwebs) I do my best to be righteous

& that's the only scope I view people in

I can't separate the outliers, if it's wicked it's wicked, no matter how much the general public loves it

No fool. Mad at the nfl because they punished people for bringing attention to police brutality. You sound retarded fam.
So you go to work and not work. Most likely sit in the lunch room all day cuz of police brutality even tho you flip pretzels for a living and not expect repercussions?

Its still a business at the end of the day.
He talks Black business and spends money on black ventures too

What’s the problem?
He said it.......positive shit don't erase coon shit.

Crazy as that statement is....it can be torn apart as straight hypocrisy.

But let him think he cooking.

Let that retarded nigga play with his ball of clay. He quiet right now.
Folks thought the point of the lawsuit was to expose the NFL.

Hell...didn't Kap get backlash for settling wit the NFL??? This is why I find all this "anger" towards Jay-Z hilarious.

It's amazing how people have selective amnesia.

B/c I remember the reaction when Kap settled wit the NFL and signed a NDA. He was called all types of sell out names...betraying the cause...he only did it for the money...he got played. And VERY lil info was disclosed. Yet...everyone came up wit their own conclusion. Actin like they were right there. Like they knew the EXACT details of the his agreement. Even gettin mad at Kap for not speaking about the settlement...DESPITE THE FACT...the muthfucca signed a NDA.

But we're hear now. At this rate...it just seems like folks just wanna be mad...just to be mad. They read or hear what they wanna hear. Pick apart whateva pieces that benefits their argument. They either think they know ALL details (even tho very lil is disclosed)...or...they feel entitled to wanting all the details NOW.

There is not ONE pathway to social justice. Which is why I support Kap...Jay...Malcolm (didn't like his deal at first, but brotha is about action)...and any other person puttin in work. Enough wit the criticism...arguing...turning on each other. That shyt benefits the opposition. The energy folks put into criticize & argue, use that same exact energy to come up wit SOLUTIONS.
I guess you didn't see the damn empty social justice thread that like four people gave ideas and one nigga took like 5 days to repeat all the talking points mentioned.

Yep niggas want to be mad and selective.
That's understandable, and maybe at some point he does that or maybe at no point he does that.

But when he releases a quote from a book highlighted with what he highlighted. Its pretty cut and dry in answering a few of those questions.

But leaving it open to interpretation also allows him to not allow himself to be pulled into an orchestrated shit show
Good quote...but did he post it up....oh wait he can speak about that type shit cuz he got shutdown to get his lost wages.
And there we go.

But is it like this for other rappers tho.
Other rappers aren’t given the notoriety at Jay be serious fam....if Jay told niggas eating shit was good for they health niggas would be around w the dirty sanchez look talking bout nutritional content
Speak ur mind in our culture who holds more weight than Jay ( and Bey)
Holds more weight for what? In what?

The weight holders are us in my eyes.

What jay and bey are doing has no bearing on the shit I'm doing.

So it's a nice gesture even being as small as it might be or as big as we don't know...
Either way it should not effect people the way it should.

Dudes too busy looking for a savior for all our woes. When if we each have a gift...we are our own savior's and what jay or bet is nothing more than an addition. And we wouldn't need or have time to dig into what they say because we busy being each other's savior's.

So be mad at jay for doing nothing or a little of something but dudes should also be mad at the dudes who are doing nothing.
Holds more weight for what? In what?

The weight holders are us in my eyes.

What jay and bey are doing has no bearing on the shit I'm doing.

So it's a nice gesture even being as small as it might be or as big as we don't know...
Either way it should not effect people the way it should.

Dudes too busy looking for a savior for all our woes. When if we each have a gift...we are our own savior's and what jay or bet is nothing more than an addition. And we wouldn't need or have time to dig into what they say because we busy being each other's savior's.

So be mad at jay for doing nothing or a little of something but dudes should also be mad at the dudes who are doing nothing.
But that’s you....unfortunately other niggas look to these ppl for direction
And how much should jay a bey be doing?

Should they be doing more because they have more money?
But shouldn't we be doing more because we have more time?

Fuck jay....call him out.
But if niggas gonna be loud about it....be sure ain't shit niggas are involved in that.

@5th Letter
This code......we need to call out those in our community who don't do nothing. Each man should be an asset in some way shape or form.
So you go to work and not work. Most likely sit in the lunch room all day cuz of police brutality even tho you flip pretzels for a living and not expect repercussions?

Its still a business at the end of the day.

How does kneeling impact production on the football field? Kap didn’t stop working.
If niggas worked in a pretzel shop but found out their location was treated unfairly so they stage a protest is not a bad thing.

Damn Hitler
How does kneeling impact production on the football field? Kap didn’t stop working.
If niggas worked in a pretzel shop but found out their location was treated unfairly so they stage a protest is not a bad thing.

Damn Hitler
nigga you have been thoroughly subordinated.
you really cant process shit thats not spelled out to you.

do you even know the difference between something happening at a location and something that has nothing to do with the location or company?

you into history right?
Hitler loved his people and lead them to think they could take over the world.

fake ass brainy smurf
And how much should jay a bey be doing?

Should they be doing more because they have more money?
But shouldn't we be doing more because we have more time?

Fuck jay....call him out.
But if niggas gonna be loud about it....be sure ain't shit niggas are involved in that.

@5th Letter
This code......we need to call out those in our community who don't do nothing. Each man should be an asset in some way shape or form.
This has nothing to do with nothing.