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FEATURED Hypothetically speaking...

As a person living in NY we're screwed

I think NY might be fucked, 'cause y'all have one of the lowest gun ownership rates in the country. That said, it only counts legally obtained guns, there's no telling how many illegal joints are out there.
We talking about a hypothetical situation as the thread suggests . Hypothetically if a war started today you are folding some Chinese military draws as a slave and I will be killing people until I run out of ammo as I am fleeing a war torn city.
Trying to fight an army with limited guns and ammo is crazy.
You act like militias don’t exist though

They situation really is, would you fight if there was an invasion

All I said was yes
Our government always tries to put us in their bullshit. I'll defend myself and mine but fuck defending the country.
Just because I don’t own a gun now doesn’t mean I never shot a gun before


Also giving me more shit than Chinese invaders is wild lol

We gonna lose

Cool, you've shot a gun before

but if shit pops off do you have access to this gun?

you think shooting that gun translates to handling other guns of different calibers?

more to it than jus havin a gun, need to get familiar w/ it
Cool, you've shot a gun before

but if shit pops off do you have access to this gun?

you think shooting that gun translates to handling other guns of different calibers?

more to it than jus havin a gun, need to get familiar w/ it
I have access to weapons

Also in a thread about if you would fight invaders, you not gonna bog it down with this firearm training bullshit lol

I would fight bro that’s it

Everything else you trying to say to dissuade me from wanting to protect home is irrelevant
I have access to weapons

Also in a thread about if you would fight invaders, you not gonna bog it down with this firearm training bullshit lol

I would fight bro that’s it

Everything else you trying to say to dissuade me from wanting to protect home is irrelevant

not tryna dissuade you

jus sayin be prepared

shit ain't a video game where you can cycle thru weapons & auto-lock on your target


choose your battles wisely
Brian we get it man

You have more experience with guns than me

Rather than trying to belittle me about it, you should appreciate that in an invasion that I’m still willing to fight

But niggas gonna be niggas even in an invasion

A quick smash and grab run at the nearest Walmart (if they sell guns) or a sporting goods store that sells guns would get you tightened up.
All I'd be concerned about is my family. Win or lose we really don't got no dog in the fight. Priority becomes making sure everyone to gets through it safe. We'll figure out the aftermath as it comes. 🤷🏿‍♂️
After 9/11 ALOT of people was on some super patriotic shit….regardless of race.

I think if a foreign power tried to invade a lot of people would be ready to fight for “their country” more than they want to admit

Because “your home” is still based in America…as well as all of ours

America would definitely withstand an invasion better than most countries. The US and France civilians are definitely getting busy, those countries would be the toughest to just run through and take over imo.
America would definitely withstand an invasion better than most countries. The US and France civilians are definitely getting busy, those countries would be the toughest to just run through and take over imo.

And they would most likely be on each others side

America and France been allies since day one
Throw Ireland in the mix too. Their civilians wouldn't go down easy. And there's still plenty of old heads that were in the mix of resistance.