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Is Kamala Harris The Best Candidate For Black People?

lol yall don’t say shit when the tether and mixed niggas agree tho. Dwayne a creole and 5th letter from like Jamaica. No need to be petty

Bro, what I'm speaking on is what my mind registered not anybody else. Has nothing to do with those other dudes, I never had a debate with them and the things I've read that those two have posted on topics have not been shown to me that they straddle the fence.
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Nigga. These dudes don't have credibility. They don't know the meaning of the word integrity. They know how to Dickride whats safe and popular

When's the last time any of these foreign background niggas cosign an UNPOPULAR opinion, huh???

They don't. They're wired to be obedient

When the usual tether suspects congregate on a post I know it's Fuckshit.
Nigga. These dudes don't have credibility. They don't know the meaning of the word integrity. They know how to Dickride whats safe and popular

When's the last time any of these foreign background niggas cosign an UNPOPULAR opinion, huh???

They don't. They're wired to be obedient

When the usual tether suspects congregate on a post I know it's Fuckshit.
You can watch the video and come to your own conclusion but....

You know


Dayum, it all makes sense now, I didn't know Monk was mixed, the shit all makes sense to me now.

To me, a lot of mix folks straddle the lines, I said this to myself when I would read his post along with TBK posts, a lot of tip toeing now the shit makes sense.
Yep monk once started a post with "my white Grandma once said". I never took anything he criticized seriously after that

In general, ABW is where the off brand niggas congregate and circle jerk
Nah @AP3.0 please block @TheNightKing from my posts

I tried to be civil with your half white ass but nah

Nigga your mother is white and my family is in the panthers eat a dick
You know what, I typed out a disrespectful response about you as a person, but I’m not going to tear down black men anymore. I’ll continue to call out the dumb shit y’all say, but no more personal attacks.

Be easy and I hope you deal with whatever anger, resentment, or whatever that causes you to lash out like this.

Finally found it (2022). I just did a search on ABW for Rhonda Exum (your average black democrat you can't tell nothing to). And didn't see anything.

This is the face of your average black democrat who thinks they sooooo smart. Her daughter got killed by an illegal alien drunk driver as reported and he didn't even get deported. She was trouting for Joe Biden and would be doing the same for Kamala like most of you posters, if it wasn't for her daughters accident. That curse of losing a child at an early age and outliving your child is right where it needs to be. This is the type of curse that should land right on the plate of the ppl that voted for Joey and Kamala, especially when it's at the hands of these illegal aliens.
