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Is Kamala Harris The Best Candidate For Black People?

When I point you to the answers, I will point you to 9 things, I would hope you don't say anything about "oh that can't be done" or "No President is going all that'

If you going to say that, then imo, the question can stop being asked.

I made a thread already stating the things that both sides can propose. Ice Cube has a plan out on his website. You can research Dr. Claudie Anderson's old videos and listen to what he talks about what black folks needing. He has a very good interview on Rock Newman show, when he was on his show the 1st time. He was on the Breakfast Club, you can watch that video and see what black folks want beside reparation.
The poster Rich Dollar made mention to something Dr. Claude wanted to push, may still want to push to both sides. the dems particularly

Just like I stated, how yall research the things I post to see if they are true or not, you can research and see what black folks want besides reparations.

There is a thread on here that's already created by me that you can see what I suggested.
I’m asking you since you in here debating the topics. You shouldn’t need to lean on these other people’s opinions, what do YOU want that Democrats haven’t already proposed?

Y’all will accuse us of blindly following Democrats but then can’t even come up with your own points of view.
I’m asking you since you in here debating the topics. You shouldn’t need to lean on these other people’s opinions, what do YOU want that Democrats haven’t already proposed?

Y’all will accuse us of blindly following Democrats but then can’t even come up with your own points of view.


Bro. I made a thread already stating the things that I wanted. It's on here.