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Is Sex Work, Work?

Cigarretts are legal. There are HEAVY restrictions on the marketing of cigarettes to children. There are HEAVY restrictions on marketing cigarettes period. I see no reason why this couldn't be the same for prostitution.
Lol nah i cant see it being regulated correctly. People would push the boundaries. They'd find loopholes. Like you'd have cleverly worded sex work ads pop up on kids devices/apps/games etc.
Makes 0 sense. If you legalize sex work its not gonna drive women to wanna be sex workers. Being a cam girl is legal and not even 1% of women do it. The women that are gonna become sex workers are gonna do it either way, and the dudes that are gonna pay for pussy are gonna pay for pussy either way.

Give sex workers their rights so they can get tested regularly, hold dudes with stds accountable, protect the sex workers, stop arresting dudes and jailing them for some pussy, have another thing you can tax. I can list a million benefits.

The thought that all these women wanna be sex workers and are just waiting for it to he legal is the worst argument against legalizing sez work.

Get your dumb ass in here @IC_Refugee
Lol nah i cant see it being regulated correctly. People would push the boundaries. They'd find loopholes. Like you'd have cleverly worded sex work ads pop up on kids devices/apps/games etc.

I'm not naive. I mean, nothing is regulated CORRECTLY, my nigga. You know? Like lets not pretend there are ways around any marketing restrictions. I can think of TONS of thinly veiled marketing ploys for cigs. Is what it is.
We can't have young girls aspiring to be whores because the law allows it. Things that are legal are promoted and marketed.. like gambling. Imagine the marketing campaigns for legalized prostitution..

the ones that would see that commercial and "aspire" to do it, are the same ones who are influenced by and aspire to be stripper/rappers

meanwhile the ones who dont, dont....not because its not legal or not marketed to them, but because they obviously have different values and/or options

there's girls out there doing dangerous shit for $60, $80, $100.....or gettin a lil bill paid here and there

what if there was a safe, controlled, and legal alternative to that.....a schedule, consistent clients/income, security, benefits

oh no! now we got single mothers, students, and otherwise hard times livers out here paying bills on time and buying groceries, going to the doctor, getting in a position to seriously be able to consider a career change

fast food, waiting, bussing, stocking, data entry, etc are all entry level jobs intended to use to get to the next step......this would serve the same purpose
Eh can we really act like kids aren't impressionable and the more something is promoted won't have an affect on em?

I mean there are definitely more factors that come into play but we can't act like that's not one of em.
Eh can we really act like kids aren't impressionable and the more something is promoted won't have an affect on em?

I mean there are definitely more factors that come into play but we can't act like that's not one of em.

Cam girls are legal
Eh can we really act like kids aren't impressionable and the more something is promoted won't have an affect on em?

I mean there are definitely more factors that come into play but we can't act like that's not one of em.

Fam this goes for every single thing thats dangerous. Driving over the speed limit is dangerous, and fast cars are marketed to kids all the time.

Protect our kids is the worst argument for anything ever. Pass down your values to your kids and chalk their mistakes to kids being kids and keep it moving imo
No contact fool. Its all digital

What this gotta do with your point of corrupting kids and teenagers?

So a girl putting a dildo as big as my whole arm in her pussy on camera is morally cool but letting a dude smash for $100 is unacceptable?
Fam this goes for every single thing thats dangerous. Driving over the speed limit is dangerous, and fast cars are marketed to kids all the time.

Protect our kids is the worst argument for anything ever. Pass down your values to your kids and chalk their mistakes to kids being kids and keep it moving imo
Cars are much more difficult for a kid to get their hands on. I get your point but all im saying is depending on if/how it's promoted (like IG does) can and will have an affect on kids. More or less to the same effect as how those children are raised.
Also to legalize sex work is to give Uncle Sam a cut. And more tax money is the only incentive for them to want it legalized, not for the wholesome reasons ya'll are stating

What hoe wants the government as her pimp?
gotta be specific....cuz i see some of ya'll only consider prostitution to be sex work

but yes, i think its stupid to lock these people up.....there is an obvious demand for this service to be provided, and those out that are willing to meet that demand

this, just like drugs, is only illegal because the gov't doesnt get paid from it

a lot of gov officials still use the services tho lol.

Yes it’s work. Yes it should be legal.

works fine in Amsterdam, although there could be an increase in sex trafficking as there is in Amsterdam also.

ain’t there a place in Nevada where’s its legal? Bunny ranch? Saw TV programme on it. How do they bypass laws to have such a setup?

even If legalised people will still use street hookers, cheaper.
Also to legalize sex work is to give Uncle Sam a cut. And more tax money is the only incentive for them to want it legalized, not for the wholesome reasons ya'll are stating

What hoe wants the government as her pimp?

I mean, the government SHOULD get a cut, if it’s legalized and regulated like it should be. If we gon legitimize the shit, lets really legitimize it and stop playing.

The neighborhood street walker better pay them taxes like everyone else