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It’s cheaper to keep her: Jesse Williams To Pay $100K a Month in Spousal & Child Support…

Last time I checked, money isn't the only thing a child needs. Taking care of somebody isn't soley a financial obligation.

:niggawhat:Why are ppl so mad/bothered about the fact that this woman/mother is getting spousal and child support lol?
:ohshit2:Is it bc of the amount she's receiving...

:cont:or just bc?

My only concern is that the situation is fair. So I ask questions, make observations. If shit look off, I speak up about it. The same way I would if this unfortunate situation happens to me one day.
simply put those amounts are to offset the difference in living quality from one parent to another when one parent makes substantially more than the other...example if one of your parent is a multi millionaire and the other is a thousandaire...the law says that the child deserves the same lifestyle with the thousandaire that he has w the millionaire....ie the child s quality of life shouldnt suffer because his parents are idiots......thats why ppl not just women see Kevin Federline asks for those crazy amounts of money and usually get it....

You get a GOAT. Finally a post with something substantial and not just some emotional reaction.
The reality is if they were still married, they would all be living a certain type of way (i.e. very well off than average folk) and that's due to the extent of the main breadwinner's income which suffice to say would be Jesse.

Fast forward to a divorce and it becomes about ensuring everything for the sake of the kids is amicable and "fair"; this isn't just financial.

According to Jesse, he was with his wife Aryn for 13 years and married for 5. If you do a quick fact check, she was a real estate broker when they met whilst he was a school teacher. At some point he wanted to switch careers and she held him down (most likely financially if we go on the basis of occupation's likely income) for him to support that ambition whilst he was trying to break into acting. Since then he's managed to flourish to make it and according to latest reports is now making $6.25m/yr.

Last April 2017 Jesse (for whatever reason) decided to file for divorce from Aryn. Ok cool, his prerogative. But with that comes the reality of knowing he was going to have to break bread on spousal/child support (even though his actions didn't support this notion) which as I understand it for spousal, is for half the time they were married. That should equate to circa 2.5 years which isn't too bad considering.

Jesse's recent POV was that he was paying $50,695 per mth in spousal support and that Aryn needs to use from that amount to take care of the kids i.e. he didn't want to any more than that to the ex. It then later changed to him willing to pay child support to third parties (which I actually agree with personally) for things such as school tuition, uninsured medical and certain other expenses. He estimated this to total $7,465 per mth.

Aryn's POV was that she should get spousal support which the law permits her to request. When Jesse filed for divorce he ticked the box for her not to get anything. She won that argument and initially was getting $33k/mth, asked for the increase and is now getting the $50,695/mth previously mentioned. She later claimed that this still wasn't enough to cover the kids expenses claiming her expenditure amounted to $73,369 per month. She was also asking for $25k/mth for future college savings. Both kids are under 5 so whilst I agree it's good to start early on this, the amount she was talking about sounds ridiculous (doing a bit of quick math and assuming going to top universities and medical schools, 2 students would cost on a worst case scenario $1m tops - using her $25k request would amount to $3.6m and that doesn't include interest/compounding).

Now the recent ruling has happened. Jesse makes $521,000/mth which is important to note as the court ruling hinged their decision on his earnings. Of that he will have to pay $50,695/mth in spousal support; this is circa 10% of his earnings and certainly isn't for more than a few years tops. He will then have to pay $50,695/mth in child support; this is circa 10% of his earnings.

Both support orders are temporary until the couple either reaches a final settlement or the court imposes a final order.

Now at one point in time Jesse claimed Aryn was fucking with his rights to spend time with his kids e.g. only 3 hrs/day visitation, no sleepovers etc. The reality now is that they have 50/50 joint custody (alternative weekends, splitting of major holidays etc). So both sides have tried to play foul in the situation.
25k a month for future college savings? They are only 5 GTFOH

HE Should say I'm doing the saving for school already. That shit is bogus.

The spousal support will only be for a couple years though but bitch claim she can live on 50K a month which is BULLSHIT
25k a month for future college savings? They are only 5 GTFOH

HE Should say I'm doing the saving for school already. That shit is bogus.

The spousal support will only be for a couple years though but bitch claim she can live on 50K a month which is BULLSHIT
Fam, that shit could cover a wide range of shit

You want your child working 2 and 3 jobs trying to go to school full time?
it absolutely does b/c early on as an actor, you probably getting enough to keep the lights on

he wasnt making what he is making now

lol Come on bruh, you think his wife didn't know he was going places when she met him? The nigga wasn't some dude in the hood with a pipe dream. He was a name on the rise. He knew what kinda temptation was ahead.

But I CAN CLEARLY PROVIDE THE BETTER LIFESTYLE for the kids and she cant. So they should be with me
If you on set for 16 hrs a day, how?

Chappelle said he used to be on set for 20 hrs a day and barely saw his kids while filming Chappelle show
If you on set for 16 hrs a day, how?

Chappelle said he used to be on set for 20 hrs a day and barely saw his kids while filming Chappelle show

Just because you with your momma all day don't mean she doing a good job
lol Come on bruh, you think his wife didn't know he was going places when she met him? The nigga wasn't some dude in the hood with a pipe dream. He was a name on the rise. He knew what kinda temptation was ahead.
Wasn't he a school teacher?
WHy do she 25K a month for college for the kids?

He can save that on his own end. Shit like this makes no sense.
Like Gabi said...

He either paying a nanny or their mother.

Dude rich, extremely busy, and newly single. He ain't chilling at home with the kids.

Me personally, id rather pay the mom than a nanny
Wasn't he a school teacher?

They got married in 2012. He was already on Grey's Anatomy as a major character and the show was already doing good. He also had a few decent movie roles under his belt. He wasn't bring an average nigga salary home and she knew he was on the way up.

I gave myself, my soul, my children, my years, every fucking thing I had to that shit...

Giving money ain't shit.... Y'all stingy as fuck... That's your family b

Like fuck what a divorce say... That's still your family And....



She got your fucking kids.... Your children. Your legacy.

If I'm a 6 million dollar nigga.... At least 3 going into that house easy..... Fucking easy..... ESPECIALLY if my earning potential ain't maxed out....

It be a whole different thing if dude was struggling.... But come on fam.

Noble sentiment, but $100K/month is still excessive.

Do you think he was spending that much on them while they were together?

Probably not.

They could live a comfortable life with $200K per year.

Granted, that still might be considered excessive........but it's a lot more reasonable than $100K per month.
25k towards college?

His kids is 2 and 4. So his kids not going college for another what, 15 years?

300k a year which is 4.5m in 15 years...

Is that how much college cost for 2 kids? I don’t know so serious question?