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J. Cole - Snow On Tha Bluff

How about maybe... Just MAYBE.... We stop expecting celebrities to be these poignant activists just because they have a platform. Maybe we can be the super "woke" people we make ourselves out to be and get involved ourselves. Stop berating folk for not knowing and feeling what we know and feel and... Get this....TEACH WHAT WE KNOW AND FEEL.

A lot of armchair activists wanna look down on folk for not being woke but dont wanna do no waking. Shitting on other folk for shit they can do themselves.

As much as Cole does he feels like it aint enough. How can someone who just rage tweets wokeness feel like it is?
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What work has she done? I mean because if I'm being honest her Tweet felt like it was directed at Cole and K. Dot. So she's a black female rapper who started a book club and sent some spicy Tweets. So she doesn't have to come correct at them (she did not) and they get criticized for addressing the spicy shit she said in the first place?

Like I said, this chick Noname has just started getting active in the movement a year ago. How long Cole and K. Dot been putting in work? And to top it off Cole wasn't even disrespectful. If we wanna talk about tone how about her tone talking sideways sending subs on Twitter? Everybody is gonna skip over the whole reason Cole is responding in the first place or???

What are we really doing here?
Lol, no, I agree. I was contemplating adding a satirical gif to my post, but I couldn't do it because I actually do love reading, lol. However, as far as I can tell, she mostly reads and tweets a lot. I found it weird that people thought that she was coming after Cole and Kendrick, because they have been active in their communities for years, they were both out there in the past few weeks. Where as Noname, as far as I can tell hasn't been, not that that's a knock at her. Protesting isn't for everyone, people have different roles they can play.

I thought she was talking about rappers like Drake, 21, Future, Da Baby, Megan, etc. Which tbh is a lost cause, because chances are anyone who's listening to them heavily, won't have Noname on their radar at all.
Lol, no, I agree. I was contemplating adding a satirical gif to my post, but I couldn't do it because I actually do love reading, lol. However, as far as I can tell, she mostly reads and tweets a lot. I found it weird that people thought that she was coming after Cole and Kendrick, because they have been active in their communities for years, they were both out there in the past few weeks. Where as Noname, as far as I can tell hasn't been, not that that's a knock at her. Protesting isn't for everyone, people have different roles they can play.

I thought she was talking about rappers like Drake, 21, Future, Da Baby, Megan, etc. Which tbh is a lost cause, because chances are anyone who's listening to them heavily, won't have Noname on their radar at all.

What's crazy is every rapper you listed at the end there has donated and contributed.
Wait, people really saying J.Cole lyrics go over heads? When, Where? Dude lyrics are straight forward AF.

A nigga who clowned his own inability to make punchlines was created to be this super Intelligent hotep ass ngga where he had always been balanced. This childish outrage comes from people who where told to believe what Cole is
I see what's happening now: Projecting and assuming

It's what they did to Andre 3000 and Kanye West as well. Take a rapper who isn't a self professed gangster, drug dealer, or pimp, lionize him as the greatest orator of consciousness, then tear him down when he doesn’t walk in lockstep with their projections of who they have decided he should be.

Most black rappers describe Black plight. That should not be the reason you call on them to "do more". Their responsibility to black people should be predicated on their blackness be abuse when you focus on anything else, it becomes a finger pointing game of "who is doing more" which is even more disgusting when that "more" is a fucking tweet.

This is what @IC_Refugee has been referring to as undermining black voices for selfish acclaim. We need our sisters to stop thinking it's their place in society to always judge and never be judged or critiqued.
Since when was J. Cole’s music Or brand too deep & Too smart? That sounds like A POV His stans generated and not Cole himself.

That's kinda the point of people latching on to Cole saying "I'm not that smart" because that's been the main defense from Cole fans to literally any criticism of his music. So you have alot people clowning Cole fans and not actually Cole himself
Lol, no, I agree. I was contemplating adding a satirical gif to my post, but I couldn't do it because I actually do love reading, lol. However, as far as I can tell, she mostly reads and tweets a lot. I found it weird that people thought that she was coming after Cole and Kendrick, because they have been active in their communities for years, they were both out there in the past few weeks. Where as Noname, as far as I can tell hasn't been, not that that's a knock at her. Protesting isn't for everyone, people have different roles they can play.

I thought she was talking about rappers like Drake, 21, Future, Da Baby, Megan, etc. Which tbh is a lost cause, because chances are anyone who's listening to them heavily, won't have Noname on their radar at all.

Part of the reason people came to NoName's defense so heavy is because they lit her ass up last year over a tweet and then she went back and read some of the shit ppl suggested, came back and was actually able to have a discussion on it. She didn't say "You're talking to me in a way I don't like"...she took her L and came back stronger. So you combine that w/ all the other shit from this week and it was a perfect person/shitstorm
Yo maybe im not that smart either, cause im getting a totally different interpretation of what he is saying.. I really hate the low level of comprehension skills some ppl have.. And when has Cole ever been too deep.. He's so big in my opinion because of his relatability and his down to earthness. Nigga literally saying he not as educated on the movement as he can be and is saying that woman out there that is, talk to him like he is dumb to educate him and others.. Because she is smarter than him on the issues.. How tf is that negative? This black woman vs black man shit we are doing in our community has to stop.. its corny af
Wait, people really saying J.Cole lyrics go over heads? When, Where? Dude lyrics are straight forward AF.

A nigga who clowned his own inability to make punchlines was created to be this super Intelligent hotep ass ngga where he had always been balanced. This childish outrage comes from people who where told to believe what Cole is