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Is ABW ready to be mature? Official Pride 🌈 month

Yea it is.
It’s worldwide.

The name don’t need to be mentioned

I was gonna correct that other poster before I noticed the pronouns, so I didn't bother after I noticed that.

Now what massive movement of straights are there trying to remove aoc consent laws to molest kids?? Stick w/ the States. That's why those two articles were posted out of Boston. What other countries/cultures/worldwide do ain't my business.

Name names please, if not move on.
That's just there to trigger weirdos.

You have a "member" in your profile. PAUSE!
Nah. It's there because white culture has more influence over you than black culture. It's there because you stand in solidarity with the movement

The fact that you would bring that liberal white supremacist trash to abw simply to troll fellow black men speaks volumes.
Nah. It's there because white culture has more influence over you than black culture. It's there because you stand in solidarity with the movement

The fact that you would bring that liberal white supremacist trash to abw simply to troll fellow black men speaks volumes.

Pretty much.

Fads, social justice warrior ideology, tiktok and twitter mindset. That's where they get that stuff from.
Nah. It's there because white culture has more influence over you than black culture. It's there because you stand in solidarity with the movement

The fact that you would bring that liberal white supremacist trash to abw simply to troll fellow black men speaks volumes.

@Disanthrope you gotta understand something before you engage with me... everything you say is hilarious to me because you are forever exposed as a weirdo who impersonates other men to try to catfish women.
@Disanthrope you gotta understand something before you engage with me... everything you say is hilarious to me because you are forever exposed as a weirdo who impersonates other men to try to catfish women.

Nothing you say matters to me cuz I understand you're a token negro who looks like keegan michael key. Those pronouns might impress the non black woman you're with and her family but it's just coon shit here
Nothing you say matters to me cuz I understand you're a token negro who looks like keegan michael key. Those pronouns might impress the non black woman you're with and her family but it's just coon shit here

LMAO. You don't know me. You don't even know yourself.
Supreme Court said fuck their rights.

Well good for them then. I really don't have too much sympathy for these alleged "christians" or religious folks when they lose these battles tbh.

They are or at least were a huge minority at one time and prolly still are. They didn't even follow the guidance from that Bible they allegedly follow and let this lgbt issue snowball to what it is now. If they would've stuck to broadcasting the facts/proof like that book told them to, they wouldn't have half of these issues they are dealing with now. They brought this burden on themselves and now have to go to the courts for protection.

And fyi, facts ≠ hate. Most of you posters on abw need to understand this.
Do people actually think the next step isn’t to come for the children? I mean they’re begging to be at schools, they’re done trying to talk to sensible adults and rather we all die off so the kids can be on the docket. Again how does a push for hardcore acceptance not become a push into other proclivities? People never actually argue that point down, they just try to ignore it

It means exactly what they say it means, Darius

It means the left wing white supremacists want to indoctrinate the world with homosexuality and that starts with the youth.

It also means everybody else (except for right wing white supremacists) are obligated to pretend what they're doing is ok
Do people actually think the next step isn’t to come for the children? I mean they’re begging to be at schools, they’re done trying to talk to sensible adults and rather we all die off so the kids can be on the docket. Again how does a push for hardcore acceptance not become a push into other proclivities? People never actually argue that point down, they just try to ignore it

Those ppl are very aware. They just playing coy until that step is finally accomplished.