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Is the conscious community frauds?

But I never accused Tariq of scamming. He is exploiting....hustling and pimping black pain, ya dig?

Again if anyone claiming to be "woke" or "conscious" really believes a nigga like this truly cares about the black struggle,beyond how much money he can profit from it...I don't know what the hell to tell you....other than...just keep on donating and dancing a jig to the Mink Slide
But... i/we don't care about what he "cares about". I care about what he SAYS. And 9 times out of 10 his takes, views and observations about the enemy are spot on. He says certain shit that others just dont say and then we see it play out in real life afterwards. His predictions are always plausible. That's why his insight is appreciated. And you keep harping on the money aspect as if his twitter page is pay per view. For the umpteenth time he does not impose fees as you imply, he accepts donations via the YOUTUBE MODEL. Huge difference. Bruh in the video was as fair and objective as possible. If you don't feel him you just have a personal vendetta against Tariq... did he "mack" your girl or something??
@5th Letter remember a couple of weeks ago when Tariq exposed that fruitboy they wheeled out of nowhere to speak against reparations at that sham hearing? He dug up some video of dude pole dancing in tighty whiteys and they had the audacity to give him a platform to speak on black issues. That was one of my many "that's why i fuck with Tariq" moments. God tier receipt game
Nah, I got the gist of what you said.
And honestly y'all niggas can't ever say shit ill about how & why these fast talking Christian preachers can command absolute loyalty and can collect endless tithes
Nah, I got the gist of what you said.
And honestly y'all niggas can't ever say shit ill about how & why these fast talking Christian preachers can command absolute loyalty and can collect endless tithes
But that's the thing tho... Tariq is refreshing for niggas like me who never ever bought in to preachers, pastors and priests and was too skeptical of Farrakhan and the NOI. With Tariq and other black media heads there's no religious pretext, there's no backdrop of god/jesus. Its just "we're black, and here's what you need to know about white supremacy". I don't care that he sells T shirts and albums. That doesn't discredit or dilute the message one bit
No, that's what happens when you putting out something that people in power don't like. That doesn't mean he's not a fraud. I'm not saying he is, but don't make the mistake of believing that somebody can't be a fraud just because they piss of the people in charge of maintaining the status quo.
I was being facetious but i mean he's obviously doing something right. He's being taken seriously. He's a real threat to them

And if he is a fraud there's gonna need to be proof and evidence. The onus the skeptics and haters to prove it.
Nah, I got the gist of what you said.
And honestly y'all niggas can't ever say shit ill about how & why these fast talking Christian preachers can command absolute loyalty and can collect endless tithes

The tithes argument is and has always been stupid. Take the spiritual aspect away from churches, and they are basically big clubs. Every club and social organization has dues. How else do you think those organizations manage to continue running. Churches are no different. You have to pay for the building, the staff, the utilities, the community outreach, etc... Tithes are essentially just church dues.

The problem comes with everything else a lot of churches ask for, particularly with these prosperity churches. That's where people basically get taken in, and none of that is actually Biblical. So people who go to church giving up a bunch of money on top of the tithes because some preacher tells them too are just being sheep, and people like that would fall victim to any hustle. Some of the conscious frauds are taking advantage of them too. When I say that I'm not speaking about anyone in particular. I'm just being honest about the fact that any movement that is designed to appeal to people will also attract grifters.
He did.

How would you know if you don't listen to him?

It's getting to the point you niggas are just being petty contrarians for the fuck of it. Stop.

Folks been saying that on here the IC and everywhere else lol.

Hes good at reporting the news, not finding the stories.
Folks been saying that on here the IC and everywhere else lol.

Hes good at reporting the news, not finding the stories.
Oh word?

I'll cashapp you $300 if you find me someone who predicted that they will try to criminalize ppl for rejecting trannies before Tariq said it

Get money nigga
We talked about that shit when genuine and that tranny kissing shit.

Numerous comments on plenty of stories people been saying that shit.

What Tariq does is cool but hes not ground breaking in any sense. AT ALL.