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In my travels and time on this rock. I came to the conclusion..............

I think I see what you trying to say but if we all as black people gotta work together isn’t respect the main issue? Like a black gay dude that’s down for his community but then he log in somebody calling him a faggot. If we want men to be men or whatever if we want the collective to come up we gotta treat folks like family the family we like. Not to use white folks as an example and they have their divisions but a gay white dude has his privilege to back him. Black folks don’t. but we need to foster real community not everybody needs to get along but you can’t call niggas faggots trannys call women bitches goes and slurs or call that nigga you don’t like a fuck nigga and expect you to be heard. I feel like every other group gets that but us.

On another point tho. I think reparations could end a lot of this shit. Money in America is freedom and every negative stat about us comes from lack of funds.

I disagree with the bold. IMO what other groups get that we don't is not do all that shit you listed in public against someone of their race. When they are among their own they be on that same shit IMO.

It's when the internal convo becomes public is when they close ranks and not speak down on their own to outsiders.
To the point of Cain's original post, I recognized recently that I need to leave my kids something in the event that I pass. And while it doesn't seem like much now, maybe in the future it's worth something. I started buying empty plots of land recently. I have a total of 50 acres in three states at this point (20 in NV, 20 in TX, and 10 in AZ). The land is empty and not worth a whole lot, but it's a start. My grandmother bought an empty plot of land in Texas and left it to her children. 30 years after she passed, oil was discovered on the property. It wasn't worth much when she got it, but now that my mother and aunt have entered a contract with an oil company it will be worth far more to the family.

My plan is to simply buy as much land as I can afford to handle tax-wise and leave it all to my kids. Maybe I'll take one of the 20 acre lots and stick a single-wide or a tiny house on it, I'm not sure but it's a thought. Regardless, it will appreciate over time and by the time they get it it should be worth far more than I bought it for.
salut bruh.

shit even develop some and create a get away for black men.
have trikes, gun range and a fishery.

it all starts with the first moves.
Choosing the path of least resistance/most convenience is human nature

true but
we should not be ok living like the simplest form of water in this case.

why cant we veiw things like a tsunami coming thru to destroy all in our path thats stopping us from reaching our goals.

cuz uh the more resistance the greater the reward.
true but
we should not be ok living like the simplest form of water in this case.

why cant we veiw things like a tsunami coming thru to destroy all in our path thats stopping us from reaching our goals.

cuz uh the more resistance the greater the reward.

Our society is being increasingly designed to reward doing things “the easy way.” We are all being turned into spoon fed children.
Our society is being increasingly designed to reward doing things “the easy way.” We are all being turned into spoon fed children.
oh you mean everyone gets a trophy ass people.

that levels the playing feild for them in sport and things.........how does that help us?

we dont have the same privileges as them...so we should not mimic them either.

but i get your point.
I think a huge part of this is accepting the fact that not everyone wants the same things and even those who do have different ways of going about it. Also people not being able to distinguish between disagreeing with an idea vs disagreement with a person. I've seen far too many discussions, here and real life, go sideways because 2 people not only disagree but cant do so without attacking the person as opposed to the idea.

This generation, actually the last 2 I'm including millenials in this people early to mid 30s right now, seem to have a huge problem with accepting that who you were at 20 isnt who you are or should be at 35. Too many people are holding people to the image of them they had when they first met ad opposed to who they actually are in this moment. I'm not saying to accept everybody's "new year new me" bullshit but at the same time we cant scream how we want people to change yet everytime somebody changes we call them fake, phony, say they're pandering etc.
oh you mean everyone gets a trophy ass people.

that levels the playing feild for them in sport and things.........how does that help us?

we dont have the same privileges as them...so we should not mimic them either.

but i get your point.

Bigger than that

Does anyone actually need to KNOW anything with Google in their pocket? They want knowledge to become obsolete
let the record show.....i never made it about money or worshipping other people.....im saying to open up because yes people can be happy in not knowing. but why is it a problem to ask for people to try something new to possibly be happiER? we should never allow ourselves to be ok because we think we are ok. be ok because you tried something else and didnt like it.

people who live of the grid due to not wanting to be controlled by money......guess what. a lot of them made that choice after they saw what money does.

back to the owrshipping you said.....i said alot of kids where im from only had the local knucklehead to look up to. so in turn i am saying maybe we should give kids something else to look forward to and someone to look up to because we are all great in who we are and its many kids who may need each and everyone of our guidance.
Money was just one example but a main example since I was speaking bout people only in the states. There is not a problem to show people different things but how is that message delivered? If the people living happy dont want your (not you in particular) help, do you look down on them? Alot of people have a tendency to do that. Also, who is to say what you bring to their lives would make them happier? If you show them new things and they accept it, then cool. If they dont accept it, keep it moving and dont force anything or look down on them.

There are people that live in villages away from modern civilization . Some are well aware of the world outside and some my not be. But some have unity and enjoy their lives how it is.

Lets say you introduce guns to a village of people that get by with hunting with traps and things they can make around their environment. Guns would make hunting easier but it is not a part of their natural resources. You just gave them a limited resource that they have to get from a third party. In that village, who gets the limited resource? You possibly just introduced greed and corruption to their community.
I think a huge part of this is accepting the fact that not everyone wants the same things and even those who do have different ways of going about it. Also people not being able to distinguish between disagreeing with an idea vs disagreement with a person. I've seen far too many discussions, here and real life, go sideways because 2 people not only disagree but cant do so without attacking the person as opposed to the idea.

This generation, actually the last 2 I'm including millenials in this people early to mid 30s right now, seem to have a huge problem with accepting that who you were at 20 isnt who you are or should be at 35. Too many people are holding people to the image of them they had when they first met ad opposed to who they actually are in this moment. I'm not saying to accept everybody's "new year new me" bullshit but at the same time we cant scream how we want people to change yet everytime somebody changes we call them fake, phony, say they're pandering etc.

Now we’re poddin’!

Totally agree with this. There has to be room for evolution. What type of nigga still looks at the world the same at 35 as they did at 25?

We can’t pick and choose when we wanna allow people room to grow.
Now we’re poddin’!

Totally agree with this. There has to be room for evolution. What type of nigga still looks at the world the same at 35 as they did at 25?

We can’t pick and choose when we wanna allow people room to grow.

True...now with that said niggas also have to be ready to be held accountable for shit they've done and said that was harmful to others. That's also a problem. People stay wanting to pick and choose which past traumas are worth addressing and which arent. And they typically base it on what is important to them and not important to the person they've offended or harmed. people gotta learn to be able to step outside themselves and respect the fact that just because something doesnt bother you or isnt a thing to you doesnt mean the same holds true for everyone else.
Money was just one example but a main example since I was speaking bout people only in the states. There is not a problem to show people different things but how is that message delivered? If the people living happy dont want your (not you in particular) help, do you look down on them? Alot of people have a tendency to do that. Also, who is to say what you bring to their lives would make them happier? If you show them new things and they accept it, then cool. If they dont accept it, keep it moving and dont force anything or look down on them.

There are people that live in villages away from modern civilization . Some are well aware of the world outside and some my not be. But some have unity and enjoy their lives how it is.

Lets say you introduce guns to a village of people that get by with hunting with traps and things they can make around their environment. Guns would make hunting easier but it is not a part of their natural resources. You just gave them a limited resource that they have to get from a third party. In that village, who gets the limited resource? You possibly just introduced greed and corruption to their community.
i agree with all of this ....but me bneing the person to introduce them to something i should also know what it can possible do.

if i bring guns....after seeing what they can do...thats on me.

showing them something different can help and enhance but certain things are more dangerous than others depending on who the person is.\

even in off the grid situations.....greed and leadership take hold and can corrupt.
True...now with that said niggas also have to be ready to be held accountable for shit they've done and said that was harmful to others. That's also a problem. People stay wanting to pick and choose which past traumas are worth addressing and which arent. And they typically base it on what is important to them and not important to the person they've offended or harmed. people gotta learn to be able to step outside themselves and respect the fact that just because something doesnt bother you or isnt a thing to you doesnt mean the same holds true for everyone else.

Honestly, this is one that is rampant on the ABW. And I see no end in sight because a lot of niggas are willfully ignorant. And seem to be PROUD of that fact. Because it's usually in situation where it costs niggas nothing to be respectful of others.
families fight. families insult one another......but they are still family.
we all got something that we can be teased about....and not everyone can take teasing.
this is life tho. im not saying just get over it. but i do think its bigger issue with certain things.

at the end of the day we are all black and should respect each other as such.
which doesnt happen.
so we cant pick an choose who gets talked about and who should get skipped over.

Exactly that’s all im saying if we don’t start with an overall respect we not getting anywhere that’s all I been saying
Gay black men and transfolks call straight men "breeders" and straight women "fish" (after the smell of pussy) among other things. Transfolks like Janet Mock have openly expressed disdain for Black women despite trying to be a Black woman but that's somehow cool with you. This is the fuck shit that y'all are on and it really pisses me off. Niggas like you make it seem as if gays and transpeople have some sort of halo on themselves where they commit no sin or wrong doing when they do EXACTLY the same shit you denigrate us for doing. You choose to look the other way when it comes to them but try to hold our feet to the fire. And when we point out the hypocrisy we're suddenly "homophobic" or "transphobic" or whatever new made up term created specifically to shut down a conversation and silence the other person.

You want the discourse to be better? Then start by BEING better, this include you.

I don’t know who Janet is tho. And I’m not up on my anti straight slang(anti cishertero?) I never once said they were perfect they still human but I also never heard a gay dude killing somebody for being straight. This is like when you tell white folks about they self and they retort with reverse racism and etc. I’m addressing what’s known and what we all have seen. Never seen a gay dude call a chick fish. Not saying it ain’t a thing
I don’t know who Janet is tho. And I’m not up on my anti straight slang(anti cishertero?) I never once said they were perfect they still human but I also never heard a gay dude killing somebody for being straight. This is like when you tell white folks about they self and they retort with reverse racism and etc. I’m addressing what’s known and what we all have seen. Never seen a gay dude call a chick fish. Not saying it ain’t a thing

Bruh, we all have Google. "gay men calling women fish" will give you an assload of results. I first heard it back in the early 90's on campus. Misogyny in the gay and trans community is a thing and there's a shitload of "thinkpieces" written about it. It's been a problem, but as I said before, when the scope is aimed at y'all, you got excuses for days.

Gay men kill just because, same as anyone else. John Wayne Gacy, Jeffery Dahlmer, Andrew Cunanan, Randy Kraft, Patrick Wayne Kearney aka "The Trash Bag Murderer"... All gay, all murderers. Shit, half of the serial killers in this country have been gay as fuck.
Bruh, we all have Google. "gay men calling women fish" will give you an assload of results. I first heard it back in the early 90's on campus. Misogyny in the gay and trans community is a thing and there's a shitload of "thinkpieces" written about it. It's been a problem, but as I said before, when the scope is aimed at y'all, you got excuses for days.

Gay men kill just because, same as anyone else. John Wayne Gacy, Jeffery Dahlmer, Andrew Cunanan, Randy Kraft, Patrick Wayne Kearney aka "The Trash Bag Murderer"... All gay, all murderers. Shit, half of the serial killers in this country have been gay as fuck.
off topic but i was cool with gary hiednicks daughter max.

we didnt find out about her dad until after all the shit. havent seen her since the trial. alot of people wanted her gone.