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How can you say being nice is not what worked when up until she started burning the innocent people she literally got everything that she wanted. She made it to KL and the people surrendered to her. If anything she could've went directly for Cersi. She could've literally got everything that she still ended up getting without burning the innocent people so I'm confused where the justification is coming from?

You said she would've been killed anyway? How and by who? She still could've taken KL without burning the people. Who did she take out last night would've killed her? If she didn't take that person out then why didn't she do it then?
Fam...how did she get the unsullied and her main bitch missandei. By burning that one nigga alive and telling them to kill their masters.

How did she get the dothraki...the first time it was by drogo scrambling her brother's brains with molten gold and then walking out of fire with 3 dragons. The second time it was by burning the khals alive.

How did she conquer dragon's bay...by using the damn dragons.

How did she get the tyrells and dorne as allies...by promising fire and blood.

None of them Ws came at peaceful negotiations. Playing nice when you have 3 dragons has not gotten her anywhere near the iron throne. Using brute force has.

As far as her snapping, there's no logic behind that so there's nothing to try to figure out. But like dany said last ep to sansa, the longer she waits the stronger her enemies would've gotten. We dont know how long it took them to build them ballistas, but they could've built more had she waited, which means drogon woulda also died. As long as the information of jon being the true heir was out there and her recognizing the people would never be devoted to her like they would him....we can guess a few people would wana see her gone behind that. She wanted to be loved and no one would give her that in Westeros. Might as well make everyone too afraid to think about coming at her neck.
Last week Euron and his fleet easily took our Rhaegal with no problems. This week that same fleet now armed with bout 7 scorpions sitting stationary on the top of a wall all easily get destroyed by Drogon? Okay.

It's not that I have a problem with the end result. I have a problem with things not making sense from week to week. Just like I can't get over how Varys and Tyrion were the two smartest characters on the show and they're both complete idiots now. They make Tyrion look like a complete fool. Varys is known for getting the fuck outta dodge so the way he went out is not very believable if you follow the story. There's no way he would've still been there. he's too smart to make such a simple mistake. It's like the plot for both of those characters was completely scrapped.

Where was Greyworm's helmet? Were they trying to send a message with him fighting without it? Why shy away from the obvious friction he had with Jon? You can tell from the way he gave Jon the side eye when he walked outta the room with Dany that he was feeling some type of way. What the fuck did Jon do to Greyworm? Jon's noble ass supported everything that Dany did to that point so why is Greyworm giving Jon heat?

There was a helluva lot of Dothraki last night too.......

Why did Arya get more screen time than Dany riding Drogon? We barely saw her ass on the dragon. No dialogue at all. Just a quick 10 second stare.

I'm not upset that Cersi died and I'm not even really upset at how she died. I'm upset that they did the same thing with Cersi's death that they did when Jon told Sansa and Arya who he really is. They cut away from it. Why? Those were the two biggest moments in the entire series and we didn't get to see either one of them. That's a huge fail IMO.

Also the Euron and Jamie fight was all fucked up because of what Euron said. We can clearly see that he looked confused when Tyrion mentioned Cersi's baby last week and it's like he totally forgot about it. They could've tied that up better Even if they wanted it to lead to the same result.

The biggest problems I have with the show is not the results it's the process to get there. A bunch of missing information and bullshit that simply doesn't tie together. In order to believe some of these processes you have to not believe some other ones and it just doesn't work like that.

As for the fleet...you gotta remember Dany was flying high and head on towards KL during the 1st encounter. Plus, she wasn't expecting the scorpions. Which is why it caught her off guard. 2nd time around was more strategic.

As for her dialogue...not sure what you would want her to say. Did you want her to do a like Serpento in "GI Joe the Movie" and yell out


Not quite sure what dialogue needs to be said at that moment.

As for Cersei's death...I mean everything collapsed on them. Not sure what else you need to see. Did you wanna see their bodies lying in rubble just to confirm she died?
Varys and Trigger were the GOAT courtiers. Varys is interesting in that he did the right thing and was crucified for it. Think of how many real life examples we can make connections to of that happening to people. How poetic "don't shoot the messenger".

Triggerfinger had everything he wanted and threw it away to continue causing strife that didn't need to happen.
Nah LF was not that nigga...at all. Lmao

The thing with that is that those actions were somewhat commendable. Even staring deadpan at her brother when he got his golden crown....that nigga was trash and wasnt gon be missed. And her threatened her several times.

I've seen a lot of talk about how she treated the slavers in mereen the leading up to this ep but again, I commended those moves. She tried to do what was right by the people by listening to the concerns of hundreds everyday and locking up her dragons. She put a cease fire on harming the masters cuz she wanted peace...then that slave dude violated it and she had to kill him.

Meanwhile the sons of the harpy was still attacking her and none of the masters admitted it nor did they stop it. In danys eyes, if none of yall are responsible then all yall are responsible. She reopened the fighting pits as a gesture of good faith - they tried to kill her and drogon there and they fled the city....Tyrion brokered a reasonable peace offering of 7 yrs to get their shit together at no financial loss to them. But even grey worm and missandei advised him against it because force is the only thing they'd respond to. Once again, them niggas attacked the city in danys absence. Like at what point is dany allowed to punish people who have drawn the line in the sand against her?

Even her burning the tarlys was fine by me cuz killing traitors to prevent future insurrection is common practice.

I wouldn't necessarily say all those things were foreshadowing she'd go mad...cuz she was "winning" for the most part before hitting Westeros so it wasnt apparent. I will say that some things spoke more to how she had to be pushed and prodded to doing the "right" thing and not using force from jump. But ultimately force got her point across quicker and with less pushback and fuckery along the way. If all she needed was a fuck it attitude and drogon, KL and the 7 kingdoms woulda been hers in s3. But had she did the diplomatic shit and won the war, who knows how many more personal losses she woulda suffered doing it that way. Fuck it take the straight line approach and be done with it.

I don't necessarily disagree... But those aren't necessarily the things I would point to. I read an article recently that spelled it out very well. I'll see if I can find it again...

It was actually a post on A Forum of Ice and Fire where I saw this. This was posted way back in July of 2018. Those who say there was no foreshadowing prior to this season or even last season are simply wrong. The author also alludes to how some of what Dany did was congratulated, even justified at times. However, it still lends itself to her eventual mad turn.

I was going to copy and paste from the original read in a spoiler tag, but that too much work. The original post url is below.
Fam...how did she get the unsullied and her main bitch missandei. By burning that one nigga alive and telling them to kill their masters.

How did she get the dothraki...the first time it was by drogo scrambling her brother's brains with molten gold and then walking out of fire with 3 dragons. The second time it was by burning the khals alive.

How did she conquer dragon's bay...by using the damn dragons.

How did she get the tyrells and dorne as allies...by promising fire and blood.

None of them Ws came at peaceful negotiations. Playing nice when you have 3 dragons has not gotten her anywhere near the iron throne. Using brute force has.

As far as her snapping, there's no logic behind that so there's nothing to try to figure out. But like dany said last ep to sansa, the longer she waits the stronger her enemies would've gotten. We dont know how long it took them to build them ballistas, but they could've built more had she waited, which means drogon woulda also died. As long as the information of jon being the true heir was out there and her recognizing the people would never be devoted to her like they would him....we can guess a few people would wana see her gone behind that. She wanted to be loved and no one would give her that in Westeros. Might as well make everyone too afraid to think about coming at her neck.

All of those instances were justified and didn't require her to go Mad Queen to do them. None of them required her to go crazy. they were done with justification. Everything she did up until burning those innocent people in KL was done with justification so how can you compare what she did in the past to yesterday? They were not done in the same light. All of those people mentioned previously did something. What did the people do las night other than surrender?
As for Cersei's death...I mean everything collapsed on them. Not sure what else you need to see. Did you wanna see their bodies lying in rubble just to confirm she died?

Considering the fact that Arya had multiple buildings fall on her and she survived uhh..yes I would've liked to see if Cersi and Jamie were actually killed. By that logic Arya dies 5 times last night then.
As for Cersei's death I completely get that the story didnt mean anything once dany started burning the city. She's a dragon and dragons are to be used exactly for that - burning and destroying anything in its path. KL was done for so giving Cersei this dramatic, rewarding death at the hands of arya or jaime in the midst of all that woulda been pointless. Like really who would've cared she was gonna die anyway.

HOWEVER....I would've liked to see Dany find Cersei and keep her alive and captive somewhere til she got done doing what mad queens do...then make a spectacle of her death at the beginning of next ep on some o ren shit

@Los216 fam you my nigga but are you watching the show nigga ? Get off them dayum YouTube Game of Thrones theory videos LOLOLOLOLOL

They got you looking crazy out chea dayum

Why do you keep bringing up theories? I'm not talking about a single theory. I'm talking about how the writers are going from A to B and it's looking funny in the light. The way they're trying to tie all of this together is looking trash and that's what I'm complaining about. Not theories. I'm complaining about how they're trying to make this make sense.
@Los216 fam you my nigga but are you watching the show nigga ? Get off them dayum YouTube Game of Thrones theory videos LOLOLOLOLOL

They got you looking crazy out chea dayum

Brotha must be piecing together these gifs like Du, and going off what happened based of those. Lol!
As for Cersei's death I completely get that the story didnt mean anything once dany started burning the city. She's a dragon and dragons are to be used exactly for that - burning and destroying anything in its path. KL was done for so giving Cersei this dramatic, rewarding death at the hands of arya or jaime in the midst of all that woulda been pointless. Like really who would've cared she was gonna die anyway.

HOWEVER....I would've liked to see Dany find Cersei and keep her alive and captive somewhere til she got done doing what mad queens do...then make a spectacle of her death at the beginning of next ep on some o ren shit

If we go off of what Dany has been saying then her goal was to kill Cersi but she never made an attempt and she had plenty of chances. She was to caught up in her Mad Queen high to focus on the target.
All of those instances were justified and didn't require her to go Mad Queen to do them. None of them required her to go crazy. they were done with justification. Everything she did up until burning those innocent people in KL was done with justification so how can you compare what she did in the past to yesterday? They were not done in the same light. All of those people mentioned previously did something. What did the people do las night other than surrender?
You not reading fam....lol.

Yes all of those things were justified. I was the main one justifying them. But how is it being lost on you that when she resorts to violence that's the only time shit gets done. How is it being lost on you that all of her closest people are dead, she's completely alone, and knows she was being plotted on. She's paranoid and paranoia is one of the main signs something is about to go left with a person...
You not reading fam....lol.

Yes all of those things were justified. I was the main one justifying them. But how is it being lost on you that when she resorts to violence that's the only time shit gets done. How is it being lost on you that all of her closest people are dead, she's completely alone, and knows she was being plotted on. She's paranoid and paranoia is one of the main signs something is about to go left with a person...

Her goal was to sit on the Iron Throne right? So what happened between burning the entire city and the innocent people that had any effect on that outcome? Nothing. So if there was no justification to do it then you can't retroactively make one up now.

Okay so all that shit happened before. She lost her friends and she feels alone. She thinks people are plotting. Cool. How did burning any of those innocent people and the city change that? How does it put her at a position of strength? Who was plotting on her that she burned? Who did she burn that she was paranoid about? Nobody. Burning those people was the worst thing that she could've done.

I understand why you're saying she felt that way but she didn't fix or solve anything. She made it easier for her to die by doing that. And it was completely unnecessary because it changed nothing on her part.