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Yeah but if all the allies got together,numbers would beat them I think
The Battle of Qohor was a battle fought in Essos four centuries before the War of the Five Kings. In the battle, a Dothraki khalasar of 20,000 riders was decisively stopped by 3,000 Unsullied slave-soldiers before the walls of the Free City of Qohor.
Them niggaz go hard and they dgaf.
Maybe the northmen would've won but it'd be a lotta dead crackaz b4 it happened. Grey worm could've ended jon b4 it was over.
Bro just ain't know what to do with him
Them niggaz go hard and they dgaf.
Maybe the northmen would've won but it'd be a lotta dead crackaz b4 it happened. Grey worm could've ended jon b4 it was over.
Bro just ain't know what to do with him
Never heard of this battle. They shoulda made this some shit parallel to Jon uniting the north and the wildlings cuz you know they had to have beef over that.

But fuck it show over it dont matter no more
I never expected much for the finale.GOT always puts the best ep before the finale.This is actually like all GOT finales
Drogon is......
Like...the finale was really fuckin bad but I'm not mad about it. It's more funny to me than anything.

GoT still top 5. And if social media was a thing when Lost, the Sopranos, and the wire were out niggas woulda been crying about that too. But since it didnt those same ppl just moved on and the shows are still regarded as some of the best ever.

I liked the way The Wire ended. The final season wasn’t that great but the last episodes were good in my opinion.

Lost and the Sopranos would’ve had people just as pissed like you stated though. Lol
First things first.

Muthafuckin STARTSET for the WIN!!!


Now on to the episode. As I was watching it I went back and forth a few times on it being some cheesy bullshit to it's ok. At the end I'm going to have to go with it being more cheesy than anything.

Shit wasn't bittersweet at all shit was corny for real. They did Jon wrong as fuck for real. Folks really banished Jon fucking Snow. He was going to go north King or not. It's just the forced move to go north and he can't have no kids shit that fucked me up. We all know Jon gonna make some royal-wildling babies though. Fuck what them and grey worm talking bout.

Sansa was going to be queen of something. That lil bitch didn't care if it was queen of the piss pots as long as the title had queen in it she was going to be happy with it.

Arya shit blah. I get her not going back to Winterfell cause after all she is not a lady so what else is she going to do. Arya still and forever will be with all the smoke. When she put Yara in her place it a made me proud!

Bran knew the future and if he did more than whatever the fuck it was that he actually did maybe that would've fucked everything up. He was always telling people you were right where you were supposed to be. So I mean him knowing the future changing anything would mean some shit would get thrown out of wack I guess.

That was far from a good series finale but I ain't about to bitch moan and complain about it either.
I think the next 2 books will fill a lot of plot holes from the show

Bran being king makes sense as the three eyed raven b4 him was hand to the king and basically ran the country successfully for years before he was sent to the wall for doing the same puppet Bran on. This 3 eyed raven doesn't have to answer to anyone now tho

Jon basically finished his parents work. Rhaegar never wanted to be king either, just wanted peace in the kingdom. His mother wanted freedom from being a Lady. Neither one of his parents wanted anything more than endless freedom

All in all, I don't see peace lasting more than this generation. Which is cool, as long as the Nawf houses are set back right.
Also, I think Bran gonna be different in the book as he is only able to see the events from the past that happened around a weirwood tree. The more I think on it, the less likely I am to believe that he will be king in the book.

Maybe the master of whispers to Aejon court
I just was thinking this.. they pretty much did nothing with that storyline if we’re being honest

I kind of looked at like regardless of his name Jon was always who he said he wasn't which is a Stark. Just like Ned didn't want the throne and let Robert Baratheon get the throne. Jon said fuck the throne as well and was going to go back north anyway.
I’m still mad they sent Jon to castle black to appease greyworm. Kill that dude fuck his opinion.

Jon wants to be out there plus Bran said he was where he needed to be so there must be something for him to do

First he will help the wildlings settle which is cool because that's when Jon was happiest,out with the wildlings
they pooched tf out of this finale and season

I was super optimistic after the premiere even though they didn't really do anything because they earned the benefit of the doubt from me and while I thought the long night episode was pretty good, it just went downhill hard and fast after that

this season as a whole felt like a bunch of ideas that never fully come to fruition at any point. they feel hollow af and incoherent

no show is above criticism and this one ain't excluded but this season will always feel like a season of missed opportunities to me