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Is Kamala Harris The Best Candidate For Black People?

My brother you're from the boot correct? Your question comes off as a very good faith honest question, from the soul of your granny. Bless ya heart... Your question assumes the Democrats are the good guys acting in good faith and putting their best foot forward to better the country.

That ain't the case

I can't answer your question the way you intend it to be answered because I understand the Democrats are just as sinister as the Republicans as far as black America is concerned.

You know the president and VP are just figureheads controlled by the lobbyists who pay them to push their agendas

Thats why Democrats are openly anti-black and everything they do as far as illegal immigration to trans advocacy and much more is to undermine black america, keeping us a permanent UNDERCLASS. That's their endgame with us. Flood enough illegals in here to outnumber us, making our votes irrelevant. Get enough lobbyist funded LGBT culture in here to confuse us. Put out more swirling propaganda to dilute our race. Give different foreign countries billions in our tax dollars and then tell us we they can't afford reparations.

Those are the pillars of the Democratic Party as far as black people are concerned

Everything is anti us

So a part of those 10 ideas from Kamala would have to include eradicating the things that they stand for in the first place

Nothing the Democrats say or do for the rest of your black life will be geared towards benefiting black america, only use us and abuse us

Sorry if all that doesn't answer the question but it's the Truth

Yes you are correct, from the boot. Man I appreciate it. Granny is proud of me man, I loved that lil lady, but nevertheless, you indeed answered the question brother.

I mentioned a few weeks ago in another thread that the President is already picked and I stated that this should be discussed at a later date. We as black folks need to know how things truly operate in this country and elsewhere.
But you seem to pull the band-aid off a bit and exposed a few things to that notion.

Anit-Black is the key, keep us at the bottom, men and women, the quicker we understand this, the better we as a group be off.
Yes you are correct, from the boot. Man I appreciate it. Granny is proud of me man, I loved that lil lady, but nevertheless, you indeed answered the question brother.

I mentioned a few weeks ago in another thread that the President is already picked and I stated that this should be discussed at a later date. We as black folks need to know how things truly operate in this country and elsewhere.
But you seem to pull the band-aid off a bit and exposed a few things to that notion.

Anit-Black is the key, keep us at the bottom, men and women, the quicker we understand this, the better we as a group be off.
Bandaid ha. I try to snatch the cast off niggas legs
Yes you are correct, from the boot. Man I appreciate it. Granny is proud of me man, I loved that lil lady, but nevertheless, you indeed answered the question brother.

I mentioned a few weeks ago in another thread that the President is already picked and I stated that this should be discussed at a later date. We as black folks need to know how things truly operate in this country and elsewhere.
But you seem to pull the band-aid off a bit and exposed a few things to that notion.

Anit-Black is the key, keep us at the bottom, men and women, the quicker we understand this, the better we as a group be off.
Is it anti-black or black indifference? I don’t see Democratic policies *lately* intended to hurt black people, but it can be argued they aren’t doing much *specifically* for black people. I think their intent is really just to stay in power and they’ll do whatever for whoever keeps them in power.

Many republican policies are absolutely anti-black though. Their hate for DEI programs, changing history books to downplay the impact of slavery, qualified immunity, etc.
Is it anti-black or black indifference? I don’t see Democratic policies *lately* intended to hurt black people, but it can be argued they aren’t doing much *specifically* for black people. I think their intent is really just to stay in power and they’ll do whatever for whoever keeps them in power.

Many republican policies are absolutely anti-black though. Their hate for DEI programs, changing history books to downplay the impact of slavery, qualified immunity, etc.

this is the kind of passive response they depend on

The kind of shit you used to say I used to have to debunk and we would be fighting

Being indifferent towards your BASE is anti

Yall don't apply the same standards to the Democrats you would for your WIVES

would you allow her to be indifferent towards you?

and then she goes to divorce court saying I'm not anti I'm just indifferent

the fuck man?

That's exactly why I am the way I am For Better or Worse
Is it anti-black or black indifference? I don’t see Democratic policies *lately* intended to hurt black people, but it can be argued they aren’t doing much *specifically* for black people. I think their intent is really just to stay in power and they’ll do whatever for whoever keeps them in power.

Many republican policies are absolutely anti-black though. Their hate for DEI programs, changing history books to downplay the impact of slavery, qualified immunity, etc.

I think it's anti-blackness, from getting land/funding/police brutality and nothing is being done. No anti-crime bill for blacks folks. Black men can't get funding, the homeless problem is out of control, now it's hitting black women.

If you have 10 kids in your family, or you have 10 workers, 2 out of the 10 individual workers voted you to be the CEO, the other 8 didn't, or those 2 kids of yours are at their worse year-round. Failing school, not eating, always sick, etc., need clothes, need health insurance, need etc. Your other 8 kids are good.

What would you do for those 2 kids differently from the other 8 who are, ok? Or would you turn a blind eye and not do anything for those 2 kids of yours, such as how the democrats and republicans do black folks?

Would you address ONLY those 2 kids specifically are would you just stay in power/or just be a dad and do the bare minimum for your own children? or those 2 workers who put you in office?

this is the kind of passive response they depend on

The kind of shit you used to say I used to have to debunk and we would be fighting

Being indifferent towards your BASE is anti

Yall don't apply the same standards to the Democrats you would for your WIVES

would you allow her to be indifferent towards you?

and then she goes to divorce court saying I'm not anti I'm just indifferent

the fuck man?

That's exactly why I am the way I am For Better or Worse
I’m not here to fight with you bruh. You have your point of view and I have mine. I can see a difference between anti and indifferent.

In my POV, anti means you want to destroy me. Indifferent means you don’t care if I succeed or fail and won’t help me in either pursuit.

Based on this, Democrats lean more indifferent than anti to me.
I think it's anti-blackness, from getting land/funding/police brutality and nothing is being done. No anti-crime bill for blacks folks. Black men can't get funding, the homeless problem is out of control, now it's hitting black women.

If you have 10 kids in your family, or you have 10 workers, 2 out of the 10 individual workers voted you to be the CEO, the other 8 didn't, or those 2 kids of yours are at their worse year-round. Failing school, not eating, always sick, etc., need clothes, need health insurance, need etc. Your other 8 kids are good.

What would you do for those 2 kids differently from the other 8 who are, ok? Or would you turn a blind eye and not do anything for those 2 kids of yours, such as how the democrats and republicans do black folks?

Would you address ONLY those 2 kids specifically are would you just stay in power/or just be a dad and do the bare minimum for your own children? or those 2 workers who put you in office?
They tried to get a policing bill passed and tried to get a voter rights bill passed but the anti-black republicans killed them.

They also just granted black farmers billions in payments due to discriminatory funding practices and the anti-black republicans filed suit to pause the payments.

Student loans aren’t specifically black, but there’s a lot of black people with them considering many of us don’t have trust funds, and the anti black republicans are killing forgiveness there too.

So this rhetoric that they are anti black in everything just doesn’t land when you see actual anti black actions taking place.
I’m not here to fight with you bruh. You have your point of view and I have mine. I can see a difference between anti and indifferent.

In my POV, anti means you want to destroy me. Indifferent means you don’t care if I succeed or fail and won’t help me in either pursuit.

Based on this, Democrats lean more indifferent than anti to me.
Ain't no "to me" maaan

The Democrat party is anti black, you are just very conditioned by it and accept it

You act like they have any good reason under God to be "indifferent" towards us. Why aren't they all in for us?


And why would black men defend a party that you acknowledge is indifferent towards you????

That's called being a minion, pawn, hoe Etc

That's no way to live and that's no lesson to teach your young black children
In my honest opinion I think Biden picked Kamala for optics not input (not saying she isn't qualified or competent). And for that reason I think they have been holding her back. That's not to say whether or not I think she will do a 'good' job, I just think her VP spot isn't an indicator as with most VPs.

As far as policies, her track record is wishy washy. Can't say what she really believes in bc she seems to believe in whatever is most convenient on her side of the aisle at any given moment. I don't think she'll do anything that would be considered unpopular and I think it'll just be status quo shit.

That's one reason why I feel like now is as good a time as ever, especially while she's getting ready to present her policies, to start making demands for votes. Wouldn't make sense to do it at any other time than when she needs her constituents to show up.

Aside from all this I think once Trump is outta there we're gonna go back to politics as usual ie establishment left vs establishment right candidates and we all gonna go back to sleep.
Ain't no "to me" maaan

The Democrat party is anti black, you are just very conditioned by it and accept it

You act like they have any good reason under God to be "indifferent" towards us. Why aren't they all in for us?


And why would black men defend a party that you acknowledge is indifferent towards you????

That's called being a minion, pawn, hoe Etc

That's no way to live and that's no lesson to teach your young black children
I’ll choose to ignore the implied insults.

No one has a reason to be indifferent towards black people considering all we’ve done for this country. Doesn’t change the fact that people are.

Im practical though where you’re idealistic. You can get someone that does try to help at times or someone that is truly anti.

Keep both sides-ing them and you’ll truly see what it’s like to be ran by an anti-black government where black kids in public schools are taught that slavery wasn’t all bad, cops can kill black men with impunity, black people will be frozen out of job promotions, black students will be frozen out of universities, black women will continue to die at higher rates during child birth, black people will be denied loans for housing, etc.
I’ll choose to ignore the implied insults.

No one has a reason to be indifferent towards black people considering all we’ve done for this country. Doesn’t change the fact that people are.

Im practical though where you’re idealistic. You can get someone that does try to help at times or someone that is truly anti.

Keep both sides-ing them and you’ll truly see what it’s like to be ran by an anti-black government where black kids in public schools are taught that slavery wasn’t all bad, cops can kill black men with impunity, black people will be frozen out of job promotions, black students will be frozen out of universities, black women will continue to die at higher rates during child birth, black people will be denied loans for housing, etc.

I hate to skip to the end of the movie here but all of those things have happened and will continue to happen under democrats.

They want to fear monger about Black students not learning about slavery in red states while in blue states they not even learning how to read and write lol.
Ain't no "to me" maaan

The Democrat party is anti black, you are just very conditioned by it and accept it

You act like they have any good reason under God to be "indifferent" towards us. Why aren't they all in for us?


And why would black men defend a party that you acknowledge is indifferent towards you????

That's called being a minion, pawn, hoe Etc

That's no way to live and that's no lesson to teach your young black children

What do you want black people to do as far as this next presidential election goes?
They tried to get a policing bill passed and tried to get a voter rights bill passed but the anti-black republicans killed them.

They also just granted black farmers billions in payments due to discriminatory funding practices and the anti-black republicans filed suit to pause the payments.

Student loans aren’t specifically black, but there’s a lot of black people with them considering many of us don’t have trust funds, and the anti black republicans are killing forgiveness there too.

So this rhetoric that they are anti black in everything just doesn’t land when you see actual anti black actions taking place.

In my opinion, they tried to get the voters right bill passed for "immigrants"
Black folks have always been able to vote, that voter rights bill wasn't for black folks, they did the scared tactic to make black folks think that our voting power would be taken away etc. Black folks been voting in this country for a while, hell black men were voting before white women.
That voter right bill was for these illegal immigrants which they would try and use as another voting block to replace black folks

They can say "see immigrants, we gave yall the rights to be voting citizens here in the US, vote for our party" Republicans who are anti-immigration shot that shit down with 2 pistols.

Black folks been voting, and still are voting till this day.

The black farmer situation is not only for black farmers, the word "minority" is in the documents. White men, pedos, midgets, white women, Hispanic women, gay men, gay women, Asians, elephants, tigers, ants, handicap folks can claim that they are "minorities"

Remember when you were a child and you had to share shit with your cousins, or when you did a school project, and it was that 1 person that did all the work, but everybody else got the credit? How did that make you feel as a child that you had to share your 2 cookies with 4 cousins?? or do all the project work by yourself, up all night, while the other members partied and didn't help, but still received the same grade??

What if your job/employer gave your coworkers a raised based off YOUR PERFORMANCE, you did all the work, turned in all of the assignments, completed the projects by yourself, but the employer gave you a raise, along with everybody there at your job

How would you feel??

No matter how you spin, logic trumps feelings. It's simple basic logic, you apply it in your real life, but when it comes to voting logic seems to not be applied.

In those examples, what's so different that what the black farmers are about to experience?? Everybody and their mama are about to be minorities overnight.
They tried to get a policing bill passed and tried to get a voter rights bill passed but the anti-black republicans killed them.

They also just granted black farmers billions in payments due to discriminatory funding practices and the anti-black republicans filed suit to pause the payments.

Student loans aren’t specifically black, but there’s a lot of black people with them considering many of us don’t have trust funds, and the anti black republicans are killing forgiveness there too.

So this rhetoric that they are anti black in everything just doesn’t land when you see actual anti black actions taking place.

Imagine me owing you 200 dollars, I owe you, but I tell you, when I pay you this 200 today, you gotta share that 200 dollars with your siblings, neighbors and coworkers "minorities" who had NO dealings with our transaction.

How would you feel?? Would you think that I gave you a fair deal?? If I'm just paying YOU, you get to keep the whole 200 dollars, but I threw in a wrinkle and told you to share that 200 dollars that is YOUR money, that I owe you, Now you gotta share it with other folks who had no dealing with our situation

Is that a win for you to share those 200 dollars that is owed to you with others who wasn't affected in our dealings?

It started off with me owing you 200 dollars remember. Nobody else was affected,

Black farmer + Minorities (who are minorities? ) Why not just keep it to black farmers who sought out the claim to begin with?

I've seen this play before, in the 60s, and numerous times when something was meant for black folks and they did not receive the whole pie, they had to share the pie with 17 different folks

Native Americans don't share their pie

Asians don't share their pie

Jews don't share their pie.

The minority word is no where in their documents when they are about to receive big checks

Japs don't share their pie

But when it comes to black folks, we gotta share our pie with everybody else 8 -20 different group, which leaves us with a tiny piece to share with 40 million blacks or in this case x amount of farmers,

Give these black farmers their own pie, nobody else eat but them

Yall better wake up and stop letting these folks play in yall faces lol,
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What do you want black people to do as far as this next presidential election goes?

Black folks should package 10-15 things and present them to each party, these are the things we want, strickly for us. We don't wanna see the word minority or anything in the documents.

Just like the Native Americans have money ear-marked for them every year, we want the same thing as black folks,

Free Health Insurance
Checks cut
Our own community, police department

Same way the Jews and other groups are taken care of each year with funding, black folks should want and present a package as such

Use the Native Americans template and these other groups templates.

If neither party can do as such, we as a voting block can move around, and stop letting these folks play in our faces like that.

We know how to do this. We move around if something else doesn't fit our needs, gas stations, "Price to high over here, let me go up the street and get this cheap shit"
"They don't have my shoes at this store, let me jump on this other website"

We know how to move around when shit doesn't fit our needs, we are not confined to something

As I stated, Logic is applied in our everyday life but when it comes to voting, black folks tend to throw simple logic out the room and vote with their hearts and not with their intelligence that the creator has given us