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HipHop Hasn't Done Anything Good For Black People

I watched the whole thing and y’all doing exactly what Mouse Jones was. You can’t on one hand say hip hop is the most influential, profitable, culture shifting, etc. type of music on one hand, but then ignore all of the negative aspects of it. I’m a rapper saying this and even I had to agree with Umar
Which of my posts come across another way?
I don't have the bandwidth to go and seek them but I wouldn't lie on you brother.

If you say this was your point all along, then I believe you and like Inori just said, there's no further need to debate this point

I watched the whole thing and y’all doing exactly what Mouse Jones was. You can’t on one hand say hip hop is the most influential, profitable, culture shifting, etc. type of music on one hand, but then ignore all of the negative aspects of it. I’m a rapper saying this and even I had to agree with Umar


Fuckin wit ya… but no one is ignoring the negative aspects. What we are going against is the thread premise and the sentiment that it’s all bad and “never did good for the community”.

To be fair, I don’t view it as something that is or needs to be good or bad. It’s the other side that’s coming with the absolutes.
I didnt miss it. I feel like i've said that before and it still falls in line with my statement about whats being pushed to the mainstream is detrimental overall.

I guess where we part ways is the tossing the baby out with the bathwater type thinking you seemingly have about it. On some "these folks abusing it so fuck ALL of it"

If that aint how you feel then maybe im misinterpreting what im reading

Exactly. Idk how or why it's being conflated that not thinking the majority of hip hop influenced things is bad to mean you are denying any negative influence at all. Nobody ever said nor insinuated that.
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Fuckin wit ya… but no one is ignoring the negative aspects. What we are going against is the thread premise and the sentiment that it’s all bad and “never did good for the community”.

To be fair, I don’t view it as something that is or needs to be good or bad. It’s the other side that’s coming with the absolutes.
You can have that view

But when it comes to rap our community always tote it as black culture

On this very board it’s views that way
I see it as a REFLECTION of SOME aspects of our culture.

They rap about things they have seen or experienced first hand. Thats what we’re talking about as “real”. Not that you GOTTA be a killa or drug dealer. But is what you’re talking/rapping about something you actually relate to.

Even those things that we, here, ALL view as negative.

Gangsta rap exists because niggas was already banging.

Thot rap exists because hoes been hoeing.

Drug dealer rap exists because niggas been slanging.

Pill popper rap exists because niggas been gettin lit.

Even that Chicago Drill rap came AFTER the fact. Von ‘nem was doing play by plays of their murders on twitter well before he started rapping, as teenagers. 15, 16, 17 years old

The questions that should be asked is WHY are these the things our kids are seeing and experiencing and growing up around. Because most of these issues predate the rap music.

Yall can rattle off a dozen times a concert or club got shot up, but you’ll ignore the hundreds of times shit went off without a hitch and everybody had a good time.
not enough dancing in the rain

Like said before on here

“We need balance”

The pendulum has swung too far to the other side.
If you are going to try to defend hip hop, you can't merely point to certain benefits and think, "Case closed." You have to weigh the benefits against the costs. This shouldn't have to be said.

In my opinion, the benefits that hip hop has brought pales in comparison to the costs.

The primary costs directly concern education, and more indirectly, all the benefits that flow from a more educated black population.

Hip hop has depressed black academic achievement, and it has done this mainly by making kids give less then their full effort into their education.

There would be more black doctors, engineers, scientists and businesspeople but for hip hop.

More black businesspeople, for example, could have lead to a black Elton Musk, or a black Bill Gates.

Do you know much good even one black multibillionaire like that can do?

And that's just education. There are a lot of other costs associated with increased crime.
If you are going to try to defend hip hop, you can't merely point to certain benefits and think, "Case closed." You have to weigh the benefits against the costs. This shouldn't have to be said.

In my opinion, the benefits that hip hop has brought pales in comparison to the costs.

The primary costs directly concern education, and more indirectly, all the benefits that flow from a more educated black population.

Hip hop has depressed black academic achievement, and it has done this mainly by making kids give less then their full effort into their education.

There would be more black doctors, engineers, scientists and businesspeople but for hip hop.

More black businesspeople, for example, could have lead to a black Elton Musk, or a black Bill Gates.

Do you know much good even one black multibillionaire like that can do?

And that's just education. There are a lot of other costs associated with increased crime.

This is such a trash take. Hip hop is no more the fault of that than basketball, football, violent movies or fucking video games.

Especially since half of the Black American billionaires built their wealth through sports and hip hop.