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Is The Step-Father Wrong in This? Let's Talk About It

Man... that’s tough. This dude stepped up. I wanna say there’s more to the story cuz I can’t see how she would want her biological to walk her down the aisle and he was NEVER involved. I’d like to think they had some form of relationship.
Moms was prolly still fucking the biological pops ....prolly took the kids there for visits
Step-Father. Before taking on the father role to fullest extent, he should have factored in the possibility and likely eventuality of the bio father and/or the kids wanting to rekindle their relationship.

Demanding to share the 'father & daughter walk down the aisle' process, shows he's emotionally distraught and trying to justify to himself all those years to spending money, time and love as worthwhile.

Him reneging one the rest of the wedding expenses, was him trying to salvage some dignity and self-respect, as he clearly feels duped and hustled.
Mother: She foul for talking to him like that, considering he played the father role to the fullest.

Ungrateful bitch. Clearly never respected or loved him, to begin with. He was just a convenient money machine.

There lies the perils, when men start overly playing father to another man's child... Some women just perceived that as a weakness.
I’m cutting everybody off fuck type of kid did i raise to do shit like that

This in a nutshell.

Doubt I'd ever speak to the daughter ever again. I raise you like you my own, care for you and protect you like a man should, only to have you run back to this nigga?

Nah, fuck all the way outta here with that. She's dead to me after that.

Sheesh... bruh need to just cut his step daughters off financially. Everybody grown. He got every right to be petty about that last 10k.

Any disrespect beyond that he need cut his losses and exit that marriage stage left and chalk it up to a L.
I hope this is fake. It seems hella fake

They did the step dad dirty as shit. Lol.

I can understand the daughter wanting to build with her biological dad after not knowing him all those years, but how could his step daughter and wife think it's cool for him to pay for everything and step aside and let a stranger (he wasn't around for the kids growing up) reap the rewards.

Step dad has no respect in that house from his wife or those kids. SMH
This is why I couldn't raise anyone else's kids. I'm too good at cutting attachments. If this shit happened to me, I'd be out no questions, no discussions. It don't matter he been with his wife 20+ years. What does that 20+ years mean if she couldn't empathize with him in this situation. It don't matter that he raised the kids. What does raising them mean if they'd stab in you the back that quick of the nigga who abandoned them. If the kids are my blood, I got an obligation towards them no matter what happens. If they somebody else's kids, and they pulled something like this. Fuck them.
I mean...WRONG? I dunno if I can say he's WRONG. Maybe. I dunno. That's a real sticky situation. I'll say this though. I don't let other people's bullshit behavior dictate mine. If I love you as your 'father' and I was already willing to foot the bill - even though now I feel like you did me wrong - I'm not gonna switch it up now and fuck up your day. It doesn't make me feel any better to see your wedding ruined.

But that's ME. And I don't really expect anybody else to have that reaction so it is what it is.
First of all, I appreciate the disclaimer at the beginning of the tweet:

"This is a wild ass scenario."

So this is more than likely just what it is:

A............"scenario"..........meant to generate discussion on social media.

Assuming it is real though, why does he keep referring to the biological father as..............."the doc?"

Other than that, this is another reason not to become a step dad unless the father is completely out-of-the picture.

By out of the picture, I mean dead or incarcerated for life.

Even then, there's substantial risk involved because...........if the relationship with the mother doesn't work out............she can still put you on child support even though you're not the biological father.

A combination of common-law marriage and........"best-interests-of-the-child"...........laws.
I saw this earlier...... I'd still pay for the wedding, but I'd step afterwards.

You not gonna threaten me with divorce for expressing my feelings. And you not gonna attack me for having them.

Just like she had to repair shit with her blood dad. She gonna have to repair shit with me for that crap she pulled. I might still show up considering I paid for the shit.... But that shit was too deep to brush off.

Fuck that.

She wants that nigga to walk her down the aisle, let him pay for the wedding.