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Added to Calendar: 06-16-24

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What that gotta do with anything? Jon was half NAWF half Targ.. Dany and him helped unite folks to fight the WW. Arya just dealt the killing blow. shit still tracks imo *shrugs*

This is the exact words he spoke to Rhaenyra:

ā€œAegon saw absolute darkness riding on those winds, and whatever dwells within will destroy the world of the living. When this great winter comes, Rhaenyra, all of Westeros must stand against it. And if the world of men is to survive, then a Targaryen must be seated on the Iron Throne. A king or queen, strong enough to unite the realm against the cold and the dark.ā€œ

When the White Walkers were defeated, all of Westeros did not stand against it. There was no Targaryen on the throne. The realm was not united.

So the prophecy was made to be bullshit in the show. Just a big tease for 8 seasons just so Arya can be the Stark That Was Promised.
The actual words of the prophecy do not align at all with what happened. Dany nor Jon sat on the Iron Throne, the realms were not united and they didnā€™t team up against the white walkers, etc.
The actual words of the prophecy do not align at all with what happened. Dany nor Jon sat on the Iron Throne, the realms were not united and they didnā€™t team up against the white walkers, etc.

so the prophecy had to be word for word, bar for bar?
Aegon lived to do rapes. His mom should have got him killed sooner. Heā€™s a FAC

Aemond is tall and skinny with a small penis. He has a ton of anger that will forever make him a poor leader.
Not sure what my post has to do with the original post about it being the finale, but this was just my speculation. Iā€™ve not read any books or any related content thereof.

I do think theyā€™re setting him up for either eventuality.

I personally think conscripting Ulf is a mistake and they should remove his rider rights immediately.

Lol. How they gonā€™ do that? They bonded already.
This whole season was a dick tease to the highest order:

Daemon out here getting high as hell every episode
Rhy-Rhy scared to leave Dragonstone
Corlis not knowing what to do with his family, bastards and all
The stupid broad Alicent realizing she's got NO power and being a massive hypocrite while her grandson was getting his head sawed off
Jace going full MAGA at the end of S2
Aegon's dumbass rushing into battle and getting roasted by his own brother

Shout out to Aaemon for the only one being bout that action out here...

and RIP to the Queen That Never Was.


Carried this season