they give you any word on the causes?
how you start clotting up bro?
thought ya'll just ate salmon and glacier water
They didnt really have a good idea. Everyone was blown away that i was in there since im in decent shape and so young. There are a few things though:
I had the leg pain well before my vacation, but on vacation we drove practically the whole time for 3 weeks. They say long trips in the car/plane are really bad. Should always try to stand and stretch out after a hour or two. They think i had the clot in my leg and the trip somehow made it break off and go to my lung.
Im pretty sure the clot in my leg was because although i go to the gym 2-3 hours 6 days a week, I leave and go to work where i sit at a desk for 8 hours and rarely move around as much as i should. I can feel my legs swelling up by lunch time most days and i cross my ankles sometimes which is a real bad habit and not recommended. Then when i get off of work, 9 times out of 10 I just head home and sit on my bed watching TV or Playing video games. This in combination with lower blood pressure doesnt allow the blood to circulate like it should so clots begin to form.
Shits pretty scary cuz the blood thinners make me feel spacey as fuck but im also not getting as much oxygen as i used to due to my lung trying to heal itself. The usual treatment is 6 months on thinners until the clot is gone, but Doc says he doesnt expect it to take that long but we will check the progress in January. If i ever get another DVT or PE I will have to be on blood thinners the rest of my life. 1 in 3 people who get a PE die and the chances of surviving another PE are pretty slim so I got to catch it as a DVT before it does.
I had thought i just had some really bad flu cuz i had the Swine Flu a few years back and had a lot of the same symptoms. Sinus pain, massive migraine, muscle pain. So i didnt go to the ER as soon as i should. Doc did the oxygen levels of my blood and said he didnt think I would have made it another day before I would basically deprive my blood and insides of oxygen and just die. My doc saw my lab results and told me to go to the ER all calm but i could tell something was seriously going on, but i had went to get coffee and was so out of it I had to take my time getting there as i was driving myself when I definitely shouldnt have lol. She called me as soon as I got to the ER and was sounding Urgent AF literally asking "Where the fuck are you? You need to go to the ER!!" (we used to work together so we have a more personal relationship lol) then as soon as i told the front desk my name they grabbed me and put me into a room for my CT scan.
Getting the injections hurt like a bitch. First day was 2 Injections in my stomach at a time every 6 hours. Then every 6 hours the remaining days they would wake me up and stick me in the stomach and the fluid was thick and burnt like a motherfucker. My stomach was bruised for about 2 months after i discharged. They were talking about sending me home with that same medicine but i told them i dunno how reliable i would be sticking myself like that so we tried oral thinners on the last day and they seemed to have my blood in the right range so they sent me home with them thankfully haha.
I feel like i can still feel clots in my Lungs and Leg, but ive been able to jog again finally without my leg hurting the next day and the swelling has gone down quite a bit so I atleast know its gotten a lot smaller.