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Homophobia in the black community, or gay agenda? The effeminization debate

Great thread...

My stance on this tho

Yes...I do believe there is a real agenda to effeminize the black male...and homosexuality is one of many tools being used.

Yes, I beleive that there is an agenda to normalize homosexuality and anyone who has the slightest negative opinion on the homo lifestyle is automatically deemed a bigot. Which is a bit unfair.

I love gay people, i have family members who are gay, friends who are gay, hell I even mentor a couple gay teenagers...I love them

But I absolutely abhor thier lifestyle choice. And they know this.

But it doesnt stop me from greeting them with a loving hug or handshake when I see them...dont stop me from telling them "I love you"

I just vehemetly disagree with thier lifestyle choice.
i understand this post 100%

it's real as fuck......i hate that bigot treatment, but it's like the more you try to explain yourself,the deeper the hole is dug....

"i'm not a bigot i have gay friends"

that's how people respond to that
Great thread...

My stance on this tho

Yes...I do believe there is a real agenda to effeminize the black male...and homosexuality is one of many tools being used.

Yes, I beleive that there is an agenda to normalize homosexuality and anyone who has the slightest negative opinion on the homo lifestyle is automatically deemed a bigot. Which is a bit unfair.

I love gay people, i have family members who are gay, friends who are gay, hell I even mentor a couple gay teenagers...I love them

But I absolutely abhor thier lifestyle choice. And they know this.

But it doesnt stop me from greeting them with a loving hug or handshake when I see them...dont stop me from telling them "I love you"

I just vehemetly disagree with thier lifestyle choice.
well... I'm glad you greet the ppl in your life with love n hugs. we need more of that.
‘Billions’ Star Challenges Emmys Male-Female Acting Categories

“I’d like to know if in your eyes ‘actor’ and ‘actress’ denote anatomy or identity and why it is necessary to denote either in the first place? The reason I’m hoping to engage you in a conversation about this is because if the categories of ‘actor’ and ‘actress’ are in fact supposed to represent ‘best performance by a person who identifies as a woman’ and ‘best performance by a person who identifies as a man’ then there is no room for my identity within that award system binary. Furthermore, if the categories of ‘actor’ and ‘actress’ are meant to denote assigned sex I ask, respectfully, why is that necessary?”

some of ya'll are homophobic tho

ya'll acting like ya'll gon turn gay if they sneeze on you or something

that's wack and unfair as shit....

cuz both me and bdp spend significant time with gay folk, have significant relationships and interactions much more than many people who would call us homophobic simply because we vocalize what we feel in regards to some of the things we see in media....

like how can you say we acting like we'd turn gay if they sneeze on us, if bdp tutoring them, and i'm sitting in bookclubs in gay folk house drinking wine talking about vampire books.....

shit don't add up....
that's wack and unfair as shit....

cuz both me and bdp spend significant time with gay folk, have significant relationships and interactions much more than many people who would call us homophobic simply because we vocalize what we feel in regards to some of the things we see in media....

like how can you say we acting like we'd turn gay if they sneeze on us, if bdp tutoring them, and i'm sitting in bookclubs in gay folk house drinking wine talking about vampire books.....

shit don't add up....
You are aware that people can be racist while also helping the very same people they're racist towards right? Same thing is at work here, there's levels to the shit. Sure you're not ewwwww burn them all homophobic, but still a bit homophobic at the end of the day.
Great thread...

My stance on this tho

Yes...I do believe there is a real agenda to effeminize the black male...and homosexuality is one of many tools being used.

Yes, I beleive that there is an agenda to normalize homosexuality and anyone who has the slightest negative opinion on the homo lifestyle is automatically deemed a bigot. Which is a bit unfair.

I love gay people, i have family members who are gay, friends who are gay, hell I even mentor a couple gay teenagers...I love them

But I absolutely abhor thier lifestyle choice. And they know this.

But it doesnt stop me from greeting them with a loving hug or handshake when I see them...dont stop me from telling them "I love you"

I just vehemetly disagree with thier lifestyle choice.

oKKKKKKKKkkkkkkkkkkk you cant give a hate speech directed towards homosexuality, then say you love gay ppl :yikes2:

its not adding BDP
You are aware that people can be racist while also helping the very same people they're racist towards right? Same thing is at work here, there's levels to the shit. Sure you're not ewwwww burn them all homophobic, but still a bit homophobic at the end of the day.
thats why i said it's a bullshit and unfair thing to say cuz some smart ass would use the racism argument and it's clearly not the same thing

no offense to you of course, but it is an asshole rebuttal...cuz it's often people who don't even deal with gay folk like that who makes it....

for example how much do you interact with gay folk?
thats why i said it's a bullshit and unfair thing to say cuz some smart ass would use the racism argument and it's clearly not the same thing

no offense to you of course, but it is an asshole rebuttal...cuz it's often people who don't even deal with gay folk like that who makes it....

for example how much do you interact with gay folk?
A lot, in my case. I used to organize local LGBT events.
thats why i said it's a bullshit and unfair thing to say cuz some smart ass would use the racism argument and it's clearly not the same thing

no offense to you of course, but it is an asshole rebuttal...cuz it's often people who don't even deal with gay folk like that who makes it....

for example how much do you interact with gay folk?
I have a gay brother. It's not an asshole rebuttal. I made it to draw a parallel, which you fail to see
You are aware that people can be racist while also helping the very same people they're racist towards right? Same thing is at work here, there's levels to the shit. Sure you're not ewwwww burn them all homophobic, but still a bit homophobic at the end of the day.
and just to show you i'm not all jerkish, let me break down how it's not the same thing....

racism and homophobia are not equal parallels(love that term trini).....and what yall call homophobia 90% of the time isn't' that at all

racism is contributing to an entire system, that functions off the belief that one race is superior to another in order to manipulate a populace to support decisions against their own greater good....

that's what racism is....

homophobia is not that....

homophobia is an inherent dislike, intolerance, and discriminatory treatment of gay people and the gay community

pointing out bullshit agendas in media and not liking it is not homophobic, it's just being observant...

i think it's wack, lazy, and ultimately inaccurate to call every person who points out such things as homophobic...especially if they get along fine with gays.....are very tolerant and supportive of their lifestyle, and treat them no different than any other people.....the very opposite of what it is to rightfully be considered homophobic...

If I'm going to the polls voting in favor of gay marriage, i think it's very clear that i am not working against the progress of gay rights...so to compare it to a racist again is not valid, cuz i am not contributing to any system that is designed to make them a 2nd class citizen.....

it's a cop out, and that's why i constantly call it bullshit
I have a gay brother. It's not an asshole rebuttal. I made it to draw a parallel, which you fail to see
naw i ain't fail to see it i just didn't expand, which i just did.. read then respond
and just to show you i'm not all jerkish, let me break down how it's not the same thing....

racism and homophobia are not equal parallels(love that term trini).....and what yall call homophobia 90% of the time isn't' that at all

racism is contributing to an entire system, that functions off the belief that one race is superior to another in order to manipulate a populace to support decisions against their own greater good....

that's what racism is....

homophobia is not that....

homophobia is an inherent dislike, intolerance, and discriminatory treatment of gay people and the gay community

pointing out bullshit agendas in media and not liking it is not homophobic, it's just being observant...

i think it's wack, lazy, and ultimately inaccurate to call every person who points out such things as homophobic...especially if they get along fine with gays.....are very tolerant and supportive of their lifestyle, and treat them no different than any other people.....the very opposite of what it is to rightfully be considered homophobic...

If I'm going to the polls voting in favor of gay marriage, i think it's very clear that i am not working against the progress of gay rights...so to compare it to a racist again is not valid, cuz i am not contributing to any system that is designed to make them a 2nd class citizen.....

it's a cop out, and that's why i constantly call it bullshit
Bruh, did I not just give you an example of how you can still be supportive of a group of people and still harbor deep rooted or unconscious dislike for that group. There were plenty of whites who where for civil writes for blacks but weren't so hot about them being living next to them or marrying there children. Same thing here, you say you voted for gay interests, but have a problem with tv characters becoming "needlessly" gay and you're problem with the pictures of ol boy a few pages ago.

That's another parallel right there, if you don't like it cool, but it's definitely comparable to racism, remember what I said earlier. There's level to it, I'm not calling you hitler for your thoughts, but you should be aware of your feelings.
Bruh, did I not just give you an example of how you can still be supportive of a group of people and still harbor deep rooted or unconscious dislike for that group. There were plenty of whites who where for civil writes for blacks but weren't so hot about them being living next to them or marrying there children. Same thing here, you say you voted for gay interests, but have a problem with tv characters becoming "needlessly" gay and you're problem with the pictures of ol boy a few pages ago.

That's another parallel right there, if you don't like it cool, but it's definitely comparable to racism, remember what I said earlier. There's level to it, I'm not calling you hitler for your thoughts, but you should be aware of your feelings.
dawg, black people recognized, disliked, and spoke out against affirmative action when it got out of control.....

pointing out a gay agenda in the media by over consumption and the attack of masculinity is not homophobic...it's noticing a trend.....

i don't give a shit who's gay and who's not gay... my neighbors could be gay, my nephew could be gay.....i'll admit it would shock me if my son was gay, but i'd get over it and love him the same... but i'm not gonna over compensate by overdoing the gay, and that's what's going on right now... they putting gay into and on everything...and it's fucked up cuz it's like you can't even speak out against it without being tagged with an unfair label

you call me a homophobe, i disagree.............but they still overdoing it with the gay in damn near everything

the chick literally just said why do they have different awards for men and women at the emmy's

like they're really pushing towards a genderless society......and to even acknowledge it is being considered offensive... shit's stupid
Homosexuality is not a "lifestyle".....its someones personhood.

many gay ppl, if not all, feel their sexuality isnt a choice.

I always cringe when ppl say "I disagree with homosexuality"

hate to break it you but you dont really have a choice to agree or disagree on something that is innate in someone else.
that's like saying "I disapprove of redheads because their hair is red" like come on lmaooooo
what exactly don't you agree with? @BDP the existence of it? you dont like it being visible?
you dont like the fact sexuality is mutable?
people who dont ID as heterosexual shouldn't be allowed to live and love freely?

I even know of ppl who hate gay people but said they would fight for them to have equal rights....
how can you fight for a people you dont deem human? how can you fight for people and then turn around and slander them?
it makes no sense.

if you are cool with ostracizing and vilifying gay people then you are also cool with the abuse many of them face.
you are cool with them being killed taking their own lives.

yes you are....your sheer "dislike" of homosexuality says to me: you will allow, look away, promote the suffering of the LGBTQ.

Ill give you an example, a man was found hanging from a tree in Atlanta, London Jermaine

ppl were so upset! they knew for sure it was a hate crime. there were sooo many think-pieces. Black lives matter protest, the whole 9
then it later came out that he was Gay and everyone went silent, ppl lost interest, news reporters went home.

Jermaine had killed himself.

and just because he was Gay.....people stopped caring.
and I thought "wow" does a Black life only matter if they are heterosexual?
does Black life only matter if the person was killed at the hands of white people?

A Gay Black Man killed himself, lynched himself in Piedmont Park because of the abuse inflicted on him by other Black people in his community and this shit happens all the time.

and you dont see how your views contribute to the trauma and violence in our communities?

tell me why?

so no you dont love Gay people because to love them is to love all of their human parts.

which includes their sexuality
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dawg, black people recognized, disliked, and spoke out against affirmative action when it got out of control.....

pointing out a gay agenda in the media by over consumption and the attack of masculinity is not homophobic...it's noticing a trend.....

i don't give a shit who's gay and who's not gay... my neighbors could be gay, my nephew could be gay.....i'll admit it would shock me if my son was gay, but i'd get over it and love him the same... but i'm not gonna over compensate by overdoing the gay, and that's what's going on right now... they putting gay into and on everything...and it's fucked up cuz it's like you can't even speak out against it without being tagged with an unfair label

you call me a homophobe, i disagree.............but they still overdoing it with the gay in damn near everything

the chick literally just said why do they have different awards for men and women at the emmy's

like they're really pushing towards a genderless society......and to even acknowledge it is being considered offensive... shit's stupid
Aight du I see you took nothing from my words, I'ma just leave it that, you back with the agenda stuff again. I'm getting no where with you
MissK.....respectively as possibile...

you can't treat sexuality and gender the same as other differences....it just ain't the same....

as a man....i find sex with another man repulsive.....

this has nothing to do with hate, intolerance, indifference, discrimination, preferences, religion, any of that shit....

just like its natural for some people to like it, it's natural for me to not like it....

i don't know what it is that makes women different where as though they can be intimate with other women , but as a man.....i can't do that shit with another man....the thought of man on man sex makes me sick to my stomach.....

that's just natural.....i can't truly apologize for who i am, but i can say i'm sorry that offends you....but that's just what it is. man on man sex repulses me....

okay.....now that we got that out the way.....it takes A WHOLE LOT OF UNDERSTANDING, GROWTH, MATURITY, TOLERANCE, and a all that shit to take something you consider repulsive, and be completely okay with it....some people may have a head start at it like yong josh, his brother being gay....i had a few friends who ended up being gay.....stll showed them love....the older you get the more tolerant you get....

at this point 2017.....bruh, i have no issues with gay folk at all.....calling me a homophobe is laughable....

and i ain't hating on the entire gay community.... but c'mon....yall gotta see the same shit i see....i can't point it out no better....

if it's easier to call someone a homophobe...whatever.... but i swear that 's not what's going on most of the time.....

it's like we're asked for a ridiculous amount of tolerance and understanding yet granted none of the same in return.....