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Israel Prime Minister Says Country Is "At War"

I think this is the point where social media, as much as I detest it, has merit. The word getting out from people on the ground that all is not what's being portrayed in the media. Think of all the times Israel clashed with PLO and Hamas over the years and how it was stated that it was all unprovoked. Now think of what would have happened if the people had been able to show the world the truth all this time. Now they can, and we're seeing just how brutal Israel is and probably always has been.

This should be a legit question but will be ignored by mass media.

The lives lost is crazy but being in the wrong side of what’s “right” can cost you everything.

Should I really be threatened into giving support?
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Israeli forces severed northern Gaza from the rest of the besieged enclave and pounded it with intense airstrikes overnight into Monday, as the Palestinian death toll from a month of fighting passed 10,000. An even bloodier phase is expected as Israeli troops push into the dense confines of Gaza City.

Palestinians held a mass funeral for dozens killed a day earlier in strikes in the south, where Israel has told civilians to seek refuge though it has continued to strike targets all across the coastal enclave.

Israeli troops are expected to enter Gaza City soon, Israeli media reported, and Palestinian militants who have prepared for years are expected to fight street by street using a vast network of tunnels.
Casualties will likely rise on both sides in the month-old war, which has already killed at least 10,022 Palestinians, according to Gaza’s Health Ministry, which does not distinguish between fighters and civilians. Some 1,400 Israelis have died, mostly civilians killed in the Oct. 7 incursion by Hamas that started the conflict. Both tolls are unprecedented in the decades-old conflict between the two sides.
The Israeli military said late Sunday that it had cut off northern Gaza from the south, calling it a “significant stage” in the war. On Monday, it said that aircraft struck 450 targets overnight and ground troops took over a Hamas compound. A one-way corridor for residents to flee south remains available, according to the military, for the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who remain in Gaza City and other parts of the north.

Some 1.5 million Palestinians, or around 70% of Gaza's population, have fled their homes since the war began. Food, medicine, fuel and water are running low, and United Nations-run schools-turned-shelters are beyond capacity, with many sleeping on the streets outside.

Mobile phone and internet service went down overnight, the third territory-wide outage since the start of the war, but was gradually restored Monday, according to the Palestinian telecom company Paltel and internet access advocacy group NetBlocks.org. Aid workers say the outages make it even harder for civilians to seek safety or even call ambulances.

Israel has so far rejected U.S. suggestions for a pause in fighting to facilitate humanitarian aid deliveries and the release of some of the estimated 240 hostages seized by Hamas in its raid. Israel has also dismissed calls for a broader cease-fire from increasingly alarmed Arab countries — including Jordan and Egypt, which made peace with Israel decades ago.

After days of intense diplomacy around the Middle East, U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken wrapped up his tour of the region Monday, saying efforts to secure a humanitarian pause, negotiate the release of hostages and plan for a post-Hamas Gaza were still “a work in progress,” without pointing to any concrete achievements.
Top leaders of Hamas admitted the group's desire to engage in a permanent war in Israel to prop up the Palestinian cause while showing no interest in governing the Gaza Strip or improving the lives of its 2 million residents, the majority of whom live in dire poverty, according to media reports.

In a series of interviews with the New York Times, Khalil al-Hayya, a member of Hamas’ highest leadership body, defended the terror group's surprise multi-pronged Oct. 7 attack on Israeli civilians, triggering Israel to respond militarily.

At this point, it's pretty clear that Hamas doesn't care about the people in Gaza, which only begs the question. Why do Israel and U.S. think leveling Gaza will somehow hurt Hamas? Both Israel and the U.S. have used the the need to strike at Hamas as the justification for the savagery towards Palestine. Hamas has now admitted that they are committed to war with Israel regardless of what Israel does to the Palestinians in Gaza, so what's going to be the justification for continuing to attack innocent civilians now?
At this point, it's pretty clear that Hamas doesn't care about the people in Gaza, which only begs the question. Why do Israel and U.S. think leveling Gaza will somehow hurt Hamas? Both Israel and the U.S. have used the the need to strike at Hamas as the justification for the savagery towards Palestine. Hamas has now admitted that they are committed to war with Israel regardless of what Israel does to the Palestinians in Gaza, so what's going to be the justification for continuing to attack innocent civilians now?
The same reason Hitler invaded Russia.