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Issa Rae says Season 3 of ‘Insecure’ will focus on “toxic black male masculinity“…

man, you better check my posting history here in the relationship forum lol

im "mr. It aint black or white"

I RARELY blame one party

LLS I don't care that much. It could've been someone else I'm mistaking you for.
are white men toxic?

i think they are the most toxic.

look at trump

Don't just look at Trump, look at history.

Toxic white male masculinity was the catalyst of mistreatment against women. To this day the racist white male will use the black woman as his personal fetish. Trashy gutter sex. Fuck around, get married, then find out she's "suddenly" all kinds of nigger-bitches when he's sodomizing her. It was all "just jokes", "he's just talking bout them", and "he's different" at first, though. Re-enacting the "good ol'days" with their secret clubs and cuckolding. That's why we call them bedwench, them Bunny Ruckus bitches.
Why is toxic masculinity not a real thong to you?

Because it isn't. It's yet another manufactured buzzword with no real meaning so it's used as a catch-all in order to do away with whatever these new age feminists don't like about men.

(Edit) I don't have it in me to type out a dissertation on why it's bullshit at the moment, but here's a quote that kinda gets to the heart of it:

"... I think there’s a growing movement to undermine masculinity and the term, “toxic masculinity (and others like it)” is just one way to spread the propaganda that somehow masculinity is bad, or evil, or toxic. It just isn’t the case. Masculinity, by its very nature is good. It’s strong. It’s assertive. It’s productive. It’s caring. It’s compassion. It’s charitable. And, I’ve even go so far as to say it’s loving.

Look, a situation or man can either be “toxic” or “masculine.” Not both. The term “toxic masculinity” would be like saying “It’s light outside but kind of dark.” Or “My boss is a really nice, jerk.” Or “That guy is really wealthy but in a poor kind of way.”

They’re polar opposites and cannot possibly work in harmony or unison. Sure, all men have the capacity to be both. I’ve been an arrogant, prideful a-hole at times in my life and, separately, I’ve used masculine virtues to create productive outcomes for myself and those around me.

But never once have I displayed “toxic” behavior while simultaneously utilizing my masculine virtues. They don’t work together.

Besides, toxicity is gender neutral. It is neither masculine or feminine. If it were, the term “toxic femininity” would also be used. But it isn’t. A woman who is overly caring, kind, and compassionate (to a fault) wouldn’t be considered “toxic.” She would be considered naïve (another gender neutral term).

Not even the behavior of third-wave feminists is considered “toxic femininity.” I would consider many of the rants and ideologies as bitter, resentful, and angry but I would not categorize some of the behavior I’ve seen as feminine at all.

Oh, and I can hear the nay-sayers now. “Ryan, what about these macho guys that go around treating everyone like garbage and manipulating them to get what they want?” Yeah, what about them? That isn’t masculine behavior. It’s childish and evil but certainly not masculine.

I’ve even had people say “I guess it depends on how you define masculinity.” I suppose that’s true but no one in their right mind would define masculinity as bad. And, I guess that’s the problem, isn’t it? Many people believe that masculinity, by it’s very nature, is not good for society. To hammer the point home, these people are not in their right mind. They’re damaged. I say that not to antagonize or belittle them but to paint the picture that these people have been hurt physically, mentally, and emotionally. Or, they’ve seen others hurt. And, in order to protect themselves from future pain, they’ve created a false reality that all men – not just the ones who hurt them – are bad...
Because it isn't. It's yet another manufactured buzzword with no real meaning so it's used as a catch-all in order to do away with whatever these new age feminists don't like about men.

(Edit) I don't have it in me to type out a dissertation on why it's bullshit at the moment, but here's a quote that kinda gets to the heart of it:

"... I think there’s a growing movement to undermine masculinity and the term, “toxic masculinity (and others like it)” is just one way to spread the propaganda that somehow masculinity is bad, or evil, or toxic. It just isn’t the case. Masculinity, by its very nature is good. It’s strong. It’s assertive. It’s productive. It’s caring. It’s compassion. It’s charitable. And, I’ve even go so far as to say it’s loving.

Look, a situation or man can either be “toxic” or “masculine.” Not both. The term “toxic masculinity” would be like saying “It’s light outside but kind of dark.” Or “My boss is a really nice, jerk.” Or “That guy is really wealthy but in a poor kind of way.”

They’re polar opposites and cannot possibly work in harmony or unison. Sure, all men have the capacity to be both. I’ve been an arrogant, prideful a-hole at times in my life and, separately, I’ve used masculine virtues to create productive outcomes for myself and those around me.

But never once have I displayed “toxic” behavior while simultaneously utilizing my masculine virtues. They don’t work together.

Besides, toxicity is gender neutral. It is neither masculine or feminine. If it were, the term “toxic femininity” would also be used. But it isn’t. A woman who is overly caring, kind, and compassionate (to a fault) wouldn’t be considered “toxic.” She would be considered naïve (another gender neutral term).

Not even the behavior of third-wave feminists is considered “toxic femininity.” I would consider many of the rants and ideologies as bitter, resentful, and angry but I would not categorize some of the behavior I’ve seen as feminine at all.

Oh, and I can hear the nay-sayers now. “Ryan, what about these macho guys that go around treating everyone like garbage and manipulating them to get what they want?” Yeah, what about them? That isn’t masculine behavior. It’s childish and evil but certainly not masculine.

I’ve even had people say “I guess it depends on how you define masculinity.” I suppose that’s true but no one in their right mind would define masculinity as bad. And, I guess that’s the problem, isn’t it? Many people believe that masculinity, by it’s very nature, is not good for society. To hammer the point home, these people are not in their right mind. They’re damaged. I say that not to antagonize or belittle them but to paint the picture that these people have been hurt physically, mentally, and emotionally. Or, they’ve seen others hurt. And, in order to protect themselves from future pain, they’ve created a false reality that all men – not just the ones who hurt them – are bad...

You gotta stop with the essays man. So what youre saying pretty much is masculinity is qlways good never negative and when men do negative things its not masculine? I didnt read all that but it seems like the gist.