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Is this an apples to apples comparison??

People worry about morals when it suits their agenda or narrative but disregard it other times. Kyle beat up a woman btw, and they don’t bring that up 🤷🏿‍♂️ (in before someone tells me that didn’t actually happen)
Kyle could’ve slapped a baby. If a baby slapper kills a pedophile I’m not gonna be outraged at a dead pedophile. Not my battle. But I understand where you’re coming from.
Life is life. 25 years is detrimental to someone's life, but it's a punishment to deter crime. They planned to run up on someone that was basically defenseless and trapped on a bus, and blow his brains out in the middle of the day. I'm not pitying the length of his sentence.

Europe is super racist. In America at least the norm is to know it's not accepted and try to hide it. Soccer showz European racism a lot. . They have organized planned racist chants, and throw bananas at black players and shit. That shit happens a LOT. Teams end up playing in empty stadiums and shit because their punished for a racist crowd. I've never seen the Cowboys stadium filled with people making monkey sounds while bananas get thrown at Dak.


Looks like i really gotta start bolding stuff in colour to try and curb the selective reading in some of these threads.

25 years is detrimental to someone's life, but it's a punishment to deter crime.

Here you again proving my point. Most Americans have been conditioned to think super long sentences is the only thing to deter crime, yet here we are, still seeing these type of crimes over 100 years later. But you are some how arguing that we arnt.

Bunch of random wackos from other places, took it upon themselves to travel to where BLM protests were and "patrol" while open carrying AR's. Cops saw them and didnt even send them home to their own neighborhoods, in stead thanked them.

Then after they found the trouble they were looking for, and the shooting took place, didnt cops responding to the scene just let Kyle run by them holding his AR? While everyone was pointing toward him. In stead they were focused on the BLM people still.

He should of been charged with something.

Perfect example of conditioning.

Going to prison at 14 and possibly getting out at 40 is pretty much life. Tell me how its not.

I already have an idea on what angle you will try and take but, i want to hear it from you.

Theres a reason why 25 years is life in a bunch of European countries, but they're way ahead of us in thinking and it seems we just keep regressing as more time goes on.

No one put all of Europe on a pedestal, I wasnt even talking about all of Europe from the get go. Idk what beef you have with Europe that makes you get all sassy when it gets mentioned, but go yell at Europeans about it.

Its wild for me to see an American sit here and talk about the random racist incidents that go on across Europe, like that introduced you to the concept of racism & you cant fathom that going on in America. The same America thats still full of sundown towns. The same America that for over 100 years practiced either framing black people for crimes and or gave them ridiculous long prison sentences so they could continue to use them as slave labor. The same America than when people started the largest mass protest in history against excessive police violence, mainly against black people, millions of white people counter protested saying they side with the police.

And the reason why you'd never see a team play a game with the seats empty isnt cause our fans arnt as racist as theirs, its because our team owners would never let themselves not get ticket revenue. Hell, they only relatively recently started kicking some fans out for yelling racist shit at games. The only thing Euro fans are beating us at is their unified riots at games.

Why not look it up instead of doubting it? Conditioned to think Europe is the model for morality. What's made up or a big reach? In America how do we view, and deal with, adults that fuck 14-16 year Olds? Europe said it's OK.

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And fuck Europe. People act like it's some shining example of proper behavior. Europe is racist as fuck and lets adults fuck minors in a way we find disgusting here. I don't view Europe as morally superior.

If you really looked into it, you'd know their consent laws mostly align with ours & they dont ok pedophilia like you claim. Most of the laws are for kids that age to have sex with kids within their age group(some countries its like 3 years). A grown ass man fucking a 12 year old can still send him to prison. I didnt even need to look anything up to know that your statement was off. If they were cool with pedo's, why would they bother flying to some tiny improvised village in Thailand to be sickos, when they can go to Europe.

Meanwhile in America, we literally have a child marriage problem. People are literally fighting to get legislation passed to end child marriage, because its still legal in a majority of our states. Only 12 states have this ban and it only started slowly getting banned in 2017.

With all the wild shit that goes on in Europe, they still somehow in large manage to seem more progressive and civilized than America. Most the time Europeans will stop beefing with each other to collectively agree that America is a shit show. That probably what has you mad, but I dont see how you can deny any of it.

If more Americans were ashamed of the stuff that goes on in our country, it would probably do us some good & bring about change.
Why are Black people so mad about Kyle Rittenhouse killing some white people?

The dude went to cause trouble at a protest against police brutality against black people. Who he shot isn't as important as the fact that he was willfully acting as an agent of white supremacy when everything went down.

That said. It's still a hard case to make that he should be treated like the black kid. Rittenhouse shot people that were actively attacking him. The black kid tried to murder an unarmed kid and was only prevented from doing so by a faulty weapon. Again, I believe both should be off the streets, but what they did was not the same thing.
The dude went to cause trouble at a protest against police brutality against black people. Who he shot isn't as important as the fact that he was willfully acting as an agent of white supremacy when everything went down.

That said. It's still a hard case to make that he should be treated like the black kid. Rittenhouse shot people that were actively attacking him. The black kid tried to murder an unarmed kid and was only prevented from doing so by a faulty weapon. Again, I believe both should be off the streets, but what they did was not the same thing.
they had video of KR's movements during that night and nothing about the vid showed him causing trouble....

the fact is KR's case shows that majority of people can be swayed off of emotions and misinformation

Black people would've jailed KR simply for questioning his motive of being a white kid at a BLM protest in WISCONSIN 🙁

the only thing we should've been mad at about KR's case is seeing that racist judge be biased on TV for all of us to see

Looks like i really gotta start bolding stuff in colour to try and curb the selective reading in some of these threads.

Here you again proving my point. Most Americans have been conditioned to think super long sentences is the only thing to deter crime, yet here we are, still seeing these type of crimes over 100 years later. But you are some how arguing that we arnt.

No one put all of Europe on a pedestal, I wasnt even talking about all of Europe from the get go. Idk what beef you have with Europe that makes you get all sassy when it gets mentioned, but go yell at Europeans about it.

Its wild for me to see an American sit here and talk about the random racist incidents that go on across Europe, like that introduced you to the concept of racism & you cant fathom that going on in America. The same America thats still full of sundown towns. The same America that for over 100 years practiced either framing black people for crimes and or gave them ridiculous long prison sentences so they could continue to use them as slave labor. The same America than when people started the largest mass protest in history against excessive police violence, mainly against black people, millions of white people counter protested saying they side with the police.

And the reason why you'd never see a team play a game with the seats empty isnt cause our fans arnt as racist as theirs, its because our team owners would never let themselves not get ticket revenue. Hell, they only relatively recently started kicking some fans out for yelling racist shit at games. The only thing Euro fans are beating us at is their unified riots at games.

If you really looked into it, you'd know their consent laws mostly align with ours & they dont ok pedophilia like you claim. Most of the laws are for kids that age to have sex with kids within their age group(some countries its like 3 years). A grown ass man fucking a 12 year old can still send him to prison. I didnt even need to look anything up to know that your statement was off. If they were cool with pedo's, why would they bother flying to some tiny improvised village in Thailand to be sickos, when they can go to Europe.

Meanwhile in America, we literally have a child marriage problem. People are literally fighting to get legislation passed to end child marriage, because its still legal in a majority of our states. Only 12 states have this ban and it only started slowly getting banned in 2017.

With all the wild shit that goes on in Europe, they still somehow in large manage to seem more progressive and civilized than America. Most the time Europeans will stop beefing with each other to collectively agree that America is a shit show. That probably what has you mad, but I dont see how you can deny any of it.

If more Americans were ashamed of the stuff that goes on in our country, it would probably do us some good & bring about change.

Nobody said long sentences are the only way to deter crime. It is a good way to help deter crime, but nobody's saying it's the sole solution. Are you saying more lenient sentencing would help deter violent crime?

America has plenty of racism. I still think a lot of Europe finds it more acceptable than a lot of America does.

Bruh what are you talking about? The age of consent here isn't 14 but minors can still have sex with people around their age. So why would making the AoC 14 be necessary for that?

Stop straw manning. I never said they could fuck 12 year olds, and pedophilia was legal. I said they "let adults fuck minors in a way we find disgusting here". Letting adults fuck 14 year Olds is something we generally find disgusting over here.
they had video of KR's movements during that night and nothing about the vid showed him causing trouble....

the fact is KR's case shows that majority of people can be swayed off of emotions and misinformation

Black people would've jailed KR simply for questioning his motive of being a white kid at a BLM protest in WISCONSIN 🙁

the only thing we should've been mad at about KR's case is seeing that racist judge be biased on TV for all of us to see

I've already said that I consider showing up at a protest carrying guns to be menacing at the very least.

There was no reason for him or any of the people he was with to be there. Their presence is what led to people dying.

Even if you believe that KR didn't do anything illegal, I don't see how any black person could be ok with white people tooling up in response to people protesting systemic racism against black people.
I've already said that I consider showing up at a protest carrying guns to be menacing at the very least.

There was no reason for him or any of the people he was with to be there. Their presence is what led to people dying.

Even if you believe that KR didn't do anything illegal, I don't see how any black person could be ok with white people tooling up in response to people protesting systemic racism against black people.

At the bolded:

I get what you're saying, but I think it can set a dangerous precedent.

Like in Charlottesville a bunch of racist whites had a "rally" to protest the removal of a statue. Well people showed up to counter protest them. I'd imagine (can't prove it, and I may be wrong) some of them armed themselves before going to a neo-nazi rally. But would we blame the counter protesters for the violence? Without them being there, there may not have been violence because its just a bunch of like-minded white supremacists there.
I've already said that I consider showing up at a protest carrying guns to be menacing at the very least.

There was no reason for him or any of the people he was with to be there. Their presence is what led to people dying.

Even if you believe that KR didn't do anything illegal, I don't see how any black person could be ok with white people tooling up in response to people protesting systemic racism against black people.
being armed at a protest is questionable

but it would be different if u were talking about him being armed intimidating people at voting polls

some of the BLM protests did legit got out of hand in multiple cities

and u can argue anyone had no right to be there

bottom line is he didn't break the law.....and no evidence shows that he even harmed/targeted a black person

yet we were so passionate to have him convicted for defending himself

it's like the video evidence doesn't even matter cuz people "feel" like he didn't have a right to cosplay as civil defense
At the bolded:

I get what you're saying, but I think it can set a dangerous precedent.

Like in Charlottesville a bunch of racist whites had a "rally" to protest the removal of a statue. Well people showed up to counter protest them. I'd imagine (can't prove it, and I may be wrong) some of them armed themselves before going to a neo-nazi rally. But would we blame the counter protesters for the violence? Without them being there, there may not have been violence because its just a bunch of like-minded white supremacists there.

If the counterprotesters in your case went there brandishing weapons as was done in Wisconsin, then yes, they were bear responsibility for what pops off. Having guns out automatically escalates things. If you're having an argument with someone and just shouting words back and forth, that's one thing. But you can't tell me the temperature wouldn't change if that other person pulled out a gun.

being armed at a protest is questionable

but it would be different if u were talking about him being armed intimidating people at voting polls

some of the BLM protests did legit got out of hand in multiple cities

and u can argue anyone had no right to be there

bottom line is he didn't break the law.....and no evidence shows that he even harmed/targeted a black person

yet we were so passionate to have him convicted for defending himself

it's like the video evidence doesn't even matter cuz people "feel" like he didn't have a right to cosplay as civil defense

How would it be any different? In either case, the people with guns are trying to intimidate and keep others from exercising their constitutional rights.

Also, 93% of the protests were completely peaceful, and of the remaining 7% many of the violent incidents were started not by the protestors but by the cops or other agitators. Which is just more reason why Rhittenhouse and the counterprotesters were the ones most to blame for what happened.

Again, you keep on saying he didn't break the law. I believe what he and the others did could be considered menacing, and that menacing is what precipitated the shootings.
If the counterprotesters in your case went there brandishing weapons as was done in Wisconsin, then yes, they were bear responsibility for what pops off. Having guns out automatically escalates things. If you're having an argument with someone and just shouting words back and forth, that's one thing. But you can't tell me the temperature wouldn't change if that other person pulled out a gun.

How would it be any different? In either case, the people with guns are trying to intimidate and keep others from exercising their constitutional rights.

Also, 93% of the protests were completely peaceful, and of the remaining 7% many of the violent incidents were started not by the protestors but by the cops or other agitators. Which is just more reason why Rhittenhouse and the counterprotesters were the ones most to blame for what happened.

Again, you keep on saying he didn't break the law. I believe what he and the others did could be considered menacing, and that menacing is what precipitated the shootings.
how is what he did any different than legal open carry?

mofos carry openly in the grocery store doesn't mean they are menacing

there was no evidence showing he deliberately provoked anyone
If the counterprotesters in your case went there brandishing weapons as was done in Wisconsin, then yes, they were bear responsibility for what pops off. Having guns out automatically escalates things. If you're having an argument with someone and just shouting words back and forth, that's one thing. But you can't tell me the temperature wouldn't change if that other person pulled out a gun.

How would it be any different? In either case, the people with guns are trying to intimidate and keep others from exercising their constitutional rights.

Also, 93% of the protests were completely peaceful, and of the remaining 7% many of the violent incidents were started not by the protestors but by the cops or other agitators. Which is just more reason why Rhittenhouse and the counterprotesters were the ones most to blame for what happened.

Again, you keep on saying he didn't break the law. I believe what he and the others did could be considered menacing, and that menacing is what precipitated the shootings.

I respect the consistency.

I'm not sure just being armed stops them from exercising their constitutional rights. Ironically being armed is his Constitutional right. Simply having a gun can't be his biggest offense. Like with Rosenbaum I think he just saw him, and attacked him (potentially thinking he was someone else). I just feel like the provocation on his part needs to be more than just his armed presence to validate violence against him.
I respect the consistency.

I'm not sure just being armed stops them from exercising their constitutional rights. Ironically being armed is his Constitutional right. Simply having a gun can't be his biggest offense. Like with Rosenbaum I think he just saw him, and attacked him (potentially thinking he was someone else). I just feel like the provocation on his part needs to be more than just his armed presence to validate violence against him.
It's one thing to have an open carry license and let's say you bring a gun to a state fair just in case some shit pops off. You hope not to use it but you have it just in case

It's another to know a riot is happening across town from where you live where you are in the comfort of your home and you head out there with a gun trying to be part of Police Academy Citizens on Patrol
how is what he did any different than legal open carry?

mofos carry openly in the grocery store doesn't mean they are menacing

there was no evidence showing he deliberately provoked anyone

Why you playing dumb?

They weren't just innocently walking around a grocery store exercising their right to open carry (even though that in itself makes people nervous too).

They were out there specifically to oppose the protesters. That's literally the only reason they were out there. That was the reason they had their guns out. Like I said in the post before. Two parties can have a heated disagreement and it be fine, but ya'll are lying if you're saying that pulling out guns doesn't escalate it..

I respect the consistency.

I'm not sure just being armed stops them from exercising their constitutional rights. Ironically being armed is his Constitutional right. Simply having a gun can't be his biggest offense. Like with Rosenbaum I think he just saw him, and attacked him (potentially thinking he was someone else). I just feel like the provocation on his part needs to be more than just his armed presence to validate violence against him.

Pimp C went to jail because he showed his gun to someone that he thought was reaching for a weapon. He didn't even pull it out. He just showed that he was armed.

If you can get charged for that, you should be able to be charged with responding to a peaceful protest with weapons drawn.
Niggas still tryin to die on that Kyle Rittenhouse hill lol.

Fuck that cracka, he a piece of shit human, but y’all gotta let that go. Regardless of how you feel, he killed 1 guy who attacked and tried to take his gun from him, another who hit him upside the head with a skateboard, and shot another who upped his pistol at him first but was too pussy to squeeze.

Pistol man woulda been labeled a hero and the narrative spun that he stopped a mass shooter, instead, he got his arm knocked off for hesitating.

Skateboard kid was a dumbass who thought he was bout to “impossible white man” the situation, thinking he was gonna take down someone armed with a rifle who just showed he ain’t have no compunctions about shooting that shit.

And the other guy turned out to be a pedo.

These ain’t the allies I want.

And on top of THAT… there was a fourth attacker who jumped kicked him.

A BLACK GUY. And Kyle raised the rifle to him, correctly assessed that he wasn’t a real threat, and didn’t shoot.

That boy showed more restraint than the police. If he woulda been convicted I woulda been personally happy with that, but I ain’t losing sleep off that clown.

Everybody who caught an L that night, did so fair and square.
It's one thing to have an open carry license and let's say you bring a gun to a state fair just in case some shit pops off. You hope not to use it but you have it just in case

It's another to know a riot is happening across town from where you live where you are in the comfort of your home and you head out there with a gun trying to be part of Police Academy Citizens on Patrol
explain what makes this a problem

just genuinely interested in knowing if u see a black person doing the same thing

if u also see them as being problematic

u don't like volunteers?
Why you playing dumb?

They weren't just innocently walking around a grocery store exercising their right to open carry (even though that in itself makes people nervous too).

They were out there specifically to oppose the protesters. That's literally the only reason they were out there. That was the reason they had their guns out. Like I said in the post before. Two parties can have a heated disagreement and it be fine, but ya'll are lying if you're saying that pulling out guns doesn't escalate it..

Pimp C went to jail because he showed his gun to someone that he thought was reaching for a weapon. He didn't even pull it out. He just showed that he was armed.

If you can get charged for that, you should be able to be charged with responding to a peaceful protest with weapons drawn.
Pimp C is a straw man here...........

u don't have proof KR was specifically there to oppose the protesters in a menacing way

vs. his argument was supported by video that he was there cosplaying as civil defense to keep the riot from getting out of control

he was a kid who has ties to that area and was doing a poor job of trying to serve/protect the community

shit got real and he successfully defended himself......I don't see why people should've had an issue with that

it just seemed like it was more about the gun, and him being a white kid at a BLM protest, is what made him automatically guilty to uninformed people
Pimp C is a straw man here...........

u don't have proof KR was specifically there to oppose the protesters in a menacing way

vs. his argument was supported by video that he was there cosplaying as civil defense to keep the riot from getting out of control

he was a kid who has ties to that area and was doing a poor job of trying to serve/protect the community

shit got real and he successfully defended himself......I don't see why people should've had an issue with that

it just seemed like it was more about the gun, and him being a white kid at a BLM protest, is what made him automatically guilty to uninformed people

We're going around in circles.

They were rioters. They were protesters. You don't get to malign a group of people to justify taking actions that are inherently meant to be intimidating.

I'm not sure what you mean by Pimp C is a strawman since it wasn't a logical argument and therefore can't be a fallacy. But the point is that for his menacing charge, he didn't even have to have the gun out. The other person just had to perceive his actions as threatening. There's nothing stopping the protesters from saying that they perceived those dudes popping up with guns drawn in response to their presences as threatening. When you factor in the fact that, prior to going to Wisconsin, Rittenhouse expressed that he wanted to shoot people that he perceived as rioters, he doesn't really deserve the benefit of doubt or any caping on his behalf.
explain what makes this a problem

just genuinely interested in knowing if u see a black person doing the same thing

if u also see them as being problematic

u don't like volunteers?
In this scenario, absolutely not

Those stores have insurance. That shit can be replaced. You are opening yourself up to all kinds of shit by going there trying to be law enforcement adjacent

This isn't like a flood and people volunteering their boats to be used to rescue stranded people
It's one thing to have an open carry license and let's say you bring a gun to a state fair just in case some shit pops off. You hope not to use it but you have it just in case

It's another to know a riot is happening across town from where you live where you are in the comfort of your home and you head out there with a gun trying to be part of Police Academy Citizens on Patrol

I agree with you, and I wouldn't suggest people do what he did. But he's allowed to do It.

You're not as familiar with the case, but if they had been able to show Rittenhouse did something to provoke Rosenbaum he likely would have been convicted. But he didn't do anything to him. So ya, he didn't need to be there or armed, but that doesn't give people the legal right to fuck him up just because he's there.

Niggas still tryin to die on that Kyle Rittenhouse hill lol.

Fuck that cracka, he a piece of shit human, but y’all gotta let that go. Regardless of how you feel, he killed 1 guy who attacked and tried to take his gun from him, another who hit him upside the head with a skateboard, and shot another who upped his pistol at him first but was too pussy to squeeze.

He woulda been labeled a hero and the narrative spun that he stopped a mass shooter, instead, he got his arm knocked off for hesitating.

Skateboard kid was a dumbass who thought he was bout to “impossible white man” the situation, thinking he was gonna take down someone armed with a rifle who just showed he ain’t have no compunctions about shooting that shit.

And the other guy turned out to be a pedo.

These ain’t the allies I want.

And on top of THAT… there was a fourth attacker who jumped kicked him.

A BLACK GUY. And Kyle raised the rifle to him, correctly assessed that he wasn’t a real threat, and didn’t shoot.

That boy showed more restraint than the police. If he woulda been convicted I woulda been personally happy with that, but I ain’t losing sleep off that clown.

Everybody who caught an L that night, did so fair and square.

You know what? I didnt realize until you said that, that the only person that attacked him that he DIDN'T shoot was the black guy. But what kept getting repeated by someone on her was his goal was to go there and shoot black people, but never had the chance. That guy tried to kick him in the head when he was on the ground if I remember right?
In this scenario, absolutely not

Those stores have insurance. That shit can be replaced. You are opening yourself up to all kinds of shit by going there trying to be law enforcement adjacent

This isn't like a flood and people volunteering their boats to be used to rescue stranded people

People say this a lot and I guess I'm just not informed enough on the subject. Are you saying small business owners have no significant negative effects if their building and inventory are set on fire?

I know I've seen places around here catch fire, and never re-open.