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HipHop Hasn't Done Anything Good For Black People

I’m late and didn’t read every page, but why is hip hop positioned as the savior of black people as a whole? If Dr. Umar had his shit together it should be folks like him pushing black people forward. But instead they ranting on Twitter about hating white women and not voting.

Hip hop never claimed to be the force for change of the black populace. It’s only been a voice for the realities black people are going through.

So if you mad the music is detrimental ask why that’s the reality of black people at the moment and why you ain’t done shit to change that.
I agree with the JBP take about individual success leading to community success. Which is why I don’t understand people hating black politicians like Barack, Kamala, Jeffries, etc. making it to the top of the political spectrum.

Think about it. We could have a black President, a black Speaker of the House, and a black couple (the Obamas) basically running the country. As if that’s not an accomplishment within itself.
Dwayne feels most of rap is negative and has more negative impacts than positive
Well that’s because he must rely on hip hop to be the savior of blacks. I don’t see it as such. That’s like Mexicans thinking Mariachi bands are the ones to change the narrative on illegal immigration.

Hip hop just reflects the realities of some black people. If they are rapping about killing and doing drugs it’s because that’s what they know. Then you have to wonder, why is that what they know? Why are their living conditions leading to that reality?

I know the white ran industry is pushing that narrative, but even independent rappers are subscribing to that narrative. Why?
I have seen
Well that’s because he must rely on hip hop to be the savior of blacks. I don’t see it as such. That’s like Mexicans thinking Mariachi bands are the ones to change the narrative on illegal immigration.

Hip hop just reflects the realities of some black people. If they are rapping about killing and doing drugs it’s because that’s what they know. Then you have to wonder, why is that what they know? Why are their living conditions leading to that reality?

I know the white ran industry is pushing that narrative, but even independent rappers are subscribing to that narrative. Why?
say Bruh, don’t tell me me what I rely on. @SeaSnake informed you very simply and accurate answer about my take on rap.

Shit is black and white. The art form is vastly more negative than positive and highly influential.

It’s a reason you would let your elementary school children sit in their room listening to sexy red talk about her pussy and the amount of dick.

I CAN GUARANTEE you don’t do that
I have seen

say Bruh, don’t tell me me what I rely on. @SeaSnake informed you very simply answer why I said rap is mostly bad.

Shit is black and white. The art form is vastly more negative than positive and highly influential.

It’s a reason you would let your elementary school children sit in their room listening to sexy red talk about her pussy and the amount of dick.

I CAN GUARANTEE you don’t do that
You’re right, I don’t. But why does Sexy Red rap about that type of shit? Why does she feel comfortable doing so? Probably because she grew up in a single parent household with a mother that condoned that?

Why does the mother condone that? Was she a young mother herself that was immature?

I don’t know cause I don’t know her background.

There’s societal issues that are feeding this nonsense that aren’t the result of hip hop. Hip hop is just a reflection of the reality.

So to attack hip hop is to attack the symptom and not the disease.
I dunno if it's a net positive, but hip hop has definitely done positive things for black people.

It created a lane for black people to become rich and influential. That put them in position to make positive changes. Killer Mike, Jay Z, Pharrell, and many many more voices are heard because hip hop gave them money and influence. The positive things they do that benefit the black community likely wouldn't have been done, or would have been much less impactful without hip hop.
Well that’s because he must rely on hip hop to be the savior of blacks. I don’t see it as such. That’s like Mexicans thinking Mariachi bands are the ones to change the narrative on illegal immigration.

Hip hop just reflects the realities of some black people. If they are rapping about killing and doing drugs it’s because that’s what they know. Then you have to wonder, why is that what they know? Why are their living conditions leading to that reality?

I know the white ran industry is pushing that narrative, but even independent rappers are subscribing to that narrative. Why?

Bruh I think by now we all know about social ills and scarcity and stuff . Dwayne and ttbf will counter with many of our parent grew up with way less and our grandparents and the violence amongst each other was not the same level as today. I do think crime was probably much worse in the 80s.

Look I love rap and I don’t think it’s the worst thing ever. But rap been around 50 years and a lot of folks in there 40s think this generation of 20 years olds are dangerous asf. Why is that? We talk about gender wars but what genre made notches ain’t shit but how’s and tricks.

And I know y’all can bring up common and mos def types and that’s valid but we know who the most popular acts are.
I agree with the JBP take about individual success leading to community success. Which is why I don’t understand people hating black politicians like Barack, Kamala, Jeffries, etc. making it to the top of the political spectrum.

Think about it. We could have a black President, a black Speaker of the House, and a black couple (the Obamas) basically running the country. As if that’s not an accomplishment within itself.
Because many feel it's white ppl propping them up for sinister reasonings or at the least some type of selling out. Can't enjoy the accomplishments
I agree with the JBP take about individual success leading to community success. Which is why I don’t understand people hating black politicians like Barack, Kamala, Jeffries, etc. making it to the top of the political spectrum.

Think about it. We could have a black President, a black Speaker of the House, and a black couple (the Obamas) basically running the country. As if that’s not an accomplishment within itself.

It can lead to community success. My main issue is when folks try to shit that will clearly only benefit them and their immediate circle as a win for "all" just for the representation. That's my main gripe with it
I have seen

say Bruh, don’t tell me me what I rely on. @SeaSnake informed you very simply and accurate answer about my take on rap.

Shit is black and white. The art form is vastly more negative than positive and highly influential.

It’s a reason you would let your elementary school children sit in their room listening to sexy red talk about her pussy and the amount of dick.

I CAN GUARANTEE you don’t do that

That's a bad example because there's plenty of entertainment you wouldn't let a child view or hear because they're a child. All entertainment isn't and shouldn't be for any and all age groups. And it's always been like that. There's always been separations between things viewed for adults and things viewed for children. Shit you wouldn't let a child watch an R rated movie. That don't mean r rated movies are terrible. Just means all movies ain't for kids just like all music ain't for kids.

A better example would be saying you wouldn't let your child listen to any rap period. Even though there's plenty of child friendly things that utilize rap music and hip hop imagery just fine.
That's a bad example because there's plenty of entertainment you wouldn't let a child view or hear because they're a child. All entertainment isn't and shouldn't be for any and all age groups. And it's always been like that. There's always been separations between things viewed for adults and things viewed for children.

A better example would be saying you wouldn't let your child listen to any rap period. Even though there's plenty of child friendly things that utilize rap music and hip hop imagery just fine.

Not sure why you can’t understand the simple concept of “most rap music is bad and promotes negativity”

Very simple statement that can’t be argued against

But you sure is giving it your best shot.