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Goddamn this shit is on page 360 and it was on 325 when i left it yesterday. Apologies if what i'm about to say has already been said.

It's all set up for Arya to kill that crazy bitch like i said. My theory was laughed off and now look. I hope Arya puts an arrow through her eye.

Dany going crazy was the best part of the show. Certain wise posters told you this bitch's leadership skills were non-existent. Again laughed off. Now the bitch went crazy because nobody loved her lmaoooooooo. Vanity driven, self-obsessed narcissist. At no point has she ever been a suitable leader or displayed leadership skills. Indecision, a reliance on others to make big decisions for her then blaming them when things go wrong, sudden impulsive behaviour, a terrible cocktail for a leader.

Overall i was highly disappointed with this episode though. The killing of Varys was rushed. An important character like that and barely any development for his death. One scene last episode and a couple of rushed scenes this episode. Weak.

Euron and Jaime. Bullshit. Euron should have been dead from Drogon's fire first of all. He washes up ashore barely a scratch on him. Who really cared for Euron squaring off against Jaime. Then he sticks Jaime twice so that should have been the end of Jaime. Somehow Jaime is able to walk off like nothing happened. Wtf

Cleganebowl. We knew it was going to happen. The deaths of both were inevitable and yet it didn't move me like I hoped it would. The least disappointing of these events but it had no wow factor.

I've saved the worst for last Jaime and Cersei's deaths. Nevermind that Jaime should have been dead already, was the corny Romeo and Juliet death the best they could give us for these 2 scumbags? This was the first time in my 7 years of watching Game Of Thrones that I really felt cheated. Sure last season had it's shortcomings with the time jumps and all but this was no pay off for all the carnage these 2 have caused.

I never thought Game of Thrones would let me down but I have no confidence that the final episode will deliver. This shit is going the way of Boardwalk Empire, a classic that will be ruined by HBO rushing its ending.
All her moves been dumb and made purely off of emotion. She was being "plotted" against cuz she was trying to Debo a throne that she and everybody fuckin knew she didn't deserve and she wanted to kill any and everybody who knew she didn't deserve the throne.

I can't wait to see her die next week, that's the only thing that'll make up for this lackluster season.
Goldie mad his bitch got hit upside the head with rocks for a death.



The important aspect to remember is this: Cersei has never committed a single act of violence with her own hand (except slapping Joffrey) and has never been anywhere near this close to actual danger (next closest would be the riot in season 2.) You were meant to see that when finally faced with the destruction and violence , that she largely caused, she was terrified and helpless--destroys an illusion of of her as powerful or capable.

She dies in the collapse of the Red Keep, because it's the symbol of her kingdom. It's meaningless stones and it's all she has. She destroyed everything, except for the throne/castle/crown--she is the queen of the ashes, literally now.

Jaime goes back to her, because he is her emotional slave. He agreed fight for the living, he never actually intended on killing Cersei, it was always abstract. Once he was faced with undeniable evidence that she would die, he broke. No character development could overcome the advanced Stockholm Syndrome from being emotionally abused literally since the womb.

They died in each other's arms because Jaime is the last thing she destroys. They came into the world together, they left together, they act like they lived for each other, but in reality they both lived for Cersei's mental illness.

Only change I would make--have the ceiling start coming down between them when Jaime goes to check if the passage is sealed. Have them desperately trying to get to each other, screaming and wailing, have the screen go black when they're covered with one last scream each. Kinda heated Cersei got to lie to herself one last time lol
One more time if you were Team Targaryen before Season 8 you need to stand by that shit cuz I have the list of who y'all are and it's muthafuckas who calling me a turncoat but bounced mid season on Danearys. Niggas tryna talk down Danearys and claim Stark and Jon Snow now but swore by "Targ Gang Ya Bish Dragons n Shit!" Just a season ago. Niggas is full hoe and ain't shit...

I pulled up the old IC threads got me like

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It'll be way worse if I have to call niggas out !!!!

It's Targ set till the end fam.

No matter what happens, we win.

Dany crazy but she with the s**ts.

And Jon got the Targ blood. So if they ride with him, it's still a win.

Tiger Woods dont mess with miggas and basically claim the other side...

But when he wins...WE win.

Same thing.
The important aspect to remember is this: Cersei has never committed a single act of violence with her own hand (except slapping Joffrey) and has never been anywhere near this close to actual danger (next closest would be the riot in season 2.) You were meant to see that when finally faced with the destruction and violence , that she largely caused, she was terrified and helpless--destroys an illusion of of her as powerful or capable.

She dies in the collapse of the Red Keep, because it's the symbol of her kingdom. It's meaningless stones and it's all she has. She destroyed everything, except for the throne/castle/crown--she is the queen of the ashes, literally now.

Jaime goes back to her, because he is her emotional slave. He agreed fight for the living, he never actually intended on killing Cersei, it was always abstract. Once he was faced with undeniable evidence that she would die, he broke. No character development could overcome the advanced Stockholm Syndrome from being emotionally abused literally since the womb.

They died in each other's arms because Jaime is the last thing she destroys. They came into the world together, they left together, they act like they lived for each other, but in reality they both lived for Cersei's mental illness.

Only change I would make--have the ceiling start coming down between them when Jaime goes to check if the passage is sealed. Have them desperately trying to get to each other, screaming and wailing, have the screen go black when they're covered with one last scream each. Kinda heated Cersei got to lie to herself one last time lol

It's Targ set till the end fam.

No matter what happens, we win.

Dany crazy but she with the s**ts.

And Jon got the Targ blood. So if they ride with him, it's still a win.

Tiger Woods dont mess with miggas and basically claim the other side...

But when he wins...WE win.

Same thing.
Hell no! The nigga waaaayyyy more Stark than Targ

Dany gonna try to make him choose between the two and watch he choose the North
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Her goal was to sit on the Iron Throne right? So what happened between burning the entire city and the innocent people that had any effect on that outcome? Nothing. So if there was no justification to do it then you can't retroactively make one up now.

Okay so all that shit happened before. She lost her friends and she feels alone. She thinks people are plotting. Cool. How did burning any of those innocent people and the city change that? How does it put her at a position of strength? Who was plotting on her that she burned? Who did she burn that she was paranoid about? Nobody. Burning those people was the worst thing that she could've done.

I understand why you're saying she felt that way but she didn't fix or solve anything. She made it easier for her to die by doing that. And it was completely unnecessary because it changed nothing on her part.
What part of snapping and going mad is logical?????

Lol you keep tryna find a reasonable explanation for burning KL down and killing that many innocent people when there isnt one. That's the point. But everything I said about the paranoia and the propensity toward violence goes into it. She errs on the side of murder because she's a dragon and that's what they do. She's been tempered with the love and affection of her closest people in essos...she doesn't have that in Westeros and never would. So shit went boom.
Rewatching now......

I hope we dont get a full trailer b4 the week is out. That teaser is enough!
It's Targ set till the end fam.

No matter what happens, we win.

Dany crazy but she with the s**ts.

And Jon got the Targ blood. So if they ride with him, it's still a win.

Tiger Woods dont mess with miggas and basically claim the other side...

But when he wins...WE win.

Same thing.


so for that death pool @shutupGabi on who wins Cleganebowl... does that win go to the Hound since he's the one that pushed the mountain off even tho he fell too? lol
so for that death pool @shutupGabi on who wins Cleganebowl... does that win go to the Hound since he's the one that pushed the mountain off even tho he fell too? lol
Damn I gotta think about that...I'll probly just end up giving everybody a freebie or splitting the points. Unless somebody comes with something better...
so for that death pool @shutupGabi on who wins Cleganebowl... does that win go to the Hound since he's the one that pushed the mountain off even tho he fell too? lol

Hold up...I think one of my predictions came true.

Jaime DID die tryin to protect Cersei...wit his dumb azzz
It was actually a post on A Forum of Ice and Fire where I saw this. This was posted way back in July of 2018. Those who say there was no foreshadowing prior to this season or even last season are simply wrong. The author also alludes to how some of what Dany did was congratulated, even justified at times. However, it still lends itself to her eventual mad turn.

I was going to copy and paste from the original read in a spoiler tag, but that too much work. The original post url is below.
Fasho ima read this later