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Is ABW ready to be mature? Official Pride 🌈 month

Lol what’s crazy is compared to the shit we see TODAY Wayne Brady wouldn’t have been thought of as gay
More power to him. I'm not going to lie, I thought he was already out as bi.

With that being said, how many new terms for this shit am I going to have to learn? When did Bi become pansexual? LGBT is lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans but now it's QIA for queer, intersex, and asexual but also 2S for two-spirit... Deadass, it feel like they just making shit up at this point to fuck with the normies.
More power to him. I'm not going to lie, I thought he was already out as bi.

With that being said, how many new terms for this shit am I going to have to learn? When did Bi become pansexual? LGBT is lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans but now it's QIA for queer, intersex, and asexual but also 2S for two-spirit... Deadass, it feel like they just making shit up at this point to fuck with the normies.
Shit old it's just new to yall lol. But the nigga translation of pansexual mean he may be seen fuckin with a trans person soon...
I think people get thrower off because for many sexuality is fluid and being we grew up under Christian faith they can’t fathom it. Some feel you either gay or straight. But it ain’t for everybody.
2 spirit is a Native American thing. Before white folks came many of them believed in it. I’m not saying every single tribe was on it though.
Cuz bi is just about sex ie you deal with men and women. Pan is is you'll deal with someone of any gender or ppl who identify as outside of man/woman ie trans, nonbinary.

I want to be up front with this, I'm not asking questions to be rude or a dick, I'm asking in good faith. I know that sometimes it can be hard to gauge someone's intent over the internet.

So if we were to make a chart pan wouldn't be coequal with bi it would be a subclass of bi?
The classes and labels get tiring imo. Just like who you like and be happy. But the world has this desire to over explain everything.

I dunno, just be happy bro
I want to be up front with this, I'm not asking questions to be rude or a dick, I'm asking in good faith. I know that sometimes it can be hard to gauge someone's intent over the internet.

So if we were to make a chart pan wouldn't be coequal with bi it would be a subclass of bi?
I would say pan is an extension of bi if that makes sense. It's bi but....further if you will lol
I would say pan is an extension of bi if that makes sense. It's bi but....further if you will lol

Yeah, similar to what I was thinking. I won't lie, everything after LGBT seems extremely superfluous but it's how they wish to present themselves to the world so more power to them.
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2 spirit is a Native American thing. Before white folks came many of them believed in it. I’m not saying every single tribe was on it though.

Um... no. Not many at all. Don't let them alphabet honkies make you believe that shit. There were some but not many.

In my tribe, such men were known as cowards. Afraid of the mantle of being a warrior for the tribe. It was a matter of shame. You fear the warrior's path, so you must be feminine.
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