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Is This Pastor Groping Ariana Grande?


You must not know how the average woman in her 20s look that’s not obese
Most women I look at look like women.
It's one thing to look young, it's one thing to look skinny.....but bruh...she built like a teen. A young teen.

How about not overweight
what is overwieght?

i dont see too many black women without curves.
curves dont mean fat.....or unhealth...

but let me ask you this......does this look like a girl you would date?

my nigga....that dont make you a bit uncomfortable?
you telling me she would turn your head if she walked by?
She does look hella young tho.

I never heard of her till that bombing in europe.

Plus she bought that wierdo w her. He funny on snl imo. Dude couldnt die his hair back to blk for the funeral tho. lol
Pete Davidson hair is all fucked up for a movie he is filming.

I didnt even know he was there. I saw her perform and they kept cuttin to Big Sean not Pete lol
what is overwieght?

i dont see too many black women without curves.
curves dont mean fat.....or unhealth...

but let me ask you this......does this look like a girl you would date?

my nigga....that dont make you a bit uncomfortable?
you telling me she would turn your head if she walked by?

I think maybe she's just not your type. But she wearing thigh high stockings and lacy lingerie. Not exactly pre-teen attire.
Pete Davidson hair is all fucked up for a movie he is filming.

I didnt even know he was there. I saw her perform and they kept cuttin to Big Sean not Pete lol

Didn't Big Sean write that crazy song after he broke up with Ariana?
He wasnt copin a feel but he was being too touchy.

Video editing does make it look way worse. Plus he thought he was mackin with that taco bell snack line.

Same goes for the pix of the guys looking at her. If u watch the performance they did better than i would have.
what is overwieght?

i dont see too many black women without curves.
curves dont mean fat.....or unhealth...

but let me ask you this......does this look like a girl you would date?

my nigga....that dont make you a bit uncomfortable?
you telling me she would turn your head if she walked by?

This actually creeps me out....
I'm on the side that thinks it was accidental. I don't think he was trying to touch the side boob. I think he's just stupid for

1. making that joke about her name
2. tryna hold/hug/put his arm around a chick he doesn't know like that....even at church...in 2018. This ain't the time period to be doing shit like that.

I'm just not gonna get outraged over this shit like so many on social media. If she ain't come out and say she felt some type of way about that then I don't see a need to carry a cross for her. She's a celebrity, she was on tv and everyone saw what happened. If she felt harassed she'll say that soon enough if not already and I'll be upset along with her but for now nah. Just a pastor doing an idiotic thing that hopefully he will realize it ain't cool and won't do either of those things again.

While saying all that, fck anyone out there that tries to bring her outfit into the conversation. Doesn't matter what she wore in regard to what occurred. Her outfit was inappropriate but it is what it is and still doesn't entitle anyone to lay a hand on her. M'fkers can eye fuck and shit but that's it. Can't be going out there holding/hugging chicks that one doesn't know in this day and age.

Other more important shit to be outraged at though. I'll save my outrage on this.

She got at Seacrest on live air once. It was a different situation entirely, though. You can see she was scared here. This idea that there's no foul just because she was too shocked to do anything in that precise moment is ridiculous - it doesn't actually make what he did any more acceptable.
what is overwieght?

i dont see too many black women without curves.
curves dont mean fat.....or unhealth...

but let me ask you this......does this look like a girl you would date?

my nigga....that dont make you a bit uncomfortable?
you telling me she would turn your head if she walked by?

If you find her attractive it's possible you might be a pedo and don't know it.
Unpopular opinion... it was an accident half of yall didnt even notice it until someone else pointed it out or you watch it a few time. Social media hypes everything!

As for her dress... Not church attire but we go to church in the hood Ive seen worse! "Come as you are"

It wasn't an accident.