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Is ABW ready to be mature? Official Pride šŸŒˆ month

Thats the fucked up part. No one on here as far as we know is part of that community.. and yet this joint is 12 pages of debate and argument on the topic.

Yet mens health, something we can all relate to and weigh in on personally aint seeing nowhere near the same engagement.

I guess it's the same reason the white supremacy thread is like 244 pages and the black excellence joint is only 24.

As part of the health shit im actively gonna try to give my energy to more positive shit going forward

The weird thing of people engaging in topics they supposedly hate is weird as fuck. Me and my homeboy was actually talking about how silly the concept of "hate watching/listening" to stuff is and that same concept can go for some topics here. Quite often the ones who swear something is being pushed and they hate seeing it are the 1st to bring that same topic up for discussion.
The people you named has the most post in that thread

Saying Iā€™m obsessed is stupid when youā€™re obsessed with lying to yourself along with anybody else that says they real men/women. You share the same views as me on them and I have called all yā€™all out on it

You ainā€™t fucking them, you posting them in the candy shop, you ainā€™t hitting the like button on their IG.

Stop the cap šŸ§¢

How you know what I like on ig? You follow me?
I strongly recommend you read the book anti social.

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Interesting that cover has a MAGA hat on it. Me and a friend of mine have had an ongoing debate for years now about whether the media began spurring this extremism along during the Obama administration and their criticisms of him ie "He wore a tan suit" or "Obama is wearing a bike helmet. Putin is more of a fearless leader" or all the bullshit that came along with Trump
It is very much so about picking and choosing. If all sin is seen as equal then why such differing reactions to them from Christians? Or if going by your logic then there's not really many Christians out here. Itā€™s just funny that people say that but rarely if ever count themselves among those who aren't.

Itā€™s going to be prevalent topics..whatā€™s hot in the media? LGBTQ+ discussions. So this is going to be a hot topic in church. Youā€™re definitely in the wrong church if this is all they talk about. A good church will touch on this topic as they go through the Bible and will also touch on other sins. As you go book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse, you will touch on it all rather than focusing on one or two sins.

Some churches are like this (focusing on the one or two) and others go through the whole Bible and have no reason to be topic heavy on one subject of sin.

Iā€™m not saying there isnā€™t ā€œmany Christianā€™sā€ Iā€™m saying that not everyone who claims to be Christian is. You donā€™t even have to be a Christian to see this. What is the percentage? No clue. But the Word (Matt 7, same chapter about judgement you brought up) does state ā€œthe road to destruction is wide and the road that leads to life is narrow and few find itā€. I am not the creator of these claims. This is what the Word tells us.

And you basically just agreed with me about judgment. You literally say in this post that "everyone is hell bound unless you believe in him." So forget if you're actually a good person in life. Forget how much you may help people, how much joy you can bring, how much positive energy you can create. All that means nothing if you don't believe in him. That's one hell of an ultimate judgement on somebody you just passed.

Youā€™re absolutely correct. Being a ā€œgoodā€ person is good but not what leads to salvation. Nothing you do in the goodness of heart leads to salvation. Itā€™s good, yes, and we are called to that, yes. It is a FRUIT of salvation but not salvation in and of itself.

Thatā€™s not a judgement I came up with. If I had it my way then it wouldnā€™t be this way. But it isnā€™t my way. Itā€™s Gods.

What does the Word say? Exactly that, That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.

Not being a good person, although thatā€™s good.
Not helping as many ppl, although thatā€™s good.
Not how much joy one brings, although thatā€™s good.

Not me who came up w that. Not me making that judgement. That is oneā€™s own self taking that upon them.

The only way is Jesus, period. If you disagree then thatā€™s fine but it will not change that truth. Christ while on the cross took upon Himself the sin of the world; that is the wrath and judgement of God. Believe in Him then He has taken that from you. Choose not the believe then that wrath/judgement is on you bc you chose not to believe.

Itā€™s the most basic Bible teaching there is in the church. This is why a good church goes book by book etcā€¦ and not topical to please the congregation. A good sermon, for the most part, should be convicting to the congregation.

Broski, youā€™re more than welcome to your own viewpoint and belief but Iā€™ve done nothing to choose this for anyone. We choose based on the information we have been given.

Let me ask youā€¦

If the Bible is true then the loss is on who? And what is its impact? If there is a heaven and hell, itā€™s safe to say the impact is great.

If the Bible is false, how does this impact the believer? If there is nothing, there is nothing. But a life is not wasted in this scenario.
How long did this thread take to pop off and only did because of jokes?

Nobody on here celebrates pride month. Not one of yā€™all

I have convos with more gay folks than most of yā€™all because I worked and became cool with a few and have a few in my family.

They donā€™t even celebrate the shit besides a standard post on social media just because

Lol do you celebrate black history month besides the usual? I gotta go to a parade to show my support thatā€™s a weak argument. Thread was just fine until the folks who hate gays came in.
The thread was meant to be provoking and encouraging nonsense based on the title alone.. ā€œready to be mature?!ā€ vs simply ā€œPride Month Threadā€ to actually entice and engage true dialogue. Everyone knew how this thread would turn out..begs the question, are we the goofballs for taking the bait?

Yes you are the goofball for taking the bait. If this was an anti Christian thread despite the phrasing you wouldnā€™t give it the time of day because you know better. Jesus wasnā€™t an asshole on purpose.
Lol do you celebrate black history month besides the usual? I gotta go to a parade to show my support thatā€™s a weak argument. Thread was just fine until the folks who hate gays came in.

Yes you are the goofball for taking the bait. If this was an anti Christian thread despite the phrasing you wouldnā€™t give it the time of day because you know better. Jesus wasnā€™t an asshole on purpose.
I donā€™t celebrate black history month
Interesting that cover has a MAGA hat on it. Me and a friend of mine have had an ongoing debate for years now about whether the media began spurring this extremism along during the Obama administration and their criticisms of him ie "He wore a tan suit" or "Obama is wearing a bike helmet. Putin is more of a fearless leader" or all the bullshit that came along with Trump
It addresses the Obama period, but the Maga period gave more in social media. It talks about everything we know but it's eye-opening to see how these people operate and we keep falling for their traps.
@DOS_patos im be nice this time so no need to get defensive. You say often that you donā€™t support this lbgqt thing because conservative old school or whatever. But honestly does respecting gay people(black gays are included) take away from Black people in your mind? Or is it because the gay community in your mind does not have to deal with racism so their complaints arenā€™t really real.
Let me iterate again. Yā€™all merging me with not going along with Trans folks ideologies with not liking gay folks and trans folks. Itā€™s a stark difference

Not sure why but I have stated before the two are not one. But yā€™all continue to combine all that together and roll it into one

Itā€™s going to be prevalent topics..whatā€™s hot in the media? LGBTQ+ discussions. So this is going to be a hot topic in church. Youā€™re definitely in the wrong church if this is all they talk about. A good church will touch on this topic as they go through the Bible and will also touch on other sins. As you go book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse, you will touch on it all rather than focusing on one or two sins.

Some churches are like this (focusing on the one or two) and others go through the whole Bible and have no reason to be topic heavy on one subject of sin.

Iā€™m not saying there isnā€™t ā€œmany Christianā€™sā€ Iā€™m saying that not everyone who claims to be Christian is. You donā€™t even have to be a Christian to see this. What is the percentage? No clue. But the Word (Matt 7, same chapter about judgement you brought up) does state ā€œthe road to destruction is wide and the road that leads to life is narrow and few find itā€. I am not the creator of these claims. This is what the Word tells us.

Youā€™re absolutely correct. Being a ā€œgoodā€ person is good but not what leads to salvation. Nothing you do in the goodness of heart leads to salvation. Itā€™s good, yes, and we are called to that, yes. It is a FRUIT of salvation but not salvation in and of itself.

Thatā€™s not a judgement I came up with. If I had it my way then it wouldnā€™t be this way. But it isnā€™t my way. Itā€™s Gods.

What does the Word say? Exactly that, That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.

Not being a good person, although thatā€™s good.
Not helping as many ppl, although thatā€™s good.
Not how much joy one brings, although thatā€™s good.

Not me who came up w that. Not me making that judgement. That is oneā€™s own self taking that upon them.

The only way is Jesus, period. If you disagree then thatā€™s fine but it will not change that truth. Christ while on the cross took upon Himself the sin of the world; that is the wrath and judgement of God. Believe in Him then He has taken that from you. Choose not the believe then that wrath/judgement is on you bc you chose not to believe.

Itā€™s the most basic Bible teaching there is in the church. This is why a good church goes book by book etcā€¦ and not topical to please the congregation. A good sermon, for the most part, should be convicting to the congregation.

Broski, youā€™re more than welcome to your own viewpoint and belief but Iā€™ve done nothing to choose this for anyone. We choose based on the information we have been given.

Let me ask youā€¦

If the Bible is true then the loss is on who? And what is its impact? If there is a heaven and hell, itā€™s safe to say the impact is great.

If the Bible is false, how does this impact the believer? If there is nothing, there is nothing. But a life is not wasted in this scenario.

I never said a church focuses on or should focus on one issue. I said that many of the people who find themselves so judgemental on this and other topics often fall short themselves. Yet they seem to ignore their own short comings and use the Bible as some sort of fail safe that allows them to cast their judgements on others free of scrutiny.

As for the remainder being that nobody has yet to die, go to the afterlife and come back with a full report then that truth you're referring to isn't as absolute as you think. It may be your and others shared truth but it's not everyone's. And any decent person and Christian acknowledges that fact. That's not something that can be debated. I know I'm entitled to my own viewpoints and beliefs. I don't need your permission for that. And I think that you full on believing that you can be in service to a God who would ignore a million good deeds solely because a person didn't pledge their undying loyalty isn't as gracious or loving and caring of an idea as you've been duped into. That's the opposite actually and being judgemental to the highest degree.

You not about to convince some that the worst of humans is seen as worthy of salvation solely because they say they believe in your version of God yet a person who exhibits all the qualities of a good person is somehow unworthy of salvation because they didn't believe in the same God. That's a pretty fucked up set of beliefs to have but also explains why so many Christians can consistently overlook major character flaws because they believe the same religion.

It's not the belief in the Bible and whether it's true. It's when those beliefs are not only used to create laws that govern how everyone lives but also when they're used to create a system of social currency that allows people to get away with being terrible human beings so long as they "believe". Yet we are currently in a time where people are using these beliefs and the Bible to impose on others. I mean if you're a true Christian then you know about the Crusades right? Was that just a bunch of people following God's will to murder everyone who wasn't a Christian? Or could it be possible that the "word" isn't as clear and easy to follow as some want to make it
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I never said a church focuses on or should focus on one issue. I said that many of the people who find themselves so judgemental on this and other topics often fall short themselves. Yet they seem to ignore their own short comings and use the Bible as some sort of fail safe that allows them to cast their judgements on others free of scrutiny.

As for the remainder being that nobody has yet to die, go to the afterlife and come back with a full report then that truth you're referring to isn't as absolute as you think. It may be your and others shared truth but it's not everyone's. And any decent person and Christian acknowledges that fact. That's not something that can be debated. I know I'm entitled to my own viewpoints and beliefs. I don't need your permission for that. And I think that you full on believing that you can be in service to a God who would ignore a million good deeds solely because a person didn't pledge their undying loyalty isn't as gracious or loving and caring of an idea as you've been duped into. That's the opposite actually and being judgemental to the highest degree.

You not about to convince some that the worst of humans is seen as worthy of salvation solely because they say they believe in your version of God yet a person who exhibits all the qualities of a good person is somehow unworthy of salvation because they didn't believe I'm the same God. That's a pretty fucked up set of beliefs to have but also explains why so many Christians can consistently overlook major character flaws because they believe the same religion.

It's not the belief in the Bible and whether it's true. It's when those beliefs are not only used to create laws that govern how everyone lives but also when they're used to create a system of social currency that allows people to get away with being terrible human beings so long as they "believe". Yet we are currently in a time where people are using these beliefs and the Bible to impose on others. I mean if you're a true Christian then you know about the Crusades right? Was that just a bunch of people following God's will to murder everyone who wasn't a Christian? Or could it be possible that the "word" isn't as clear and easy to follow as some want to make it

I agreed w you that if I had it my own way, good people would be accepted into the Kingdom. Unfortunately thatā€™s not the case. Salvation is through one way and that is Christ. Iā€™ve done my part in sharing that information. What you do with it is beyond my reach. Of course Iā€™d like to see all come to salvation.

Our laws are modeled on biblical principles and I think that, regardless of oneā€™s belief or unbelief, the majority would rather have that model. Iā€™m sure you agree with adultery being wrong; being obedient to parents is right; murder is wrong..so on and so forth.

And unlike most Christian, I donā€™t believe in imposing my beliefs on marriage/abortion on others. While I disagree w same sex marriage and abortion, I also believe that theyā€™re entitled to free will as God gave from the beginning. If they want to marry, fine. If they want to get an abortion, then fine.

But theyā€™re not oblivious to Godā€™s standard and therefore know the consequence of that. Theyā€™re responsible for their own salvation or damnation.

I have family who are both gay and lesbian and they donā€™t get treated differently or preached to. Iā€™m open to discussions but it has never got there. They know my beliefs and say nothing and in return get nothing about theirs.

As far as the crusades go, yeah, Iā€™m familiar w it and am opposed to their actions. They wanted to fight a war for their land, it isnā€™t simply bc one wasnā€™t a Christian, this is a wrong narrative. Doesnā€™t change what they did. It was a terrible act of terror they brought upon others.

Thereā€™s always many sides to a movement/belief system. There are those who abuse the system for power. But thereā€™s also a lot of good within..

What about the positivity Christianity has brought about? Do you know of any to speak about?
I agreed w you that if I had it my own way, good people would be accepted into the Kingdom. Unfortunately thatā€™s not the case. Salvation is through one way and that is Christ. Iā€™ve done my part in sharing that information. What you do with it is beyond my reach. Of course Iā€™d like to see all come to salvation.

Our laws are modeled on biblical principles and I think that, regardless of oneā€™s belief or unbelief, the majority would rather have that model. Iā€™m sure you agree with adultery being wrong; being obedient to parents is right; murder is wrong..so on and so forth.

And unlike most Christian, I donā€™t believe in imposing my beliefs on marriage/abortion on others. While I disagree w same sex marriage and abortion, I also believe that theyā€™re entitled to free will as God gave from the beginning. If they want to marry, fine. If they want to get an abortion, then fine.

But theyā€™re not oblivious to Godā€™s standard and therefore know the consequence of that. Theyā€™re responsible for their own salvation or damnation.

I have family who are both gay and lesbian and they donā€™t get treated differently or preached to. Iā€™m open to discussions but it has never got there. They know my beliefs and say nothing and in return get nothing about theirs.

As far as the crusades go, yeah, Iā€™m familiar w it and am opposed to their actions. They wanted to fight a war for their land, it isnā€™t simply bc one wasnā€™t a Christian, this is a wrong narrative. Doesnā€™t change what they did. It was a terrible act of terror they brought upon others.

Thereā€™s always many sides to a movement/belief system. There are those who abuse the system for power. But thereā€™s also a lot of good within..

What about the positivity Christianity has brought about? Do you know of any to speak about?

It's your belief that salvation is through Christ. You don't know that for sure. For all you know after death is just a void. Or maybe a land full of the best weed known to man free for all. Or it could be being stuck in fucking Milwaukee (shout out to Dogma) for eternity. Who knows.

I don't believe our laws are modeled on Biblical principles because I don't need think we need the Bible to tell us certain things are right and wrong. You don't need the Bible to tell you murder is wrong. You just know. You don't need the Bible to tell you hurting people who care for you is wrong. You inherently feel it. That's noting to do with the Bible and more about just basic humanity which exists outside of religious attributes or laws. If a person is only not doing those things out of fear of retribution from God then that's not really a good person. That's a fearful person and people constantly living in fear are usually not the most stable among us.

I know plenty of people who've done positive things through Christianity and in the name of their faith. It's not a foreign concept. I grew up around it. My abuelo was a deacon and his lifelong best friend was a pastor. I went to Catholic school for thr 1st 15 years of my life and fortunately had a father who made sure I not only knew and was educated about the faith I grew up around but also others as well. And made it so I didn't go around saying things like "You can be a great person but if you don't believe in my God your soul is damned." I don't have a problem with religion in and of itself, outside of the obvious ridiculousness of some of the things in the Bible. I take issue with people using their beliefs to condemn and chastise others not only for not living up to a standard they themselves never will be able to but to also shame and condemn folks who simply believe something different.