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Is Kamala Harris The Best Candidate For Black People?

You got to explain that one bruh. Before Harris, every VP in the history of the country was a white man.
Given this obvious fact Essentially the vp pick represents a part of the electorate that is not representive of the president and also taps into the "diversity of the person back ground, strengths etc

Biden was chosen for the everyman, middle of the road dem even if Obama was that himself... he wasnt seen as that because he is black Biden.. was his cosign/validation ...along with Bidens foreign policy chops/just overall experience... Obama couldnt pick jessie jackson the same way Kamala couldnt pick whitmer, Hakeem jefferies or ehom ever even appears different from the status quo it much more apparent when the principal is black
But palin was chosing for a reason(totally unserious pick he had to pick her name out of a hat), just as Al gore
He's the problem. If you can look at the case against him and tell that it's weak, Kamala and her office could tell that it was weak. That means they probably weren't sure or maybe didn't even believe he did the crime. They were just trying to get their win, and that's what's most fucked up about the system. The inherent racism is bad, but the fact that people in the systems are willing to put their careers and records over justice is what really breaks the system. To be fair, Kamal wasn't the one that prosecuted him. It was one of her testimonies, but based on Trulove's statements, she was plugged into the case and knew what was happening.

This ain't even the worst case to me though. That would be Daniel Larsen's case. Two judges found that he didn't get a fair trial and reversed his conviction, but Kamala's office was so committed to keeping that W on their record that they used a technicality about him filing his paperwork to be released too late to keep him in jail. I could never vote for a candidate with that kind of history. It's not like she's apologized for any of it or admitted any wrongdoing. She stands by that record, so she's the same person she was then.
Given this obvious fact Essentially the vp pick represents a part of the electorate that is not representive of the president and also taps into the "diversity of the person back ground, strengths etc

Biden was chosen for the everyman, middle of the road dem even if Obama was that himself... he wasnt seen as that because he is black Biden.. was his cosign/validation ...along with Bidens foreign policy chops/just overall experience... Obama couldnt pick jessie jackson the same way Kamala couldnt pick whitmer, Hakeem jefferies or ehom ever even appears different from the status quo it much more apparent when the principal is black
But palin was chosing for a reason(totally unserious pick he had to pick her name out of a hat), just as Al gore
I’ve never heard of what you’re describing being included under the DEI umbrella

Saying diversity of political background or regionality counts as DEI is how you end up getting a different type of white guy every time, that’s status quo
So y’all against affirmative action too? Damn nighas
My point is it’s cognitive dissonance to be Pro DEI/ affirmative action and then be upset when people that get hired due to DEI/affirmative action are acknowledged as such.
You’re adding subjectivity to it that’s not relevant.

To say Kamala Harris is a “DEI hire” is objectively true. Not according to me or MAGA, but according to the guy that hired her.
Anytime someone says they are hiring someone simply based on their race, gender, etc. implies they are a DEI hire, that’s true.

But the context in which the right uses this term implies unqualified. So to agree with them that she is a DEI hire is also to agree with the context in which they are making the claim.

So while objectively true, the premise is racist/sexist and to agree with them is racist/sexist.
Anytime someone says they are hiring someone simply based on their race, gender, etc. implies they are a DEI hire, that’s true.

But the context in which the right uses this term implies unqualified. So to agree with them that she is a DEI hire is also to agree with the context in which they are making the claim.

So while objectively true, the premise is racist/sexist and to agree with them is racist/sexist.
Nah b… the right is going to try to apply all types of labels to get something to stick. If they are calling her unqualified, then it’s on her to remind people of her record in public service and her vision for the American people while landing counter punches. That’s politics.

But Republican’s angle is that identity politics is problematic and they are going to try to appeal to people that agree. There are people in this country that genuinely don’t agree with DEI because whenever you have a “diverse hire” the question of whether they got the position based on merit can come up even if only subconsciously.

If you are Pro-DEI then why take the stance of trying to deny that somebody that is obviously a DEI hire is a DEI hire? Why not tote the success of DEI in that it was able to bring somebody qualified to the forefront to create an administration that is representative of the nation’s diversity?

If everybody is going to clutch their pearls as if “DEI hire” is now a slur, what are the implications for DEI itself?
He's the problem. If you can look at the case against him and tell that it's weak, Kamala and her office could tell that it was weak. That means they probably weren't sure or maybe didn't even believe he did the crime. They were just trying to get their win, and that's what's most fucked up about the system. The inherent racism is bad, but the fact that people in the systems are willing to put their careers and records over justice is what really breaks the system. To be fair, Kamal wasn't the one that prosecuted him. It was one of her testimonies, but based on Trulove's statements, she was plugged into the case and knew what was happening.

This ain't even the worst case to me though. That would be Daniel Larsen's case. Two judges found that he didn't get a fair trial and reversed his conviction, but Kamala's office was so committed to keeping that W on their record that they used a technicality about him filing his paperwork to be released too late to keep him in jail. I could never vote for a candidate with that kind of history. It's not like she's apologized for any of it or admitted any wrongdoing. She stands by that record, so she's the same person she was then.
I heard y’all bring up the case where someone was wrong fully convicted and she Kevin in jail on a technicality, but I never looked into.

That’s some real file shit though
I always looked at Dei akin to painting blacklives matter on the streets..

Its not something they necessarilly believe in but touting dei is good pr... im sure their are organizations that put there foot forward but i never like the term.. or buzzwords in general..

I rather be "accepted"as i am than being included" folded into a group there is nuance to this(inclusion) that i dont care to explain
Same thing happened to “woke,” we have people on the left listening to the other side and acting like woke was never viewed as a positive thing
Before it was coopted i just found it corny because why do people have to label everything with exploitable buzzwords... being conscious is a baseline to me a commercialization/commodification is just cheap imo

On the other hand
The term/rallying cry Black lives Matter was so direct it can't/couldnt be manipulated
I felt offended when y'all asked me.
You had some very questionable posts early in your posting history pleighboi

Great thing I took you under my wing cause look at you now... Making all kinds of sense and shit

You definitely gave off emo white boi vibes at one point mad ya parents took your Nintendo switch or some shit

I'm glad to be your big bro✊🏾
Fuck all that. Make them keep hiring DEI and collect that check. Yall forget how many unqualified white people are in cushy high paying jobs and fail their way to the top? The DEI numbers at their peak pales in comparison to those numbers.

We got a white woman on the supreme court with no experience as judge and barely any court room experience. She never filed an appeal, never argued a case in court, never saw a case to verdict. She was never a judge until Trump appointed her one.

The next time you white people try to talk down on POC about DEI hires, remember why DEI hiring had to become a thing. Better yet, ask them why DEI had to be started. I'm sure you'll love their iffy explanation, if they even can think one up. Cuz their either dont know what they're talking about, or will dance around the reason.
Fuck all that. Make them keep hiring DEI and collect that check. Yall forget how many unqualified white people are in cushy high paying jobs and fail their way to the top? The DEI numbers at their peak pales in comparison to those numbers.

We got a white woman on the supreme court with no experience as judge and barely any court room experience. She never filed an appeal, never argued a case in court, never saw a case to verdict. She was never a judge until Trump appointed her one.

The next time you white people try to talk down on POC about DEI hires, remember why DEI hiring had to become a thing. Better yet, ask them why DEI had to be started. I'm sure you'll love their iffy explanation, if they even can think one up. Cuz their either dont know what they're talking about, or will dance around the reason.