it's the same way in bmore.... when you actually live in bmore, you consider everything outside the city limits "the county"
cuz no lie the second you cross that county line, especially back in the 80's and 90's u saw an immediate difference in everything.
they got out of school when we had to go. all the "best' places to go was out in the country... best malls, best movies, best to us in the city, the kids in the county had it better...
then when niggaz get highschool age, and start venturing out.....county kids be snobby as shit towards kids in the city. girls act like you stink if u from the city. county niggaz used to stay playing city chicks like them dumb and not shit cuz they ride the bus, and the county niggaz drive...
then when u get college age.....nothing was more infuriating than county kids claiming they was from bmore, cuz no one heard of their county city....
we was young then, but that shit would make u legit mad....
here we were all our life low key mad cuz county kids had everything, then when they get outta state, they wanna claim the city?
i imagine it's the same for DC and PG county, cuz they the only ppl i see get as mad about the same shit