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Homophobia in the black community, or gay agenda? The effeminization debate

Du every time I say something to you---you always say I want to change your opinion and I think my opinion is superior and this and that
I already told you once, its never my aim to change a nigga that's 30+ opinion.

nor did I discredit anything you said thus far.

I try, keyword TRY, not to demean or belittle someone else's thought process no matter how ridiculous I think it is.

I always talk indirect (yall, people say...) on this forum in an effort to not offended anyone or undermine what people feel and think

(except Goldie, because that nigga gon get this work regardless)

everyone that disagreed with you engaged you in the same manner.

so idk why you always think Im doing the most when I quote you.

but I'm off the conversation, shit you ain't my enemy and if shit got thick I would fight for your ass the same as any other Black person on this

be blessed.
i didn't like the "hand me down opinion" reference cuz it's just not a healthy response in a debate

people always use the cop out of "brainwashed" or something like that when they don't like an argument...i think it's a cop out.....that's why i called it such.....

i truly believe your opinions are your opinions, josh's are josh's , trini's are trini's....i ain't gonna insinuate yall got it from somewhere else especially if yall can stand on it....

you can disagree with me all day, just don't make it seem like i'm making stuff up or pulling from another source.....i actually like debating your views
I do feel Hollywood does go outta their way to make "gay" acceptable.

Du pretty much nailed it in the head tho. You can pretty much tell when a show is throwing a gay character/storyline just to do it.

It doesn't come off natural at all. It's as if they did it to meet some kinda "requirement" quota. Like "Ok throw a gay character in there so we can make the LGBT group happy" type deal.
i like to talk in examples as much as possible...
when they samuel jackson became nick fury, a traditionally white character....

i legit understood the outrage, and i ain't even say shit....then dude owned the role, and they changed the race in the comics to match the movies....

so yea... it was an outrage, but they made it work......and i felt it was justifiable.......

but when they just do shit to do shit.....
man like how the old black ranger was the black kid and the yellow ranger was the asian kid......like....shit like that? that's just fucking crazy

I thought Nick fury was black in an alternate timeline and that's the one marvel went with when they casted Jackson
I dont think theres an agenda to turn people gay. I think people just realizing gay people aint some terrible menace out to destroy heterosexual people. And most people arent gay so i dont know why black people get so bent out of shape about it.
South park killed this topic with the metro sexual episode....

They not trying to turn people gay,, they're forcing the issue by over exposure and scrutinizing people for noticing it, or expressing an alternative opinion.

No one ever considered gay people a menace. That's absurd.
Gay people themselves aren't the problems.

The problems are how they try to liken it to the civil rights movement knowing damn well if we ever went as hard as gays go, they woulda kilt all our assess by time the 70's rolled around
Good thread.

I love gay people. A lot of them are hella nice and hella funny. They are hella honest too. Some of them. I have some gay mfs in my family that I love dearly. Only thing that blows me is something similar to what Du said. I've had run ins with gay men and women. It's like they think being gay is a shield to not get what they've dished out. I was at the zoo and this gay boy who was a clerk told me he would drag me by my weave with my black broke ghetto ass. Then when I got on his ass, another clerk told me to chill. Chill why? Nobody told his gay ass to chill when he disrespected me. I have other stories too, I was told I needed to calm down. The exact words were "girl, he gay leave him alone." Like nigga and?!?!?! You gon get the shit you put out.

Oh and I can't stand to see men twerk, shit sickens me.
Thing is tho lbgt black people have a unique struggle white gays dont care for them and our community does not. We believe urban myths about them and all that. Eventually tho when our community stops thinking they so nasty we would be better off imo
Another thing.

In my opinion and from what I've personally experienced and seen. I believe it's harder to be a black man than being a gay man.

I've watched my daddy, cousins, brothers and exes get dogged by police on many many many occasions. My daddy got shot by a white man and my dad was the innocent one. He was just trying to go in the store to get a damn soda. Who got in trouble though, not the white guy but my dad did. So, I've been convinced that black men had it hard since a young age.

As far as being gay, yea you get harsh things done to you as well and some of the shit is sickening. I can't necessarily say it's an agenda but they are forcing homosexuality on people. I don't like to be forced to accept anything, period. I don't care what it is.

It seems to me that being a gay black man is more acceptable to other races than to be just a black man. Not saying gay men can't handle themselves but they are automatically looked as weaker men. So, a part of me does feel like it's some type of plan or whatever to feminize black men. I've never seen so many feminized black men in my life and my grandmother agreed. She's 76.
South park killed this topic with the metro sexual episode....

They not trying to turn people gay,, they're forcing the issue by over exposure and scrutinizing people for noticing it, or expressing an alternative opinion.

No one ever considered gay people a menace. That's absurd.
Gay people themselves aren't the problems.

The problems are how they try to liken it to the civil rights movement knowing damn well if we ever went as hard as gays go, they woulda kilt all our assess by time the 70's rolled around

C/s the bolded.

Probably my biggest gripe. You can hide being gay. You can't hide your skin color.
Being a gay black man, you're still a black man. It's a double minority. It shouldn't even be a who has it worse contest.

In regards to the OP, I think homophobia runs deep in the black community. Some ppl blame it on religion, culture, don't understand it, or didn't grow up in an environment where it was heavily talked about or common. When I was in grade school, being openly gay, bi, or trans was not at all nearly as common or seen as it is today. I am one of those who didn't understand it and wasn't raised around it. Ppl tend to judge, frown upon, or fear what they don't understand.

And also agree somewhere there lives and breathes the task of the emasculation of black men whether it's the educational system, the prison system, the media, or Hollywood. Imo, they do use gay references and gay culture to snatch and test the masculinity of black men.