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Is Kamala Harris The Best Candidate For Black People?

Where are you getting this notion from? Latinos went overwhelmingly for Biden in 2020, though that margin is shrinking in 2024 polls.

And with Republicans always talking cash shit about illegals, why would they support them if they became legal?
Most of the people I’m talking about are too young to vote right now but they won’t be next cycle

You really missed that social media wave?
So you’re telling me there was a wave of illegal’s children being racist towards black people? Yeah I haven’t seen that.
They love Trump more whites do

You can say it’s not directly racism against black people if you want but that’s kinda my point

The indifference will hurt us in many of the same ways
They love Trump more whites do

You can say it’s not directly racism against black people if you want but that’s kinda my point

The indifference will hurt us in many of the same ways
Nah that was my bad, I corrected my post. Meant to say supporting Trump, not racist towards black people.

Anecdotal but noted since Latino support is growing.

But we’re talking about illegal immigrants here. That girl was probably here legally and a lot of legal Latinos hate illegals.

I just can’t see illegal immigrants supporting republicans given the hatred they’ve sent their way.
Point noted on Latino support. The original premise was around illegal immigration and how letting in so many people is going to harm and undermine black interests.

My question was how? Unless you think these illegals once legalized turn into those now here legally. Their paths were very different and those here legally now were not demonized.
Yea sure, but most of the content of those clips don't speak to our demographic

And its Ground Floor shit

Trump is a bigot. Kamala is a phony Indian woman. Trump is a criminal. Kamala slept her way in

Ok... when we Elevate past emotions and feelings who has the better policy for black America? That's the only thing that should matter.

I just... people prove incapable of walking and chewing gum at the same time

Human beings have this sick way of sanctifying things they co-sign instead of acknowledging the faults of things they co-sign

She did the same thing negroes do because they're supporting Kamala they absolve her wrongdoings and defend and excuse everything. They pretend she's spotless because they're supporting her

Rarely will you see a Kamala Harris voter who also admits she's a anti-black coon and a phony

So because this girl is turning to Trump now she has to absolve him of everything he's ever done. Now everything he was accused of is lies. No dingbat, they are truths and facts. He's a white supremacist and a hardcore criminal. How come you can't acknowledge that and support him DESPITE it???

Nobody can muster up any Integrity with their support on either side and that's why I be on an island
I just... people prove incapable of walking and chewing gum at the same time

Human beings have this sick way of sanctifying things they co-sign instead of acknowledging the faults of things they co-sign

She did the same thing negroes do because they're supporting Kamala they absolve her wrongdoings and defend and excuse everything. They pretend she's spotless because they're supporting her

Rarely will you see a Kamala Harris voter who also admits she's a anti-black coon and a phony

So because this girl is turning to Trump now she has to absolve him of everything he's ever done. Now everything he was accused of is lies. No dingbat, they are truths and facts. He's a white supremacist and a hardcore criminal. How come you can't acknowledge that and support him DESPITE it???

Nobody can muster up any Integrity with their support on either side and that's why I be on an island
Thank you for succinctly explaining my main issue with the 2 party system
Which is why I keep asking, what do you think is going to happen to harm and undermine black people? Is it inaction on support for causes that impact black people? Is it them taking jobs? I’m just trying to cut through the rhetoric and understand exactly why people think illegals are so bad for black people specifically.

I could understand the argument that they’d be bad for all, I’m just not getting the argument they’d be bad just for us because that’s what anti-black means. If it’s bad for everyone that’s anti-American.

When illegals come into this country, do they get resources?

Do they get housing??

Do the homeless black men and now women get those same resources and housing

Let's start there with those 2 questions for you to answer
Honestly I think it’s sports that gets people primed to go into fan mode over political candidates.

You expect a Lakers fan to assess the state of the team accurately?
I just... people prove incapable of walking and chewing gum at the same time

Human beings have this sick way of sanctifying things they co-sign instead of acknowledging the faults of things they co-sign

She did the same thing negroes do because they're supporting Kamala they absolve her wrongdoings and defend and excuse everything. They pretend she's spotless because they're supporting her

Rarely will you see a Kamala Harris voter who also admits she's a anti-black coon and a phony

So because this girl is turning to Trump now she has to absolve him of everything he's ever done. Now everything he was accused of is lies. No dingbat, they are truths and facts. He's a white supremacist and a hardcore criminal. How come you can't acknowledge that and support him DESPITE it???

Nobody can muster up any Integrity with their support on either side and that's why I be on an island
You think we here that say we’ll vote for Kamala and don’t share your opinion of her mark her blameless for anything, when in actuality we just choose what in our minds is the better of two candidates. She certainly has her flaws, but at the same time some of the rhetoric to discredit her is just baseless attacks.

This is leagues away from the worship of Trump these people do.
I’m convinced most the men* in our community and neighboring communities that won’t vote against Trump are those who also participate in gender wars.
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You think we here that say we’ll vote for Kamala and don’t share your opinion of her mark her blameless for anything, when in actuality we just choose what in our minds is the better of two candidates. She certainly has her flaws, but at the same time some of the rhetoric to discredit her is just baseless attacks.

This is leagues away from the worship of Trump these people do.

On principle people have no choice but to share my opinion of her because my opinion of her are the Facts. I make my opinion of her and Trump the dealbreaker for why they're not getting my support, 99% of us don't. That's why the candidates faults are glossed over and whatabout'd .It's impossible to accept their faults and still support them. Their"Faults" are defined as having an anti-black agenda that is detrimental to the future of Black America, hello!

if you truly acknowledge her flaws and shared my opinion you would share my endgame. You wouldn't feel OBLIGATION to choose.

Since human beings do feel the obligated to choose, they naturally sanctify their choice. Which indicates a lack of integrity and accountability
Also..black Americans issues this election season are

reparations - the Democrats are anti-reparations

federal hate crime Bill - the Democrats gave the Asians one and ignored ours

and the stop of illegal immigration - this is the Democrats platform and what they're basing their whole agenda on

How is that "better than trump" if we're talking strictly policy ? @TheNightKing

I think that saying needs to be laid to rest

One anti black ain't better or worse than the next