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Is ABW ready to be mature? Official Pride 🌈 month

More power to him. I'm not going to lie, I thought he was already out as bi.

With that being said, how many new terms for this shit am I going to have to learn? When did Bi become pansexual? LGBT is lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans but now it's QIA for queer, intersex, and asexual but also 2S for two-spirit... Deadass, it feel like they just making shit up at this point to fuck with the normies.

Respectfully, a lot of stuff is just as someone stated on the last page. Beliefs. This 2S and trans issue is what they believe, feel, think, but not based in facts.

Whatever facts they do present is little to none. The harsh truth about the other labels is that they are just the same mental illness as they were back in the 70's. These posters that support these identities or labels really don't want you to know the history of what they've done to get off the list of DSM. Even if they do know, it'll be like pulling teeth for them to spill the beans.
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Um... no. Not many at all. Don't let them alphabet honkies make you believe that shit. There were some but not many.

In my tribe, such men were known as cowards. Afraid of the mantle of being a warrior for the tribe. It was a matter of shame. You fear the warrior's path, so you must be feminine.

Ok so it was some not many a minority just like most lbgqt people.
Respectfully, a lot of stuff is just as someone stated on the last page. Beliefs. This 2S and trans issue is what they believe, feel, think, but not based in facts.

Whatever facts they do present is little to none. The harsh truth about the other labels is that they are just the same mental illness as they were back in the 70's. These posters that support these identities or labels really don't want you to know the history of what they've done to get off the list of DSM. Even if they do know, it'll be like pulling teeth for them to spill the beans.

Lol so mental health ideas don’t change as we gain more knowledge. The 70s is more correct than today.
Lol so mental health ideas don’t change as we gain more knowledge. The 70s is more correct than today.

You forgot to mention the duping, assaults, cheating, fake letters, threats, soliciting signatures, and multiple disruptions from the lgbt community that caused the changes.

This history is well documented.
You forgot to mention the duping, assaults, cheating, fake letters, threats, soliciting signatures, and multiple disruptions from the lgbt community that caused the changes.

This history is well documented.

It probably is. Care to send me a link?
It probably is. Care to send me a link?

I'll actually do you better than that, cause I like to stick w/ facts.

Facts, history, proof, evidence, etc.. when I speak. But just for starters, here...



The assault I referenced was in regards to Dr. Reuben. Bout 10 on 1. Dr. Reuben got beat up and assaulted by bout 10 gay rights activists for his stance on homosexuality. They whooped on him so bad, even a cop got beat up during the scuffle. That's documented in this book "Gay Decades" and there were also multiple disruptions from gays to the APA who wanted to keep gays on that list of DSM as in the pic above. LGBT's still disrupt folks this day that disagree w/ them too.

Then in 1970 gay activists protested against the APA convention in San Francisco. These scenes were repeated in 1971, and as people came out of the “closet” and felt empowered politically and socially, the APA directorate became increasingly uncomfortable with their stance.

What’s noteworthy about this is that the removal of homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses was not triggered by some scientific breakthrough. There was no new fact or set of facts that stimulated this major change. Rather, it was the simple reality that gay people started to kick up a fuss. They gained a voice and began to make themselves heard.
And the APA reacted with truly astonishing speed. And with good reason. They realized intuitively that a protracted battle would have drawn increasing attention to the spurious nature of their entire taxonomy. So they quickly “cut loose” the gay community and forestalled any radical scrutiny of the DSM system generally.

Of course, the APA put the best spin they could on these events. The fact is that they altered their taxonomy because of intense pressure from the gay community, but they claimed that the change was prompted by research findings.

I'll prolly come back in a couple days and post screenshots of the books/facts I got. I doubt if it change anything since many on this site want to go along w/ the lgbt movement, regardless of the consequences.
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Is Timmy Scott closeted, can someone out him so he can be at ease & live his truth

He might be a eunuch

Eunuch. This word is a synonym of castrated ; consequently, it is used to designate a male animal whom art has deprived of the faculty of reproduction. It is the custom, however, to give the name eunuch only to men who have been made to undergo this privation, and the word castrated is ordinarily used for animals.
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Is Timmy Scott closeted, can someone out him so he can be at ease & live his truth

He might be a eunuch

Eunuch. This word is a synonym of castrated ; consequently, it is used to designate a male animal whom art has deprived of the faculty of reproduction. It is the custom, however, to give the name eunuch only to men who have been made to undergo this privation, and the word castrated is ordinarily used for animals.

Yeah, in today's society, any man with serious political aspirations has to be married.

Well, it's not legally mandatory, but it's nearly impossible for a single man to get into any political office above senator.

Plus, he's black too............so he's gonna fall under more scrutiny.

Even if he was white, I don't think there have ever been any single presidents or governors.
Yeah, in today's society, any man with serious political aspirations has to be married.

Well, it's not legally mandatory, but it's nearly impossible for a single man to get into any political office above senator.

Plus, he's black too............so he's gonna fall under more scrutiny.

Even if he was white, I don't think there have ever been any single presidents or governors.
He lied when he said America is not racist but is now crying racism when white America ask about his sexuality or why he isn't married to a woman . Is he getting his negro wake up call . He had no chance in the race for president
He lied when he said America is not racist but is now crying racism when white America ask about his sexuality or why he isn't married to a woman . Is he getting his negro wake up call . He had no chance in the race for president

He should find the biggest.........fattest..........whitest............fat woman on the planet and lock her down just to shut them up.