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Is ABW ready to be mature? Official Pride 🌈 month

It is very much so about picking and choosing. If all sin is seen as equal then why such differing reactions to them from Christians? Or if going by your logic then there's not really many Christians out here. Its just funny that people say that but rarely if ever count themselves among those who aren't.

And you basically just agreed with me about judgment. You literally say in this post that "everyone is hell bound unless you believe in him." So forget if you're actually a good person in life. Forget how much you may help people, how much joy you can bring, how much positive energy you can create. All that means nothing if you don't believe in him. That's one hell of an ultimate judgement on somebody you just passed.
There are no good people.
Works (helping people) don't save you

Try again

I never said a church focuses on or should focus on one issue. I said that many of the people who find themselves so judgemental on this and other topics often fall short themselves. Yet they seem to ignore their own short comings and use the Bible as some sort of fail safe that allows them to cast their judgements on others free of scrutiny.

As for the remainder being that nobody has yet to die, go to the afterlife and come back with a full report then that truth you're referring to isn't as absolute as you think. It may be your and others shared truth but it's not everyone's. And any decent person and Christian acknowledges that fact. That's not something that can be debated. I know I'm entitled to my own viewpoints and beliefs. I don't need your permission for that. And I think that you full on believing that you can be in service to a God who would ignore a million good deeds solely because a person didn't pledge their undying loyalty isn't as gracious or loving and caring of an idea as you've been duped into. That's the opposite actually and being judgemental to the highest degree.

You not about to convince some that the worst of humans is seen as worthy of salvation solely because they say they believe in your version of God yet a person who exhibits all the qualities of a good person is somehow unworthy of salvation because they didn't believe in the same God. That's a pretty fucked up set of beliefs to have but also explains why so many Christians can consistently overlook major character flaws because they believe the same religion.

It's not the belief in the Bible and whether it's true. It's when those beliefs are not only used to create laws that govern how everyone lives but also when they're used to create a system of social currency that allows people to get away with being terrible human beings so long as they "believe". Yet we are currently in a time where people are using these beliefs and the Bible to impose on others. I mean if you're a true Christian then you know about the Crusades right? Was that just a bunch of people following God's will to murder everyone who wasn't a Christian? Or could it be possible that the "word" isn't as clear and easy to follow as some want to make it
All fall short of the glory of God...Me, you, etc.....

Truth is absolute.....There is once to die and then the judgment......

So why wager your soul and gamble with God, knowing that you have a date with Him that is inescapable?
Because just because I was raised to study those things doesn't mean I was indoctrinated to think that's the only way to live life. I was also raised to believe that man wrote the Bible and seeing how man has used religion throughout history for their own personal gain I was never taught to just blindly follow but to question and don't just take information as truth just because. There's nothing wrong with sharing the word of God. I never said anything close to that. I've said what my issue is and that's your belief that regardless of what type of good life a person leads none of that matters if they don't believe exactly what you believe. That isn't loving or caring or inviting at all. That's the exact opposite.

And much of that is rooted in your thought that your belief is right because people seldom want to change their beliefs. I'd rather simply have an idea that also leaves open the possibility of taking in new information for a greater understanding. A belief typically closes a person off from further growth because you ground much of yourself into that image. An idea can be changed. I'd rather have an idea of what's right and be open to changing that idea versus having a belief that essentially has me telling me people "I'm right and you're going to hell if you dont agree with my beliefs" because that's basically what you're saying your belief boils down to. Where is the love in telling somebody simply because they think differently they're not worthy of salvation?
man didn't write the Bible

no such thing as being "indoctrinated" to think Jesus is the only way.....It's called being Born Again

Again, your standard of "good" means nothing to a holy God who is without spot or blemish.

Until you recognize that you are born in sin, you'll never get off the broad road.

Which is your choice.

The White House has banned trans influencer Rose Montoya after she flashed her breasts at President Biden’s Pride party — blasting the stunt as “inappropriate and disrespectful.”

Montoya, 27, was barred from the executive mansion on Tuesday, as footage went viral of her pulling her shirt and cupping her breasts moments after meeting Biden on the South Lawn at a Pride party Saturday.

If any black person votes for Biden, I’m just gonna assume they’re mentally disabled.
All fall short of the glory of God...Me, you, etc.....

Truth is absolute.....There is once to die and then the judgment......

So why wager your soul and gamble with God, knowing that you have a date with Him that is inescapable?


this jus makes it seem like you're hedging your bet

on sum "just in case" shit

whether have it & not need it than need it & not have it

what I got to lose?

I may not believe like you, but that mf out there whoever/wherever/whatever kno my heart is pure

So I ain't trippin

this jus makes it seem like you're hedging your bet

on sum "just in case" shit

whether have it & not need it than need it & not have it

what I got to lose?

I may not believe like you, but that mf out there whoever/wherever/whatever kno my heart is pure

So I ain't trippin
“Who can say, I have made my heart clean, I am pure from my sin?” Proverbs 20:9

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

Don’t let your heart deceive you my friend. God wants to give you a new heart, but you have to come to Him to receive it.

Will you today?
It's crazy how people think they're qualified to speak for god. The arrogance is next level when you think about it.

Gen 5:6 The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.

This was the overall subject of the conversation: worldly good vs God’s standard of good

Only speaking exactly what the Christian worldview communicates clearly.
The White House has banned trans influencer Rose Montoya after she flashed her breasts at President Biden’s Pride party — blasting the stunt as “inappropriate and disrespectful.”

Montoya, 27, was barred from the executive mansion on Tuesday, as footage went viral of her pulling her shirt and cupping her breasts moments after meeting Biden on the South Lawn at a Pride party Saturday.


*phew*. Topless at the WH??!! Well I for one can say, I didn't see this coming??! I mean who would've thunk it??

Anyway, the past few pages of this thread is why I'm glad I don't need religions, beliefs, faith, scriptures to discuss how much you agree or disagree w/ this topic. Just state the facts. Believe it or not, the facts/history is embarrassing as is for that community and all you need to get your point across.
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So he did come out. There had been conflicting reports about whether he came out or not. His dating history wasn't public so it was just seen as conjecture that only amped up when he died of AIDS.
So he did come out. There had been conflicting reports about whether he came out or not. His dating history wasn't public so it was just seen as conjecture that only amped up when he died of AIDS.

He didn’t need to come outta the closet..

It was blatantly obvious homeboy was gay.

He didn’t even try to hide it.

I mean, Liberace never OFFICIALLY came outta the closet, but c’mon now.