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Is this an apples to apples comparison??

Get the fuck out of here.

KR deserved to go to jail, but he was attacked and could at least argue what he did was self defense.

This dude got on a bus full of kids and tried to murder another child, and the only reason he didn't is because the gun jammed not because he didn't want to actually go through with it. Fuck him.
Bunch of random wackos from other places, took it upon themselves to travel to where BLM protests were and "patrol" while open carrying AR's. Cops saw them and didnt even send them home to their own neighborhoods, in stead thanked them.

Then after they found the trouble they were looking for, and the shooting took place, didnt cops responding to the scene just let Kyle run by them holding his AR? While everyone was pointing toward him. In stead they were focused on the BLM people still.

He should of been charged with something.

Doesn't appear apples to apples. The Rittenhouse defense was he wasn't committing a criminal act by shooting those people. Not "he's just a kid and deserves a second chance."

25 gets him out of jail at 40. How's that life?

Y'all weird up here, but I'll go into it more later.

Perfect example of conditioning.

Going to prison at 14 and possibly getting out at 40 is pretty much life. Tell me how its not.

I already have an idea on what angle you will try and take but, i want to hear it from you.

Theres a reason why 25 years is life in a bunch of European countries, but they're way ahead of us in thinking and it seems we just keep regressing as more time goes on.
You don't know what "stand your ground" is, or you don't know what happened in the Rittenhouse case.

You'll probably reply with a subject change. But focus instead.
What is an example of standing your ground?

For example, if an unarmed child is attacking a man, the man cannot use deadly force in self defense regardless of the jurisdiction's stand your ground law. Similarly, if the threat is not imminent, force is not justified.

So what am I missing here?
Bunch of random wackos from other places, took it upon themselves to travel to where BLM protests were and "patrol" while open carrying AR's. Cops saw them and didnt even send them home to their own neighborhoods, in stead thanked them.

Then after they found the trouble they were looking for, and the shooting took place, didnt cops responding to the scene just let Kyle run by them holding his AR? While everyone was pointing toward him. In stead they were focused on the BLM people still.

He should of been charged with something.

Perfect example of conditioning.

Going to prison at 14 and possibly getting out at 40 is pretty much life. Tell me how its not.

I already have an idea on what angle you will try and take but, i want to hear it from you.

Theres a reason why 25 years is life in a bunch of European countries, but they're way ahead of us in thinking and it seems we just keep regressing as more time goes on.

He was charged with something. Why do you think there was a trial?

Life is life. Being able to live another 30+ years a free man vs being in jail is different. That's not an angle, that's what it is.

And fuck Europe. People act like it's some shining example of proper behavior. Europe is racist as fuck and lets adults fuck minors in a way we find disgusting here. I don't view Europe as morally superior.
What is an example of standing your ground?

For example, if an unarmed child is attacking a man, the man cannot use deadly force in self defense regardless of the jurisdiction's stand your ground law. Similarly, if the threat is not imminent, force is not justified.

So what am I missing here?

That's not about stand your ground. It literally says that example is what he's not allowed to do "regardless of the jurisdiction's stand your ground law." You have reading comprehension issues.

That's about when lethal force can be used regarding being in imminent danger. Stand your ground is about your responsibly in these situations. In stand your ground states you don't have an obligation to try to retreat or get away.

That doesn't matter with Rittenhouse because he did try to run away from every person he shot.
That's not about stand your ground. It literally says that example is what he's not allowed to do "regardless of the jurisdiction's stand your ground law." You have reading comprehension issues.

That's about when lethal force can be used regarding being in imminent danger. Stand your ground is about your responsibly in these situations. In stand your ground states you don't have an obligation to try to retreat or get away.

That doesn't matter with Rittenhouse because he did try to run away from every person he shot.
Are you trolling me? Or gaslighting?

That's not about stand your ground. It literally says that example is what he's not allowed to do "regardless of the jurisdiction's stand your ground law." You have reading comprehension issues.

That's about when lethal force can be used regarding being in imminent danger. Stand your ground is about your responsibly in these situations. In stand your ground states you don't have an obligation to try to retreat or get away.

That doesn't matter with Rittenhouse because he did try to run away from every person he shot.
The state doesn’t have stand your ground.
He was charged with something. Why do you think there was a trial?

Life is life. Being able to live another 30+ years a free man vs being in jail is different. That's not an angle, that's what it is.

And fuck Europe. People act like it's some shining example of proper behavior. Europe is racist as fuck and lets adults fuck minors in a way we find disgusting here. I don't view Europe as morally superior.
Went exactly how I expected. I'd go into detail on why you are wrong, but if your at this age and still dont understand what I was getting at, its pointless. I'm sure other understood what I was getting at.

And Americans calling other countries super racist is always funny. As for the last part, I'm going to assume you either made that up, or its a big reach from the actual truth or law out there. But i'm sure you'll double down on it
He was charged with something. Why do you think there was a trial?

Life is life. Being able to live another 30+ years a free man vs being in jail is different. That's not an angle, that's what it is.

And fuck Europe. People act like it's some shining example of proper behavior. Europe is racist as fuck and lets adults fuck minors in a way we find disgusting here. I don't view Europe as morally superior.
Everywhere in the world suffers with this shit. To try and localise these issues to certain parts of the globe is nuts.

But I know you like to troll these kinda topics.
Went exactly how I expected. I'd go into detail on why you are wrong, but if your at this age and still dont understand what I was getting at, its pointless. I'm sure other understood what I was getting at.

And Americans calling other countries super racist is always funny. As for the last part, I'm going to assume you either made that up, or its a big reach from the actual truth or law out there. But i'm sure you'll double down on it

Life is life. 25 years is detrimental to someone's life, but it's a punishment to deter crime. They planned to run up on someone that was basically defenseless and trapped on a bus, and blow his brains out in the middle of the day. I'm not pitying the length of his sentence.

Europe is super racist. In America at least the norm is to know it's not accepted and try to hide it. Soccer showz European racism a lot. . They have organized planned racist chants, and throw bananas at black players and shit. That shit happens a LOT. Teams end up playing in empty stadiums and shit because their punished for a racist crowd. I've never seen the Cowboys stadium filled with people making monkey sounds while bananas get thrown at Dak.

Why not look it up instead of doubting it? Conditioned to think Europe is the model for morality. What's made up or a big reach? In America how do we view, and deal with, adults that fuck 14-16 year Olds? Europe said it's OK.

Everywhere in the world suffers with this shit. To try and localise these issues to certain parts of the globe is nuts.

But I know you like to troll these kinda topics.

What's trolling to say Europe isn't morally superior? Everywhere does suffer with issues. That's my point. Don't treat shit like it's how things should be done just because Europe does it.
What's trolling to say Europe isn't morally superior? Everywhere does suffer with issues. That's my point. Don't treat shit like it's how things should be done just because Europe does it.
There’s aspects of every country you could pull for good points and bad points, it’s all relative to what angle you wanna go with 🤷‍♂️.
There’s aspects of every country you could pull for good points and bad points, it’s all relative to what angle you wanna go with 🤷‍♂️.

Agreed. So if the idea is that America is handling something wrong, say it's wrong. Not "Europe does it this way..." without even saying how that's fared better for them. Just that it's the European way.

You're British. You follow soccer? Tell him about how things went for Rashford, Sancho, and Saka for missing those PK's.
Agreed. So if the idea is that America is handling something wrong, say it's wrong. Not "Europe does it this way..." without even saying how that's fared better for them. Just that it's the European way.

You're British. You follow soccer? Tell him about how things went for Rashford, Sancho, and Saka for missing those PK's.
A lot of european fans are racist, a lot of major clubs (Italian etc) have ultras fan groups which are borderline neo nazi, some are.

Europe has alot of flaws between countries but grouping Europe to compare to America, there is no comparison.

Europe is a collection of countries all with different laws and cultures.

But I know alot Americans believe Europe is one country.
Are you trolling me? Or gaslighting?

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The state doesn’t have stand your ground.

Man, I explained this to you before and you didn't get it then either.



Nobody is trolling or gaslighting you