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Homophobia in the black community, or gay agenda? The effeminization debate

im not saying or suggesting DU is ANYTHING close to what im about to say, but

i've found that in the white community

its usually the older white anti gay men, are the ones who are really gay

they publicly bash homosexuals, but are closeted ones on the DL

Shots fired @ Congress
y'all memba that republican caught on craigslist lookin 4 the D?

Memba that Republican caught in the airport bathroom stall lookin for the same thing?

A lot of them muthafuccas got side dudes. Yet be supporting anti-gay bills.

Hell Dick Chaney's...aka...Emperor Palpatine...own daughter is a lesbian. But mostly saw him wit the daughter who supported the same views as him.
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So basically you don't consider yourself or any other black male you love beautiful.

Not really. Ive always used beauty in regards to people as a compliment to women and girls. Boys and men id use handsome. Im not saying we cant be beautiful i just dont use it to refer to other males. I know somebody is gonna say its contradictory to my earlier statement tho.
Not really. Ive always used beauty in regards to people as a compliment to women and girls. Boys and men id use handsome. Im not saying we cant be beautiful i just dont use it to refer to other males. I know somebody is gonna say its contradictory to my earlier statement tho.

*raises hand and waves it wildly*

I did. I said it was contradictory and the keyword you used was "hang ups"

"I have hang ups"

dont try to switch it up now sir.
see my problem here with you is the fence straddling.

one minute you are saying ppls thoughts on homosexuality is trite and nonsensical, then the next minute you're saying you can't call another man beautiful because you have hangups.

I'm confused sir.

@Race Jones im a black male raised by an old school dad who was not with men being feminine and my peers and such reinforced it. Yes the past few years ive done some unpacking and became more open minded but i still have hangups in certain things some small some big. Nobody just shrugs off years of social conditioning at once.
I dont think there is some grand agenda to turn black men gay nor do i think they gotta hide their sexuality anymore. But i don't refer to myself or homies as beautiful and dont plan too.
@Race Jones im a black male raised by an old school dad who was not with men being feminine and my peers and such reinforced it. Yes the past few years ive done some unpacking and became more open minded but i still have hangups in certain things some small some big. Nobody just shrugs off years of social conditioning at once.
I dont think there is some grand agenda to turn black men gay nor do i think they gotta hide their sexuality anymore. But i don't refer to myself or homies as beautiful and dont plan too.

Ok so keep it real.

Just a second ago you were back peddling.

Don't get mad at me because your stances are shaky.

it's all love.

I know how conditioning works but after a certain age you either work to unlearn certain shit or you just keep running in circles.

The choice is yours boo.
Ok so keep it real.

Just a second ago you were back peddling.

Don't get mad at me because your stances are shaky.

it's all love.

I know how conditioning works but after a certain age you either work to unlearn certain shit or you just keep running in circles.

The choice is yours boo.

Well i did state to you i am learning and working to change it not going to be overnight. And where did i back pedal i said i dont use beautiful to refer to males which can be considered a personal hangup.
Well i did state to you i am learning and working to change it not going to be overnight. And where did i back pedal i said i dont use beautiful to refer to males which can be considered a personal hangup.

ok. We all are unlearning and learning
...well some of us lol and instead of jumping down your throat, I'm going to respect where you are in your journey.

Peace and light
I once heard a woman say she thinks men who like doggy style r suspect cuz it is too close to anal. i was dyin.
They have literally taken the word beautiful as an acceptable description of masculine black men.

You hear this @LadyDu

I can't call my homeboy Rikki beautiful no more without it coming off as feminine.
*walks outta room in fresh new outfit*

Hey babe. How do I look in this outfit?

Her: Well damn baby. You look beautiful!


...this relationship is over. See yourself out.
Great thread...

My stance on this tho

Yes...I do believe there is a real agenda to effeminize the black male...and homosexuality is one of many tools being used.

Yes, I beleive that there is an agenda to normalize homosexuality and anyone who has the slightest negative opinion on the homo lifestyle is automatically deemed a bigot. Which is a bit unfair.

I love gay people, i have family members who are gay, friends who are gay, hell I even mentor a couple gay teenagers...I love them

But I absolutely abhor thier lifestyle choice. And they know this.

But it doesnt stop me from greeting them with a loving hug or handshake when I see them...dont stop me from telling them "I love you"

I just vehemetly disagree with thier lifestyle choice.
I once heard a woman say she thinks men who like doggy style r suspect cuz it is too close to anal. i was dyin.

I saw a post that one guy put up saying he won't masturbate cuz that's another male touching his dick even if it was himself he felt it was still gay.

I was like:negrowhat:
I saw a post that one guy put up saying he won't masturbate cuz that's another male touching his dick even if it was himself he felt it was still gay.

I was like:negrowhat:

wait, maybe im lost, but is another male even in the room?

how would he feel gay if he touching himself?