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First shot of Varys writing on a scroll it was light out...

last shot of Varys was at night time... that nigga sent some ravens somewhere

IDk who can do shit about it though.They gonna need some scorpions and now that dany has a home,good luck with trying to surprise her.
Tyrion is an idiot now because he gave GREAT advice & the other person chose not to listen to it ? LOLOLOLOLOL the irony..... Cersei's death was poetic - her kingdom came crashing down on her.

You of all im not surprised you mad, you were a hardcore theory warrior too LOLOLL. The information is right in front of yall you just chose to ignore it because you have a preference for how YOU want it to end. A few pages ago you wanted Bran to be the NK, Jon to kill the NK & thought Dany had more dragons LOLOLOLOL iuno fam.

You're confusing what I'm saying. I'm saying that the writers have gone out of their way to make everything Tyrion does look like a mistake after he was clearly one of the smartest characters on the show the first 6 seasons. I mean everything he does is out of character for him. He's not even using logic anymore and there's no justification for it.

And this is not about theories being right or wrong. Any theory or prediction was just my opinion and I never said that I would be upset if they did or didn't happen. My gripes are not with the results they're with the process. You're confusing people not liking how the writers are tying the story together with people being upset about theories. Those two things are not the same.

What does not liking how we didn't see Cersi's death or Jon telling the Starks who he is have o do with a theory? Nothing. The writers themselves have contradicted themselves in their own interviews and have shown that this season was rushed even though they had two whole ass years to do it so what's wrong with people pointing out the flaws? Pointing out the flaws doesn't men that you're upset about a theory or prediction. It could be as simple as you not liking how the story is being written. It has flaws.
You're confusing what I'm saying. I'm saying that the writers have gone out of their way to make everything Tyrion does look like a mistake after he was clearly one of the smartest characters on the show the first 6 seasons. I mean everything he does is out of character for him. He's not even using logic anymore and there's no justification for it.

And this is not about theories being right or wrong. Any theory or prediction was just my opinion and I never said that I would be upset if they did or didn't happen. My gripes are not with the results they're with the process. You're confusing people not liking how the writers are tying the story together with people being upset about theories. Those two things are not the same.

What does not liking how we didn't see Cersi's death or Jon telling the Starks who he is have o do with a theory? Nothing. The writers themselves have contradicted themselves in their own interviews and have shown that this season was rushed even though they had two whole ass years to do it so what's wrong with people pointing out the flaws? Pointing out the flaws doesn't men that you're upset about a theory or prediction. It could be as simple as you not liking how the story is being written. It has flaws.
Nah, I think mitherfuckers just became smarter than Tyrion. Like Olenna said, he thinks he's the most cleverest nigga in the room. So did LF. So did Varys.

The problem is, he showed his hand to to many ppl and its biting him

That and his bleeding heart. He should have been the first on board with burning KL after his trial
Nah, I think mitherfuckers just became smarter than Tyrion. Like Olenna said, he thinks he's the most cleverest nigga in the room. So did LF. So did Varys.

The problem is, he showed his hand to to many ppl and its biting him

That and his bleeding heart. He should have been the first on board with burning KL after his trial

He had no problem with KL, he just had a problem with his sister so why would he want the whole thing burned to the ground
Nigga please watched the show and read the books from the jump. There is not one instance if dany doing any crazy murder shit until last night. There was no foreshadowing of madness other than people saying Targs go mad. She never killed an innocent. She been traumatized since the first season but didnt snap until Kings Landing? Youre a newb
In short, dany didnt show signs of madness, she showed signs of brutality whether they were justified or not. Which, in the grand scheme of things, is not uncalled for. Everyone has to have some brutality to get ahead in that world. But she showed signs of understanding that being nice is not what worked. She was really over it by the time she got to Westeros and lady olenna already told her what time it was.

She knew she had been betrayed and that everything that grounded her was gone and that made her paranoid and desperate. If she didnt take KL when she did, she woulda surely been killed.
I'm thinking maybe she was aiming for any and all troops and since the troops were running with the regular people Dany said fuck it and roasted them all.. Or....

She just said fuck alla them niggas and roasted em all

But Tyrion told her the bell means that they surrender. They dropped their swords. She looked down and saw that. The people were running before she started burning the city. They were running in fear while she was just sitting there. She looked up at the tower where Cersi was as if she was going to head straight there but instead she burned innocent people that already surrendered to her. There was absolutely no action taken against her after they breached the walls to justify her burning everything in sight.

All of these theories about foreshadowing or it being in her blood doesn't make a difference. She independently made a choice at that very moment that burning innocent people was what she wanted to do and we don't know what she based it off of but whatever reason she has is not justifiable because they surrendered and she watched them do it. She put a target on her back and she's too dumb to see that Jon has just as much power as she does since Drogon knows who he is so she could easily get got.
In short, dany didnt show signs of madness, she showed signs of brutality whether they were justified or not. Which, in the grand scheme of things, is not uncalled for. Everyone has to have some brutality to get ahead in that world. But she showed signs of understanding that being nice is not what worked. She was really over it by the time she got to Westeros and lady olenna already told her what time it was.

She knew she had been betrayed and that everything that grounded her was gone and that made her paranoid and desperate. If she didnt take KL when she did, she woulda surely been killed.

Only thing I didnt get was her going on a rampage AFTER they had already surrendered.

I could see if she was losing and said fuck it but she just snapped after they had already won.

Dah well lol
In short, dany didnt show signs of madness, she showed signs of brutality whether they were justified or not. Which, in the grand scheme of things, is not uncalled for. Everyone has to have some brutality to get ahead in that world. But she showed signs of understanding that being nice is not what worked. She was really over it by the time she got to Westeros and lady olenna already told her what time it was.

She knew she had been betrayed and that everything that grounded her was gone and that made her paranoid and desperate. If she didnt take KL when she did, she woulda surely been killed.

How can you say being nice is not what worked when up until she started burning the innocent people she literally got everything that she wanted. She made it to KL and the people surrendered to her. If anything she could've went directly for Cersi. She could've literally got everything that she still ended up getting without burning the innocent people so I'm confused where the justification is coming from?

You said she would've been killed anyway? How and by who? She still could've taken KL without burning the people. Who did she take out last night would've killed her? If she didn't take that person out then why didn't she do it then?
Only thing I didnt get was her going on a rampage AFTER they had already surrendered.

I could see if she was losing and said fuck it but she just snapped after they had already won.

Dah well lol

And the only reason I'm seeing people justifying her snapping like that is for a buildup of old shit that would not have made a difference in her taking KL. She bust in the door and sprayed the whole clip after the people already dropped their weapons and put their hands behind their backs but she killed them anyway because they did bad things in the past or they didn't like her.