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Is Kamala Harris The Best Candidate For Black People?

I’ll choose to ignore the implied insults.

No one has a reason to be indifferent towards black people considering all we’ve done for this country. Doesn’t change the fact that people are.

Im practical though where you’re idealistic. You can get someone that does try to help at times or someone that is truly anti.

Keep both sides-ing them and you’ll truly see what it’s like to be ran by an anti-black government where black kids in public schools are taught that slavery wasn’t all bad, cops can kill black men with impunity, black people will be frozen out of job promotions, black students will be frozen out of universities, black women will continue to die at higher rates during child birth, black people will be denied loans for housing, etc.


Slavery was taught and when I was in school, it wasn't taught in depths like it should be. I learned more about slavery in my adults years than I did in school and in my opinion, your parents should be lacing you with game anyways

I don't expect a white teacher (most teachers nowadays are white) to teach my kids anything about MY history. It's the parents' job along with the uncles, aunts, big mama, big daddy and other black folks, "the church" to tell stories, lace the youngsters with game,

I know mine did with me. I rarely relied on school to know about my true history. So for me the curriculum can change all it want, it's much more information that is omitted in public school today

Once upon a time the state of Oregon did not allow black folks to travel nor live there. No Black allowed in the state of Oregon
No public school is teaching this

Sundown towns, know public school is teaching this, the greenbook etc. You'll learn more about your own history just listening to older black folks who understand the game.

I don't worry care about what's going on in the school system, it's rigged anyways. Just keep the faggot teachers away from teaching my children is all I care about.
I'll say this: This just my opinion,
A lot of black folks hold on to the notion that the democratic party or the republican party is going to save us or that we have to vote is because "this is my opinion" a lot of black folks don't know the history of this country and the ends and outs of what has transpire.

Most know level 1, the shit that was taught in school to us. Most don't know anything about the Freemans Burea Bank, most black folks don't know the history behind that, most don't know the history on how every other race was paid out by the gov't for the things that the US gov't did to them.

Most black folks don't know their own history, most haven't heard Malcolm's X speech in its entirety, the Ballot speech he made
Most black folks don't know why MLK was even killed, or know anything about the sanitation strike that was held in Memphis, TN what caused the strike to even take place and why MLK was even there

It's in my opinion once black folks as a whole understand 25% of our history and this country's history, then the "fear" will not be there any more

To me, the average black person knows about 4-5% of the history of this country and maybe 2-3% of the history of our black race.

I believe knowing your history and the U.S. history outside of what the public school taught us will allow black folks get over this "fear" of just voting and allow us to stop believing in Santa Clause

Some have awakened, and starting to really peep game, they are calling out the plays from both sides and holding these folks accountable. Making them "earn" their vote, but it's still a lot of us that are not equipped yet.

We justify, we make excuses, we ramble, we are not direct, and in my honest opinion you asked these folks about their own history and the history of the U.S. they couldn't pass the test.

Once you truly understand how this country has treated black folks since it's been existing, truly understand what this country done, about 30% of the information, then the mind will shift, and the fear will start to dissipate.
Like dayum both parties turn a blind eye while yall let this shit go on to my people, but now yall need me and still won't give me shit that I need to have to survive in this world? from the rules you've set? Come on now, let me make you fuckers earn my vote and let me get what the fuck I need, since everybody else gets what they need and they don't' even vote in high numbers like my ppl who you have abused for 400 plus year does.

It's like you seeing/reading how your sister or brother has been beaten by a spouse or s/o and now that spouse wants to play all in your face, looking for your support, etc like nah man, you foul. You raped, beat, hung my sister and brother and your homies and even your enemies stood by and watched.
You go need to meet every demand on my list for me even to consider helping you and the fact that you been beating my sis or brother for 400 years? Nah fal
You go need to produce something that's gonna benefit me and her or him
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Black folks should package 10-15 things and present them to each party, these are the things we want, strickly for us. We don't wanna see the word minority or anything in the documents.

Just like the Native Americans have money ear-marked for them every year, we want the same thing as black folks,

Free Health Insurance
Checks cut
Our own community, police department

Same way the Jews and other groups are taken care of each year with funding, black folks should want and present a package as such

Use the Native Americans template and these other groups templates.

If neither party can do as such, we as a voting block can move around, and stop letting these folks play in our faces like that.

We know how to do this. We move around if something else doesn't fit our needs, gas stations, "Price to high over here, let me go up the street and get this cheap shit"
"They don't have my shoes at this store, let me jump on this other website"

We know how to move around when shit doesn't fit our needs, we are not confined to something

As I stated, Logic is applied in our everyday life but when it comes to voting, black folks tend to throw simple logic out the room and vote with their hearts and not with their intelligence that the creator has given us

Who makes the list of 10-15 things? You have black Umar supporters, Candace Owens supporters, Kamala Harris supporters, Ben Carson supporters, etc... (no Jesse Lee Peterson supporters). They have different views on what black people need and how to give it to them.
Who makes the list of 10-15 things? You have black Umar supporters, Candace Owens supporters, Kamala Harris supporters, Ben Carson supporters, etc... (no Jesse Lee Peterson supporters). They have different views on what black people need and how to give it to them.
And even worse some of those factions are completely stubborn and won’t compromise on anything.

And then wonder why all black people can’t agree on a platform to earn our vote as a collective.
Who makes the list of 10-15 things? You have black Umar supporters, Candace Owens supporters, Kamala Harris supporters, Ben Carson supporters, etc... (no Jesse Lee Peterson supporters). They have different views on what black people need and how to give it to them.

You can't save everyone. I ain't trying to save every black person. Some folks won't make it. You get with like minded folks and yall create things that can be beneficial to yall cause.

I see about 6-7 folks that I could rock with on here that share the same view as me. You keep the list short because it becomes personal shit after 10, folks start asking for shit that will benefit just them lol
Man can we get discount on rims and shit. We get into dumb shit after 10 things listed. I know my ppl lol

Even the Chicago cat, folks say he's white or so but bud has the understanding on how the game is setup and he's white.

If he's white and can see it I don't understand how us black folks refuse to see the things. Shout out to dude man.

It's very simple, the way folks beat down the mods on here asking for shit to be done and changed, the same way folks can create spaces and zoom regional meetings. Town hall meetings and create these things.

Asians and everybody else not black do it all the time.

When mods election comes about are cats on here just going to vote for @AP2.5 Or. @Chicity. I'm not sure if he's still a mod or so but will folks just all willy nilly vote for them dudes just because they have a cool avatar?

I think the fuck not. Yall use to stay on AP bumper and other mods about the shit yall wanna see done on the site

Do the same for these candidates.

We know how to do this
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You can't save everyone. I ain't trying to save every black person. Some folks won't make it. You get with like minded folks and yall create things that can be beneficial to yall cause.

I see about 6-7 folks that I could rock with on here that share the same view as me. You keep the list short because it becomes personal shit after 10, folks start asking for shit that will benefit just them lol
Man can we get discount on rims and shit. We get into dumb shit after 10 things listed. I know my ppl lol

Even the Chicago cat, folks say he's white or so but bud has the understanding on how the game is setup and he's white.

If he's white and can see it I don't understand how us black folks refuse to see the things. Shout out to dude man.

It's very simple, the way folks beat down the mods on here asking for shit to be done and changed, the same way folks can create spaces and zoom regional meetings. Town hall meetings and create these things.

Asians and everybody else not black do it all the time.

When mods election comes about are cats on here just going to vote for @AP2.5 Or. @Chicity. I'm not sure if he's still a mod or so but will folks just all willy nilly vote for them dudes just because they have a cool avatar?

I think the fuck not. Yall use to stay on AP bumper and other mods about the shit yall wanna see done on the site

Do the same for these candidates.

We know how to do this
Oh I got a lifetime appointment brother

I'm not on the ballot
You can't save everyone. I ain't trying to save every black person. Some folks won't make it. You get with like minded folks and yall create things that can be beneficial to yall cause.

I see about 6-7 folks that I could rock with on here that share the same view as me. You keep the list short because it becomes personal shit after 10, folks start asking for shit that will benefit just them lol
Man can we get discount on rims and shit. We get into dumb shit after 10 things listed. I know my ppl lol

Even the Chicago cat, folks say he's white or so but bud has the understanding on how the game is setup and he's white.

If he's white and can see it I don't understand how us black folks refuse to see the things. Shout out to dude man.

It's very simple, the way folks beat down the mods on here asking for shit to be done and changed, the same way folks can create spaces and zoom regional meetings. Town hall meetings and create these things.

Asians and everybody else not black do it all the time.

When mods election comes about are cats on here just going to vote for @AP2.5 Or. @Chicity. I'm not sure if he's still a mod or so but will folks just all willy nilly vote for them dudes just because they have a cool avatar?

I think the fuck not. Yall use to stay on AP bumper and other mods about the shit yall wanna see done on the site

Do the same for these candidates.

We know how to do this

That already exists then doesn't it? Groups express their interests to candidates, and based on the candidate's response either do or don't vote for them.
You can't save everyone. I ain't trying to save every black person. Some folks won't make it. You get with like minded folks and yall create things that can be beneficial to yall cause.

I see about 6-7 folks that I could rock with on here that share the same view as me. You keep the list short because it becomes personal shit after 10, folks start asking for shit that will benefit just them lol
Man can we get discount on rims and shit. We get into dumb shit after 10 things listed. I know my ppl lol

Even the Chicago cat, folks say he's white or so but bud has the understanding on how the game is setup and he's white.

If he's white and can see it I don't understand how us black folks refuse to see the things. Shout out to dude man.

It's very simple, the way folks beat down the mods on here asking for shit to be done and changed, the same way folks can create spaces and zoom regional meetings. Town hall meetings and create these things.

Asians and everybody else not black do it all the time.

When mods election comes about are cats on here just going to vote for @AP2.5 Or. @Chicity. I'm not sure if he's still a mod or so but will folks just all willy nilly vote for them dudes just because they have a cool avatar?

I think the fuck not. Yall use to stay on AP bumper and other mods about the shit yall wanna see done on the site

Do the same for these candidates.

We know how to do this
What do you do when one group says reparations or nothing? Are they part of the “can’t save everyone” crowd?

I’d be down for reparations of course, but a lot will see it as a show stopper because they don’t see it as realistic.

Not trying to pour cold water on the approach because I agree, but there’s some on here that have this opinion so was curious your take on this.
What do you do when one group says reparations or nothing? Are they part of the “can’t save everyone” crowd?

I’d be down for reparations of course, but a lot will see it as a show stopper because they don’t see it as realistic.

Not trying to pour cold water on the approach because I agree, but there’s some on here that have this opinion so was curious your take on this.

Explain to them the reasons we should get it. Explain to them the history about how this country treated us, Explain to them how reparations were paid to every other group that the US treated wrong.
Ask them to go read the history on why we are owed this debt.

I couldn't care if they believe or not honesty if it's realistic. If they don't wanna believe it, then they can hush and sit and wait on the next thing that will benefit them and their family

It's 10 things, that's 1 thing. There are 9 other things/slots that they can insert what's needed for black folks

Just like if one thing that they press for to be on the list that I don't want, then I sit my happy ass down and move around.

Are here's a thing too, we vote to see what makes the list

Is that a hard concept?

Do you think every Asian or Jew agree on everything that's on their list?

Everything ain't for everybody but that shouldn't divide me from wanting things for the group
Oh I got a lifetime appointment brother

I'm not on the ballot

But those that are not

Do you expect those mods that want to become mods or are already mod to appeal to the folks that they are seeking their vote from.?

Or should the mods that are running play rap music for the posters, compliment them on their avatars.

Should the potential candidates running for the mods positions, listen to what the posters, the 5-7 things on a list or in thread want that the posters are asking for?

How would you go about getting votes from the black community?

Watch this yall lol

Watch what he do. Bet he doesn't answer the question directly.

I know you know how this works, you apply logic in your everyday life

Same question to you @TheNightKing

How do you get votes from folks if you were running for mod or the President

Just pretend

This should be a thread, how would you vet votes from the black community.

But please answer the questions

I wanna see if anybody would take the Trump or Kamala approach when dealing with the black folks
Yes it exists in within other races, industries, and sectors of society

It exists with black people. I don't think this is as wild a concept as you think it is.

You think black people with similar views should voice the changes they want to candidates. I don't think that's unheard of
But those that are not

Do you expect those mods that want to become mods or are already mod to appeal to the folks that they are seeking their vote from.?

Or should the mods that are running play rap music for the posters, compliment them on their avatars.

Should the potential candidates running for the mods positions, listen to what the posters, the 5-7 things on a list or in thread want that the posters are asking for?

How would you go about getting votes from the black community?

Watch this yall lol

Watch what he do. Bet he doesn't answer the question directly.

I know you know how this works, you apply logic in your everyday life

Same question to you @TheNightKing

How do you get votes from folks if you were running for mod or the President

Just pretend

This should be a thread, how would you vet votes from the black community.

But please answer the questions

I wanna see if anybody would take the Trump or Kamala approach when dealing with the black folks
Give another example

This ain't it
Let's do it this way,


The example I asked @AP2.5 in post #1171 and even stated that he could be made a thread

Do you understand it? Apparently Ap doesn't seem to understand the question or the example I laid out.

@Anybody, do you understand the example that was given in my post #1171

@Disanthrope do you understand the example?

Someone please help decode his post so I can decide if I wanna address it
that mod analogy is ass and isnt comparable. Thats all I got
That's fair.

A person trying to become a mod on this site don't need posters to vote for them?

A poster or posters don't seek to see why this person should become a mod?
Posters don't ask questions, a poll is presented and posters just picked?

Well maybe that is how it goes now but when I was around, I can remember posters saying, this person running for mod won't do nothing, this person that's mod don't solve issues

My bad. Wrong site maybe
That's fair.

A person trying to become a mod on this site don't need posters to vote for them?

A poster or posters don't seek to see why this person should become a mod?
Posters don't ask questions, a poll is presented and posters just picked?

Well maybe that is how it goes now but when I was around, I can remember posters saying, this person running for mod won't do nothing, this person that's mod don't solve issues

My bad. Wrong site maybe

Far as I know Goldie picked who he wanted to be mods. there may have been a "peoples mod" at some point but it aint the same lol. Cant nobody impeach a mod here.. if they could @Chi-Town B woulda prolly been gone 🤣

try another analogy bruh
Far as I know Goldie picked who he wanted to be mods. there may have been a "peoples mod" at some point but it aint the same lol. Cant nobody impeach a mod here.. if they could @Chi-Town B woulda prolly been gone 🤣

try another analogy bruh

I never stated anything about impeachment. You added that. I asked how would someone running for a mod position or in this case, the ppl mod position go about getting votes from posters?

I even said how would one, you can be added, go about getting black voters to vote for them.

Same process. Both process need votes to win

Both process need voters to vote for them

How is the two process any different.
Same shit with middle, high school class election. The process is the same.
Breh don't act slow. You are very smart, you understand what the example is asking for

But, if you don't understand this basic 5th grade example, the creator still loves you breh.

I'm not talking about impeachment, the judicial system, Congress, etc

I'm only asking about how one would get voters or in the example posters to vote for them to win the ppl mod position or President position if you was to run